peacock costume --Density
sun costume --- Pinkpaws40
water goddess costume-----Animal Artist
fire costume-----Star Bright5000
nightshade costume-----Vira
courtjester 1------ this is red and black----- sqeegie
courtjester2---- this is blue and green--
courtjester3----- purple and a rose color----
moon costume---- Mrs Halloween
These are costume ideas i thought of now its time for you to claim one of them .
Once you do i will add your picto to the design. ( i did this cause it was rather hard for me to choose which picto would go with what costume) I will do another auction when i get more ideas.
rainbow---Dannii ^sketch done
KIrin---- Verdalas ^ sketch done
Request---( if you want me to do a costume design based on your deer all you need to do is tell me)
Owl costume for Xpa.
Might I be able to donate
here's Vira's Picto
Nightshade costume yus? |D
Dib's Bio
Xpa's Bio
Can you do my picto the fire
Could you use my picto for
Picto is here :3
|x- Laurette's Biography -x|
+--- Lexus Adastria's Biography ---+
You could use my picto for
^To my Updates! See who's online!^
Cool! no money
Feed Me!
could you do an owl costume
Dib's Bio
Xpa's Bio
My deer Squeegie, His Picto
Could I have the moon
Sure just tell me which one
The first if that's alright.
Cool! no money though... You
You have to pay for this? o-o...
|x- Laurette's Biography -x|
+--- Lexus Adastria's Biography ---+
sure the first is all right;
Phew.. o-o I'm sure they'll
I'm sure they'll turn out amazingly!
|x- Laurette's Biography -x|
+--- Lexus Adastria's Biography ---+
OO! I'm so excited! 8DD
No problem