Blessings and Sacrifices

Apeldille's picture
Information and disclaimer


Mis's picture

Hihiii helloooo

Hihiii helloooo
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

uhmyes, I must watch this

uhmyes, I must watch this with my life. ;;
Kohva's picture




Faustt's picture

this is so awesome ;-;

this is so awesome ;-;
Flatsoda's picture

11/10 yes

11/10 yes

Hhh. These guys are wicked.

Hhh. These guys are wicked. ♥
Silverfang's picture

Keepin' an eye on thissss. ~

Keepin' an eye on thissss. ~

ahh i love these guys so

ahh i love these guys so much!
Sighthoundlady's picture

Blog looks great! Love these

Blog looks great! Love these two, trackin'!
Nazzard's picture

Fffff this

Fffff this <3

Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.
Echosong's picture




Vala 's picture


" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

MB's picture

Yeees &hearts;

Yeees ♥

Heregoes. B) - - - - Nikhil

Heregoes. B)

- - - -

Nikhil trekked with heavy steps through the birch, even his massive body slightly more elusive within the tall grasses and lumbering trees. He didn't want to be found by familiar faces, and so it seemed an ideal tactic to use. His head hung low, ember eyes slightly dull as he came to a halt beside a particularly large tree. The stag was tired, to say the least, mentally. Tired of the differences that often sprung up between he and his brother, and of the anger he held toward everyone. And so he stood there, with no other solution but looking miserable beside the tree, his massive shoulders hunched in something akin to misery. Anyone who may have happened upon him could have easily seen his distress, and he made no attempts to conceal his petulant neediness to be more like his little brother.
Mis's picture

However one tried to hide,

However one tried to hide, sadness, displeasure and unhappiness were emotions Hamsa seemed to be able to smell. He had spied the massive stranger from a distance, and had happily poked his brother about it. That one, that one needed their help. And Hamsa would provide.
”Hello!” The black-and-white figure said as he stepped from the other side of the tree Nikhil had stopped at. He kept some form of a distance though, large stags could be unpredictable. And he was all but a fighter. ”I am sorry to disrupt! But your sad form, it is hard to miss, and it saddens me. You see, I am a creature in existence to make others happy!” He explained as he bowed down in front of the stag. ”My name is Hamsa. I am a wish fulfiller. Together with my brother, we help anyone in this forest who needs it.” His expression held a wide, honest smile. Even with the small teeth poking out from the bottom of his jaw. He always hoped he could be charming enough before his ugly brother would rear his head behind him, and scare the potential wisher off. ”So.” Eyes locked with the stranger. ”Can we help you fulfill your wish, and clear your sadness?”

Nikhil jerked quite suddenly

Nikhil jerked quite suddenly at the voice, blinking in surprise as he took note of the smaller male. Lifting his head, his browbone creased in confusion as the black and white creature introduced himself, rambling on about something. "Hi..." he answered, his response hesitant as he regarded Hamsa. Watching as he bowed, Niki hesitantly bent his own knee in a mimicry of the gesture. His ears, however, slowly began to perk as he listened on. The smile, genuine as it seemed, was reassuring to the tiger stag; and his charms did not go amiss. "You can do that?" he asked in surprise, his head tilting slightly.

At the proposition, he seemed far too aghast to process properly. If anything, it seemed too good to be true, and he was unsure of how to react. "I... I'm not sure. I guess that depends. Can you do anything?" he prompted on, and took a small step forward, a clear sign of his interest.
Apeldille's picture

Sitra had, after some

Sitra had, after some prodding by his sibling, followed behind to see the large stag. It was certainly a sorry sight, he thought with a sneer; both pleased and annoyed that his twin had once again been right. Trailing behind, Sitra rolled his eyes at Hamsa’s pompous speech. Always the same, it seemed, the blabber about making others happy. The pale twin himself was interested in potential wishers for much different reasons.

He did not bow like Hamsa, merely gave a slight nod of his head and a raised eyebrow. At the stranger’s question, he took a step forward, clearing his throat mildly. “We can indeed do anything,” he said, voice smooth like honey, the disdainful expression gone from his face as if it was never there. “Whatever your heart might desire.” He hesitated slightly, as if almost regretting his next words. “Of course, nothing is free. We need… something as payment, but don’t you worry, it’s just to, ah, keep the balance, you see.” A tilt of his head, a nice smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “You do seem distressed,” he went on, cold gaze flickering towards the stag’s hunched posture. “Whatever your unhappiness is - family problems, sickness or injury, something you want… or maybe jealousy? - rest assured, we can be of service.”

Mis's picture

It was kind of funny how

It was kind of funny how insecure the large stag came across. ”I can!” He answered enthusiastically.
Hamsa always seemed to overwhelm the wishers with his rambling. Perhaps it was on purpose. Needed to get the temptation going on before Sitra would arrive. His head turned towards his brother who also amplified they could do anything. And of course, spoke about the price. ”Yes. The balance. It’s only natural, like the flowers blooming beautifully and then dying, only to bring forth more flowers next year. We will tell you the price beforehand, and you can always not go through with the wish if it doesn’t sound good to you.” Hamsa explained. They were fair dealers, of course. The deal had to be mutual.

”What’s troubling you?” Hamsa decided to ask, his head held low as he looked at Nikhil with a respectful smile on his face. ”I am sure we can help. We’ve helped plenty of others before.” No lies there.

"I'm Nikhil," the stag added

"I'm Nikhil," the stag added as an afterthought, just as his face turned and he took note of the other sibling, who had now caught up. This one had an air that was something akin to contempt, and the aura he gave off was not nearly as reassuring as his brother. Nikhil shifted slightly as he regarded him, watched his voice drip from his maw, slick with charisma. He wondered, for a brief moment, just what he had gotten himself into. The stag didn't dwell on it for long, however, for he was far too interested in the benefits. He'd never been the best at acknowledging consequences. Payment seemed hardly impactful at this point; he'd give a lot to prove himself to his own brother.

Besides, Hamsa made payment sound like a good thing. He returned their smiles.

At the question, he hesitated before speaking. "My family and I--we all have magic. But mine... it's not like theirs," he explained slowly. "I can't use it. I can't reach it. Not the way they can, no matter what anyone teaches me." Nikhil paused, his gaze flickering between the two of them. "I don't care what the cost is," he added, almost desperately. "I just want to be able to do what my family can."
Apeldille's picture

"Oh yes," the pale twin

"Oh yes," the pale twin echoed with a grin, "more flowers next year."
He listened intently as the stag told them of his troubles, now and then inserting a small hum or nod. Eventually, he pursed his lips, was silent for a moment as if gathering his thoughts, then let his gaze slide over the stag. "So, Nikhil... your family and kin can freely use their magic, but not you. Yes, I can see how that distresses you," he murmured, a note of sympathy in his voice. "Perhaps it is a source of rivalry or conflict; what do I know? Dreadful, in any case. I am sure we can help you," he finished, shooting a glance at his sibling. "And I am sure we can come up with an agreeable... arrangement."

Perhaps his eyes shone a little brighter at his last word, perhaps it was only a trick of the light. Another glance at Hamsa. Brow furrowed as if pretending to think deeply for a moment, he hummed and watched Nikhil beneath heavy eyelids. "Magic is tricky business," he mused, pursing his lips, "to call it forth when it's unwilling is a rather demanding task. So... this is the deal: For us to give you the ability to reach your magic, every time you call it, it will tear and claw it's way outside. Pain and blood will be magic's companions." A large smile full of teeth accompanied his words. A hefty price for a hefty wish. "The more magic, the more blood."

He took a step backward, nodded once to the stag, licking his lips. "What do you say?"

edit: rewrote a little because I was a derp

Mis's picture

”Oh, that does sound

”Oh, that does sound dreadful. I’m very glad to be equal to my brother, this way there is no jealousy. I can only imagine what it is like not being equal to family.” And it did seem awful. Not that Hamsa found himself especially equal.
”I sense strong magic in you. Dark, but, beautiful as well.” The white faced twin mused as he observed Nikhil, walking in a circle around him. ”Just out of your reach. It’s a shame, it definitely has potentional. Potentional to help you, others. Useful, surely.” Oh he would want this magic alright. How would he survive without? The smaller twin nodded as he stopped besides his taller brother, giving a glance up to his expression. Of course his thoughts were already spinning, but where Hamsa did not know. He could guess, of course. He had been with his brother long enough to know his thought process. If anything Sitra got the more creative half of their job.

And surely his brother took his task seriously and well. Blood clawing out, that sounded nice. Hamsa didn’t show it on his face, but his mind went where to make this sound better. ”Pain is but a necessary evil for you to be able to help those you love, and yourself of course. I hope you understand we only do this to keep the balance, otherwise we could never help anyone with their wishes.” His voice sounded a bit melancholy, the idea of not being able to help apparently being a rough one on Hamsa. ”I will open up your magic to you, to it’s full potentional, if you accept this.. Price, so to speak. A necessary pain.”
Osmotious's picture

Oooo. Tracking

Oooo. Tracking
add me on discord: Krisaur#9391

"It's not rivalry," he

"It's not rivalry," he snapped quickly, his head wheeling to face Sitra. The urgency of the word's was more so to assure himself than anybody else, however. He calmed relatively fast as he continued to listen. As Sitra spoke of an agreement, he inhaled and a nod began to shake his skull. He turned as Hamsa began to walk circles around him, speaking so flatteringly of his magic. "I... really?" Nikhil asked, his voice breaking mid sentence. At the thought of helping others with it, he seemed to beam. He felt somewhat surrounded at Hamsa rounded him, but the feeling did not openly occur to the stag. He was too blinded by excitement.

As Sitra elaborated on his price, magic for pain and blood, he frowned. It sounded... bad. But in his enthusiasm, his thinking began to blur, and he seemed to have little regard for the level of the consequences. "I'll do it," the stag said quickly, straightening as he regarded them both. "I'll accept. Please, just," he turned toward Hamsa, his eyes widening slightly and his ears falling back against his skull. "Help me."
Mis's picture

An agreement. It was a

An agreement. It was a miracle every time to Hamsa, that even with the downsides they would agree. But that was how desires worked, instant gratification perhaps. Consequences were for later. And for Hamsa, that was a good thing.
He nodded in confirmation, looking for his brothers eyes first before stepping towards Nikhil. ”Try not to flinch, I know my hooves are cold.” He warned, before gently laying a large front hoof on Nikhil’s chest. Closing his eyes, drawing out a deep breath. Slowly, the white faced twin started to draw a circle on the large stag’s chest, the air around them becoming thick as he whispered, murmured something in an odd language. Too old for most to understand. The air around them seemed to whisper back, closing in until Hamsa completed the circle. And for a brief moment, Nikhil’s chest would glow with the forces he unleashed, drawn out of their hiding. In a split second, their surroundings were back to normal and the glow died out. Hamsa flashed a smile at Nikhil. ”There. That should be better. Or, is, of course.” Duh. As if he’d ever fail. Now though was his twin’s turn. Hamsa stepped back, giving him his space. His job was done. His deal was sealed, and his excistence confirmed once more.
Apeldille's picture

Sitra stood beside them,

Sitra stood beside them, watching with narrowed eyes and a hungry expression. When Hamsa started, he began his own ritual; less visible than his twin's but none the less important. Drawing up his own energy, and with a single old word, he placed the new restrictions on the magic Hamsa had unleashed. The price paid would replenish his reserves and fill him with new energy. It was as always a good feeling, especially with a hefty wish like this one and the equally large price paid.

Nikhil would probably feel the new barriers like a small pain spike in his chest, but it would quickly fade; perhaps leave a faint soreness behind, but that too would disappear over time. Unless, of course, the stag decided to test his newly freed magic as soon as they bid him goodbye.

With an flourishing bow, Sitra finished his work. "There," he said, and his voice had lost all sympathy and charisma, now sounding cold and hard and satisfied instead. "The deal is concluded: Your magic is now free, and in return, your pain and your bloodshed, every time you use it."

At Hamsa's warning, he nodded

At Hamsa's warning, he nodded before bracing himself. His hooves were indeed cold, but then it began to dissipate, and in its place was a circumference of warmth. He shuddered regardless, but didn't back away as the first twin did his part. When he withdrew, the world seemed to be slightly cloudier, but that was not the only change. Nikhil could feel his magic, as though he'd been given a fifth leg or another ear to twitch. He smiled broadly, his eyes bright as he regarded Hamsa.

The smile did not fade when Sitra approached, and the ever naive tiger boy did not brace himself this time when he should have. He felt the sharp sting in his chest and he sucked in a tight breath, wincing, but otherwise remaining still. When the paler twin was done, Nikhil could detect his detachment of the very subject, his indifference. He wondered if he'd been a pawn in their needs this whole time, but then he supposed that simply couldn't be, after all--they'd helped him. Nonetheless, there was something unsettling about Sitra's harshness. He nodded slowly, before sweeping them both a deep bow of gratitude.

"Thank you."

- - -

Thanks for this guys! ♥
Poppyflower's picture

Tracking~ (can I just mention

Tracking~ (can I just mention that this two are awesome? c:)
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Mis's picture

Thanks for rping with us

Thanks for rping with us Tornpaw! That was fun, and I saw that bio update for Nikhil. Such a clever cookie *patpat :")

Thanks Poppyflower! And I guess I'll give you permission to mention that, yeah. But only this once.
Firefli's picture

Don't mind mee, have to watch

Don't mind mee, have to watch this and read these poor character's sufferings ♥
Apeldille's picture

Thank you all who has tracked

Thank you all who has tracked and commented! It's fun to see interest in the twins, hehe. B)

And thanks to Tornpaw for the RP! Poor Nikhil though, rofl. Shoulda rested up a bit before prancing off with his magic...

Lmao, never! ;D Too much of a

Lmao, never! ;D
Too much of a kiddo for that 'resting' nonsense.
wingeddeer's picture

Ahhh Tracking this.

Ahhh Tracking this. <3

Honeyfur's picture

hee love these guys

hee love these guys c'8♥
thelittleraven's picture

Yes, excellent.

Yes, excellent.
thelittleraven's picture

Autumn tinged the forest's

Autumn tinged the forest's outlines. Green slowly blended into gold and red edges, and the earth had begun to cool. Between the onset of fall came stiflingly hot days, the vestiges of summer fighting hard to stay alive. Cicadas warbled in the canopy now, and it was one such day where waves of heat danced over the sunspots in the birch.

Here, the striped doe crunched idly at dry grass, sweetened by the summer's sun. She assumed herself to be alone and well hidden among the tall scrub, camouflaged by her stripes. It wasn't as if she had anything to worry about. Most predators balked upon the sight of her tines.

The sound of nearby steps still caused her to raise her head, ears pricking forward. She had not been expecting company.
Mis's picture

Long grass crushed under his

Long grass crushed under his large hooves, his heavy frame weaving through the trees. The golden hues reflected softly on his shining, black coat, as his eyes wandered the birch forest. Surely his eyes quickly fell on a figure resting among the grass. A brown striped figure, antlered too. He had to be a bit cautious with those, but Hamsa never worried too much. They usually didn’t hate him. Not from the get-go.

”Hello!” A cheerful smile upon his pale white face, the small teeth on his lower jaw sticking out as ever. ”Feel like company?” He asked the doe as he planted himself down on the ground at a respectable distance without waiting for her answer. ”Me and my brother were just wandering. The forest is beautiful at this time of the year don’t you think?” This was the first time he had ever seen it like this though. But who had to know that.
Apeldille's picture

A couple steps behind the

A couple steps behind the stocky, dark one, there was a much more slender figure, an almost complete opposite. Pale fur, taller, leaner, more sinewy; it was the brother in question. Sauntering after his twin, he had spotted the figure in the grass quickly, but he wasn't as keen on making aquaintances as his sibling, rather keeping quiet and observing first. He did sit down beside Hamsa though, giving a curt nod to the doe, gaze lingering before his expression turned disinterested and he turned to watch the surroundings instead.

"Oh yes, isn't it?" he drawled, rolling his eyes at Hamsa's conversation opener. At least it was still warm. Cold wasn't high on his list of enjoyable things, and it seemed like this forest - as most others - was heading into the cold season, one day at a time.

thelittleraven's picture

The doe released a drawn

The doe released a drawn breath as she saw an odd but rather innocent looking buck appear from the brush, and continued chewing through her mouthful, a long grain stalk vanishing behind her lips with a dull crunch. After a pause to inspect the stranger, her focused expression softened a bit.

"Hello," she began, studying the rather plump thing as he tucked his legs beneath himself and flopped on the ground. Her voice was the final proof that she was female, despite its depth and rasp. She was young enough, an adult but only strengthened by it. She would have been pretty, too, if not for a collection of heinous scars. But Ryff smiled, dropping her guard somewhat. He seemed friendly. "Yes, it is lovely. Reminds me of being a fawn." With that, she took another quick mouthful of grass before settling down as well, thinking on the subject. She flicked another ear forward at the sound of more hoofsteps.

A tall white stag stepped into view now, with forward-facing antlers and wicked teeth. Her hackles bristled slightly, and she gave the shorter buck a somewhat suspicious look. The stranger members of the forest had always instilled some fear in her. Their origins were a mystery, and with strange looks often came strange power. Dangerous power.

Come now, she thought, continuing to observe them in silence while they quipped to each other. Perhaps they do only want company. You are fleet of foot should the need arise for you to be so.

She returned the nod from the white stag with a small incline of her head.

"I've not seen you two before," she concluded. A cool breeze rustled the grass and tossed her hair, and she rubbed her antler idly on a tree that she could reach with it. A piece of bark peeled off at the will of her tine with a low cracking noise. "You're welcome to rest with me for a bit anyway; I'm not doing much. What are your names?"
Mis's picture

He was pleased she seemed to

He was pleased she seemed to take so well to his arrival immediatly. His smile reflected that. “Oh of being a fawn? You carry childhood memories with autumn? I do think it’s lovely, I don’t do very well in heat so the cooling down of this forest is of great joy to me.” He blabbered on. As if someone had undone the tape that was usually over his mouth. For a moment he glanced at her chewing the grass and considered it himself. He came back from that one quickly though. Eating grass!? Regardless of how his form was now, it’d still be a while until anyone caught him doing that.

Her response to his brother was obvious, and in Hamsa’s eyes not undeserving. He didn’t look half as charming as Hamsa himself. “Oh we are fairly new in this area. But it’s much needed that’s for sure. My name is Hamsa, and this is my brother Sitra Achra.” He nodded towards the skinnier figure next to him. ”And yourself, fair lady?” It would only be fair to share names, of course.
Apeldille's picture

"Yes, thank you, dear

"Yes, thank you, dear sibling, I can speak for myself," the pale twin snapped, shooting an annoyed look at Hamsa. He never volunteered his name unless forced, prefering to accept any and all names given to him instead, but sometimes, Hamsa had to go ruin all the things. Of course. "But yes, we are... fairly new; haven't been here for long." And hopefully it would stay that way, but that was uncertain. That good-for-nothing angel Altijd's fuck-up seemed to have long-time consequences. He frowned at the thought.

"What a pleasant spot," he started, folding his legs and sitting down. When he turned to the doe, his annoyed expression was gone, and there was only polite curiosity left as he eyed the grass disappear into her mouth. "Nice and warm." There was none of his usual disdain on his face when he looked around; it seemed like he actually enjoyed the view. The sun beating down on their backs probably helped too.

thelittleraven's picture

The Knight seemed to possess

The Knight seemed to possess considerable patience. There were those in the forest who would swiftly grow tired of idle blather, but she sat and listened with both ears as the buck prattled on. Occasionally, a glance went to the white stag, mostly to see what he was doing. She seemed satisfied by his almost statuesque appearance, then turned her attention to the black buck.

"The heat is not so bad. After lonesome winters, you come to appreciate even sunburn." Ryff shook a fly from her withers, pinning her ears in annoyance. "The bugs are worse, you will find. They know that winter is coming, and they will try to gorge themselves on blood, those that do. I wonder if the forest would suffer without such pests."

She nodded slightly as Hamsa gave up their names. They fit well enough, she decided. "I am Ryff. It is my pleasure to meet you both."

Smirking at Sitra's apparent indignation, she shifted her weight a bit more to her right side and stretched her hind legs out in front of her. The doe had relaxed considerably since their approach, confident in their apparent harmlessness despite the white's vitriol. There were far worse things in the forest that she could encounter.

"I've been here for a time. If you are lost, I'd gladly show you to what you're looking for." She raised a hoof to her ear and scratched quickly. It seemed like everyone had been soothed by the location. A group of birds chattered in the birches overhead while the grasses rustled, and the sand between them was dappled by sunlight. "Yes. I very much like it here. Most others stay about the pond and the First Forest, so it is quiet here. Especially this time of year. It's awfully hot."

Some time elapsed between these words and the next. She was peaceful now, appreciating the birds and the sounds of stags bugling and scraping trees in the distance. The doe did not envy those that had to rub the velvet from their antlers. Still, she put her tines to the nearest tree and responded to the distant scrape with one of her own, this time gouging a deep trough into the bottom of the old tree. She pursed her lips at the curl of wood that fell from her antler.

"Mmm... perhaps you should be careful out there. The rut will be upon us soon. Things get ridiculous around this place for the uninitiated. But perhaps you already knew that." Ryff lifted her head a little, observing them. Their otherworldly appearance led her believe that they, like many others, had never heard of such things. But perhaps they were masters of the event. Who knew? "It won't be for a while yet, I suppose, but in the next month expect many cranky bucks."
Thais's picture

Watching this

Watching this <3
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥
Mis's picture

“Eh, it’s, it’s alright I

“Eh, it’s, it’s alright I guess. I’m definitely more for cold though. It’s easier to dress yourself warm than it is to try and dress down. Can’t go further than naked.” Hm. He hadn’t given it much thought yet but, they were in a deer world now. He couldn’t really dress up much, though he had seen some deer with cloaks. Maybe he’d fetch one somewhere. “The bugs?” The dark buck questioned, looking at her curiously. His ears drooping further when she explained what they did. “Oh. Uhm. That doesn’t sound too good.” Ew. If he could’ve gone paler he would’ve.

”Ryff.” Hamsa repeated. ”That is a nice name. Nice to meet you as well.” He smiled his usual gentle smile again in reply.

At Sitra’s snarky response, Hamsa frowned. Imitating him by pulling a face. Mister grumpy pants.

”The forest seems pretty small once you’ve gone through it a few times. Bit odd too that it loops. It’s kind of like, a tiny, tiny planet. It’s better than the void regardless.” He was still not too happy about it all though. But maybe he’d get used to it. ”Yeah, definitely calmer here I agree.”

Hamsa glanced at his brother then, wondering if he had annoyed him to death yet. If starting about wishes was even a good plan at this time. Maybe he didn’t need to anyway. They seemed nice, didn’t seem bothered. Perhaps his existence was confirmed enough with just a chat too. He’d get antsy though. But maybe the dark stag could surpress that for now.

”The rut?” Another question. That was a deer thing, right? ”Is that like breeding season? I suppose animals have that here too then..” Without really thinking about his words. ”I’m sure we’ll be okay. I hope. I suppose I don’t have that many friends to fight about.” What would a cranky buck want from him? Definitely not kids. And there wasn’t really any female he would have to protect for whatever reason. ”Sounds interesting though, maybe fun to watch.” Maybe good drama. Maybe good wish opportunity. All those stags wanting to be stronger, to have bigger antlers.. Or maybe the does even, to be more attractive. Those were common wishes.
Apeldille's picture

"I absolutely agree," Sitra

"I absolutely agree," Sitra chimed in, with eyes closed towards the sun. "Sunburn, warmth, hot still summer days," he purred to himself. "Much better than cold," he added, glancing towards his twin with one eye. "And bugs doesn't like me anyway. Ha." He looked down in time to see a shiny ground beetle scuttle away through the grass beside him. Grinning at it, he stretched his neck a little before shifting his attention back to the company.

"Ryff," he tasted the name as if to sample its aroma. "Not a bad name," was the verdict. He met his sibling's glance with one of his own, together with a cocked eyebrow. He was actually capable of just sitting, conversing calmly, even if it perhaps didn't happen so often.

He listened to the doe talk about the Rut, with a growing frown. After a while his expression changed; a small smile, very cold and full of teeth, and a sinister gleam in his eye. Hamsa was right, it could be an interesting time... who knew what sort of wishes and desires would come up? And riling up others were always a fun thing to do, in moderate amounts, of course.

He glanced at the doe, gaze flicking to the crown upon her head, and then the curl of wood. "Will you be joining them?"