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(Pronounced "Key-La" or "Quill-ah")
Quilha is a beautiful ten year old doe, she carries the doe antlers and the orange/tiger-like pelt with no mask. Quilha's personality reflects the years of time she has spent in the Endless Forest. She can be quite a loner, separate from the larger herds of deer, and not the most energetic and fun doe to be around at times. Despite this, she is also very patient and caring. She loves most of the individuals in the Forest, although she can sometimes find it hard to join in, as she feels she doesn't really have much to give. This shouldn't be mistaken with shyness though; Quilha will protect those she loves, especially her foster son, Nar, with her life. Her love for Nar is as endless as the Forest itself; the two are considered inseperable. Quilha has experienced a lot of things over her life so far; she believes that life has a lot to offer. At times it seems as though she is almost waiting for something new to happen, for something to change in the Forest. She loves to meet new deer, and welcomes young fawns and deer to the Forest with her warm heart. She's a doe that can be relied on for many things. She's a persistant lover and looks out for everyone; she loves the feeling of family bonds. Quilha believes that the Endless Forest could never be a home without the wonderful deer she shares it with.
A very big thanks to Density for the picture of Quilha