Pelt Vote
September 24, 2010 - 4:16pm — Havak
GAH! I know you guys are probably sick of seeing these. =X
But I really can't decide. =D
RP/What he really looks like

Noh Pelt

Fan Pelt

Gray Pelt

Zombie Pelt

And sorry to Virgil for making him think Havak suddenly sprung antlers. =3 Just wanted a pelt. SORRY! /giggles/ Also sorry to the doppleganger in the 2nd picture. I started laughing when you came up and I knew I'd get that reaction from you. Sorry to you too! =) Thank you to you VCG and Estme /I believe that was you/.
Oh! Sorry I didn't
Sorry I didn't understand you right haha. We was confused about the antlers, and didn't realize you wanted a pelt. So sorry for stealing the does from ya... ^^;
Hmm, try the gray pelt. ^^
or the DotD pelt?
/laughs/ It's okay really! =D
:] No problem. and Yeah the
EDIT!: I just noticed your using sleeping Teffy to get the pelt.
D'aww! Thank you for letting
Yeah, I'd probably also be
=O I have the whole halloween
Hm. I say, either the grey
/laughs/ I'd have to say that
I see potential in all. =/
So really my question is....which one says 'Havak' more to you?
Grey one. :3
I'd say Fan Pelt. I don't
Thank you Nopje! Thank you
Fan 1
Gray 1
gray gray gray.
Grey. :D
Thank you Teffy! Thank you
Fan 1
Gray 3
Please vote if you read this. Thank you! =D
I like the fan 8D
Thank you Lev! =3 Fan 2 Gray
Fan 2
Gray 3
Please vote! =D
I like the Noh. 83 Though I
Though I also like the Fan and Zombie too. -shot-
Based on the drawing of what
It's so hard to choose! D:
I vote grey. I would have said Zombie, but Zombie + skull + candles seems like a tired combination...