{edit} Are you ready?
The second part of the second party is coming up so don't worry- if you missed the activities at 12am PST (3am EST/7am GMT) there are more at 12pm PST (3pm EST/7pm GMT)! {/edit}
{World Clock is
{Edit again: Thanks all for coming to the 2nd event, it was fun! There are screenshots here!}
I was really happy to see many people turn out for the event! Of course it wasn't an ABIOGENESIS, although we did get some spooky fog.

I think I was secretly hoping for a surprise appearance by the Twin Gods and so I did not plan any activities, and now I see this was quite a mistake.
Next weekend's party for the path will be much different I hope, here are my ideas-
+ Meeting at the Twin Gods statue and trying to turn all the deer devout.
+ A run though the forest to each landmark after all the deer are turned white.
+ "Simon says" in the Ruins.
For people who do not remember the old games of Simon says, basically one deer stands in front of the group and leads different actions until another player is picked as Simon. It's also a great way to learn to air-sit and rofl-flip!
If you missed today's little party there is always next weekend on the 21st! I promise to log in and start some activities at 12 midnight (Friday night PST) and 12 noon (Saturday noon PST) that day. I will keep mentioning these "new" times everywhere!
In the mean time, enjoy some screenshots of this first party!
Thanks again for coming to my first-ever event.
The next one will be more fun, I promise!
March 21st is the next party, this time with planned events at 12am PST and 12 noon PST- watch for further news!
Sambreel was there, even
That's good! Sorry I didn't
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Arn't they all?
2 hours? Shit, by then I'll
No worries though! I'm gonna
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It's the 21st today! :3 I'll
I'm in England, is that 12-noon? I'm sorry I'm not the best with GMT and other stuff, looll O.O"
Meet Quilha | Meet Nar | Meet Byrd
Can you post the world clock
Nala, the kind and oh so playful little butterfly doe.
Oh yes, I will! Sorry guys-
HERE is the clock!
The party is actually starting now!
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