Old Bio Archive/Inspiration Dump

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Sulwyn: Star-gazer

Name: Sulwyn (SUL-win)

Nickname(s): Sully, Sul, Prancey Pants

Title(s): The Starlit Witch

Associated with: Stars, light, light-related magic, fireflies, energy, dawn and dusk, hope, guidance.

Gender: Doe

Birthday: November 17th

Age: Young Adult

Size: 32

Set: Fan Pelt, Real Deer Mask, Gazelle Antlers. *
She has light gold, luminescent eyes. When light is low, the gold stripes on her pelt magically shimmer like gold or glow like fireflies, depending on her mood. The fur on her legs, face, ears, and tail is slightly darker than the fur on her neck and torso.
Her set has remained unchanged since I created her in 2008, though she did go through a phase of having the noh "doe" antlers.

Picto: The Eternal Flame
Formerly, Sulwyn's pictogram was a "y" in a box, but that was an account I shared with a friend. Since the "Eternal Flame" picto was the first one I chose by myself (for Sulwyn's sister, Aris), I'm going to use it for Sulwyn from now on, and Aris will get a new picto along with a design rehaul.

"An eternal flame is a flame, lamp or torch that burns continuously for an indefinite period. Most eternal flames are ignited and tended intentionally, but some are natural phenomena caused by natural gas leaks, peat fires and coal seam fires, all of which can be initially ignited by lightning, piezoelectricity or human activity, some of which have burned for thousands of years.

In ancient times, human-tended eternal flames were fueled by wood or olive oil; modern examples usually use a piped supply of propane or natural gas. Human-created eternal flames most often commemorate a person or event of national significance, serve as a symbol of an enduring nature such as a religious belief, or a reminder of commitment to a common goal, such as international peace." *

Personality: Intelligent, fearless, loyal, fiercely independent. Friendly, though not exceedingly social except during holidays and events. Possesses a sharp wit, with sarcasm and cynicism to match. Though she projects a generally thick-skinned persona, she does have a softer side- she would go to any lengths to protect those she cares about. A bit aloof at times, she often prefers to keep to herself, particularly if she is feeling down. Though her anger is infrequent, her temper can be wicked, manifesting in brooding, aggression, jealousy, and possessiveness if she perceives her trust has been betrayed or if her personal space is not respected when she wishes to be let alone. Furthermore, she can be exceedingly stubborn and cranky if she doesn't get her beauty sleep.

As she is now, Sulwyn is less caustic and more nurturing than she was when she was younger. She forgives more easily, and doesn't hold grudges as long, if she ever develops any. She has matured a great deal since her first visit to the forest, and her main priority now is to give back to the community that has given her so much.

Story: Sulwyn has been in The Endless Forest for a long time, coming and going as she pleases. Her magic is drawn from the stars, and is used not to attack, but merely to bring light to dark and lonely places.
Originally I conceived of the character as a human witch who took the form of a doe to hide from her persecutors. Though I now think of her as just a deer (albeit a magical one), she still retains the title of witch for this reason.

Likes: The night sky. The smell of moss. Dandelions. The rumble of a rainstorm. Willow trees. Running through tall grass. Mushrooms. Fireflies. The hum of insects. Resting in the meadows of purple flowers. Sleeping under the angled rock at the playground. Scratching against thorns. Butterflies. The sheltering boughs of shady trees. Idling on the bridge. The sound of running water. The chill of fall air.

Dislikes: Tree stumps. Sharp rocks. Slimy frogs. Worms. Grubs. Centipedes. Mud. Biting insects. Feeling crowded or enclosed. Ice. Gravelly or sandy surfaces. Molehills. Being woken up. Swimming. Exceedingly noisy people. Being spell-spammed.

Art Gallery: Check out Sulwyn's gallery on Toyhouse!

Taodrak: Wind-listener

Name: Taodrak (TAU-drak)

Nickname(s): Tao

Title(s): Ancient One, Oracle, Seer

Associated with: Prayer flags, wind, voices, mountains.

Gender: Male-ish, but kind of undead so it's pretty irrelevant for him.

Birthday: February 10th

Age: Ancient

Size: 11

Set: Inky Koi Pelt, Zombie Deer Mask, Candle Antlers.*
He has thick, fluffy calico fur which catches the air of a breeze, making him look as though he could blow away. His antlers most often bear prayer flags or candles.
As alternates to his main set in-game, he sometimes wears the Long Mask on his face, and/or wears flowers on his antlers. An undead mystic needs style points.

Picto: The Kite

"Kites have a long and varied history and many different types are flown individually and at festivals worldwide. Kites may be flown for recreation, art or other practical uses.... Kites were invented in China, where materials ideal for kite building were readily available: silk fabric for sail material; fine, high-tensile-strength silk for flying line; and resilient bamboo for a strong, lightweight framework." *

Personality: Wise, contemplative, and a bit mischievous. In spite of being so old that he's pretty much fur and bones, he has some spring left in his step. He loves to play tricks on others, and to tell jokes. His voice is very distinctive thanks to his decayed vocal chords; a high-pitched, hoarse laugh, a dry, wheezy cough, hisses, clicks, and rattles are just a few of the sounds he makes depending on his mood.

Taodrak sometimes seems a bit confused, or disillusioned with reality- probably because he is old as dirt, and reality seems overly familiar. He often tries to interact with idols, rocks, or gravestones, even though this venture has never proved successful for him. Additionally, he communes with the fish in the lake, and often insists that they speak to him. Rest assured, his eccentricities are harmless, and even rather endearing once you get to know the old stag.

Story: Taodrak was, in life, a sort of mystic or monk who lived high in the mountains. When he died, his body became naturally mummified, and his spirit never left it. He lingers on, going from one place to another like paper in the wind.

Likes: Stone structures. Naps. Poorly-maintained trails. Ruins. Mist. Incense. Curls of smoke. Bright colors. Hot springs. Drums. Festivals. Meditating. Collecting interesting tidbits hoarding junk.

Dislikes: Hot weather. Having an inflexible schedule/strict time obligations. Negativity. Having his jaw fall off (sometimes happens when eating/vocalizing).

Art Gallery: Check out Taodrak's gallery on Toyhouse!

Lazaros: Plague-breather

Name: Lazaros (LAZ-ar-os)

Nickname(s): Laz

Title(s): The Vigil-keeper, Undertaker

Associated with: Disease, palliative medicine, death, dying, rats, funerary rites.

Gender: Stag

Birthday: October 4th

Age: Adult

Size: 7

Set: Space Beluga Pelt, Magpie Mask, Swan Antlers. *
He has an inky, indigo colored pelt with white markings that resemble a ribcage, only accentuated by his lanky build. His fur is short, sleek, and silky. His antlers are glossy and ebony in color. His mask is that of a plague doctor.

Picto: The Mortar and Pestle

"A mortar and pestle is a kitchen device used since ancient times to prepare ingredients or substances by crushing and grinding them into a fine paste or powder....Mortars and pestles were traditionally used in pharmacies to crush various ingredients prior to preparing an extemporaneous prescription." *

Personality: Reserved, cunning, and a tad brooding. Prefers to keep to himself, though he enjoys company so long as conversation is not expected. His strange interests and hobbies can cause others to think he's a 'freak' or simply 'weird', but he doesn't seem to mind being thought of as such. He lacks a lot of social skills, causing him to come off as shy, awkward, or even aloof, even if he's genuinely trying to be nice.

Story: A relatively small and unusual deer who always wears a plague doctor mask. No one is entirely sure where he came from- he just showed up in the ruins one day and that was that.

Likes: Reading about anatomy and physiology. Studying diseases. Examining dead animals. Medical oddities and anomalies. Graveyards. Old objects made of metal (cauldrons, keys, etc.) Antique microscopes. Burning candles and incense. Most classical string instruments, especially violin and cello. Assembling skeletons and creating macabre dioramas.

Dislikes: Loud noises. Bright lights. Mandatory social gatherings. Repetitive sounds. Direct sunlight. Excessive heat. Humidity.

Art Gallery: Check out Lazaros's gallery on Toyhouse!

Chantimagne: Snow-dancer

Name: Chantimagne (SHAN-ti-main)

Nickname(s): Prince Charming

Title(s): The Silver Prince, Gilded

Associated with: Snow, ice, early morning light, precious metals, bells

Gender: Stag

Birthday: January 23rd

Age: Young Adult

Size: 29

Set: Long Pelt, Real Deer Mask, Real Deer Antlers.
His eyes are a shimmering silver-blue. His pelt is flecked with gold and silver, due to his very fine, almost metallic-looking guardhairs that lay between his luxurious white fur and rich slate undercoat. His antlers also have hints of gold and silver. More often than not, he carries bells on his antlers that jingle as he walks.

Picto: The Wind Chime

"Wind chimes are a type of percussion instrument constructed from suspended tubes, rods, bells or other objects that are often made of metal or wood. The tubes or rods are suspended along with some type of weight or surface which the tubes or rods can strike when they or another wind-catching surface are blown by the natural movement of air outside. They are usually hung outside of a building or residence as a visual and aural garden ornament.

Wind chimes are thought to be good luck in parts of Asia and are used in Feng Shui.... [They] were hung from shrines and pagodas to ward off evil spirits and attract benevolent ones. Today, wind chimes are common in the East and used to maximize the flow of chi, or life's energy." *

Personality: Chivalrous, but quite vain. He has the appearance of one who possesses a great deal of power, but really invests more into his image than into his substance. In a fight, for instance, he will concede if he fears that he might damage one of his prized antlers. He is not terribly brave, but has a sense of honor and dignity- even if it is primarily motivated by his desire to maintain his good reputation.

Chantimagne is known to be quite charming due to his graceful movements, good manners, flowery words, and regal bearing. He possesses a flair for the dramatic, loving to strut and show off, especially for does. More often than not, he prefers to stage theatrical mock conflicts.

Story: A noble-stag of a forest realm. He grew up living a privileged existence, where no luxury was denied him within the silver gates of his kin's kingdom. Only now is he learning who he is and how to live with imperfection, as he enters into a world that does not know him for his royal bloodline.

Likes: Flowers. Snow. Ice. Stone. Celebrations. Compliments. Poetry. Luxurious fabrics and metals.

Dislikes: Dirt. Getting wet or filthy. Being scoffed at. Being thought weak. People who see through his facade.

Art Gallery: Check out Chantimagne's gallery on Toyhouse!

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