July 26, 2013 - 1:49am — lucky24
although i know much of the endless forest i do not know other things also
i seen many of our members of the community post art ,sadly i do not know how to .does anyone posted art before and knows how to? its would really be helpful
thank you for the answers
[img]URL here[/img]
i will try thank you for the
im terrible at this
in order to post your artwork
for example : [img] (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/193/d/9/emorie_by_midnight_rose116-d6d7elf.png) [/img]
Do not add the ( )'s and keep the code right up against the web page url to get your image...like below.
Also always remember that the second bracket will have a / in front of the img. This closes the link.
The picture i used was something i created and is my character Emorie.
Hope this helped.
thanks i hope this works