omg I met so many deer tonight!

Thought I'd go for my usual night stroll, see if anyone's around.

Yeah I like these horns. I don't think I can put flowers on them though but they do look kinda cool.

Oh hey I'm not alone! Good evening/temporal greeting appropriate to your timezone!

there's more? Hi there!

actually now that more deer awake than I've ever seen! Hey everyone, lovely to see you all! Saater, always great to see you! Is that Eris over there too? And more pictos than I know, I'm going to have to be looking those up...

Hey Widmung, lovely to see you too! How cool is this seeing so many deer here!

Frolicking ensues, much to my delight.

At one point I stopped to take a screenshot and everything got a bit laggy and I managed to lose everyone and had to run around the whole forest until I found you all again. Daft ox. Haha. I was so pleased to get back to you all.

And I got utterly blasted with forest magic again and again Laughing out loud

I got to try a bunch of cool new looks.

BLAM! Hit with the glow again. This is so much fun Laughing out loud

Then we all had a bit of a dance. Forest rave haha!

During all this I am absolutely grinning like a bastard, I should add.

How cool does Saater look here with the light coming from their antlers. Look at that!

At times everyone was just glowing. It was quite magical!

I really didn't expect to have so much company. I never have before and it was lovely! (If a bit laggy at times, old software is old, but how lovely it is nonetheless) Smiling

Thank you all for spending time with the n00b. It is much appreciated and once more I am heading to bed with a smile and a peaceful feeling.

Goodnight all! And I look forward to seeing you all again soon! <3

<3 <3

ahh!! it was so lovely to

ahh!! it was so lovely to play with you again Yak!!! <3 the white deer with the long mask and candle antlers is Valaire and she is my main deer!! it was such fun casting spells on you and playing dress up with you Yak!! i'm so happy a lot of us happened to be on tonight !! <33 thank you for posting these screenshots!!

Signature by Fernelescent

It was crazy fun. Thank you

It was crazy fun. Thank you for the lovely photos! And I'm really glad you've made up your mind about the horns.

Signature by Fernelescent

Yak, it was great seeing you

Yak, it was great seeing you again! I missed you the last couple of times you were online but I'm happy I finally got to see you grown. Thank you for all the screenshots, it was so much fun today.

Signature by Saater

Widmung's picture

More marvelous screenshots!

More marvelous screenshots! Idea Thank you for sharing the fun moments!
It was wonderful seeing you again with the whole group! We just had a blast! Laughing out loud
I look forward to seeing you again really soon! I'm glad that you had fun with us! Smiling

The ram horns are perfect for your character!
Signature by Saater

I am happy I got to meet

I am happy I got to meet Valaire, just as I was happy to meet Leera a few days ago. It was so much fun with so many deer around. Valaire looked so striking with that set, really beautiful. I am happy people enjoy the screenshots, as I enjoy making them and I also enjoy looking at them again later, to remind myself of good times and the deer that I encountered there Smiling
I am just an ox.
Signature by Saater

it was super fun! And yes, I

it was super fun! And yes, I think the ram horns suit me very well, and are absolutely appropriate for me as well. I just now have to decide on pelt and mask, and at the moment I am inclining towards the light grey pelt which, in combination with the horns, gives me a somewhat mountain-sheep appearance. There are a couple of others that take my fancy too so the jury is still out, but that's how I'm thinking right now.

I look forward to more good times (and photos) <3
I am just an ox.
Signature by Saater

It was lovely to see you

It was lovely to see you again too, and such a blast hanging out with you all! Hopefully soon I'll have a bit more time to spend in the forest and I hope to see a bit more of everyone!

And yes it is nice being grown, being a fawn is undoubtedly super cute but it's nice now to have the opportunity to build a style for my deer Smiling
I am just an ox.
Signature by Saater

Always lovely to see you

Always lovely to see you Widmung. I think you were the first deer I distinctly remember interacting with me when I was a new fawn, you stopped by and blasted magic on me when I didn't even really understand what was going on, only that I was enjoying seeing all the changes to my appearance Smiling.

Everyone I've met here has been so nice, and full of art and creativity. I am so glad I found you all. <3
I am just an ox.
Signature by Saater