Connection status: good Currently: hoping to stay at least a little bit active
(10.10.2018) Hi, hello, long time no see! Went to check on this blog when signing up to the upcoming OOC event in honour of Fly. ♥ I'll always miss him. The Forest will never feel the same way it did when he was around. And that's okay. Words still fail me but... ♥
Decided I'd rather have my OOC called Baf, since it's essentially me. Sasha is thing of the past, name I associate with someone I didn't speak to in years...
Last time it was apparently SL, this year I am all about Guild Wars 2. Catch me at CrimsonPoppy.8519 and be addicted with me. Wonder what is it going to be next.
As the tradition goes, I also have to include this year's Spotify playlist. My 2018 in music so far...
Well this was all over the place... talk to you next year! XD
(10.7.2017) Odd thing just happened. I noticed a ticket from my last visit to the zoo has fallen off its spot. The date on it reminded me I went a little over a year ago and mentioned it here in connection to my TEF anniversary. So as it turns out, it's been 4 years now. I still eagerly await the return of my muse. If anyone misses me, my skype and discord are always open for messages. Recently, Second Life is where I am at... as myself though. Role-playing requires the muse I had lost...
So, what was I saying? Oh, yeah... we can still keep in touch even if I am not active in TEF or TEFc. If the circumstances are right, literal touching can be involved. I met ShrinkingRose in person last month. Can confirm she's real. 10/10 would recommend meeting friends one made online. Would, however, not recommend meeting them after getting 3 hours of sleep the night before... But I am rambling.
Happy 4 TEF years to me.
(24.4.2017) I am not sure where my TEF muse went and when is it coming back. Pls tell it I was looking for it if you ever see it...
I don't feel motivated to come back and try again partly because nobody even noticed I am not around. I am guessing this is what leads to the "leaving TEF" posts. Those who post them usually don't even look at the comments there and now I know why. Hard to care about what people have to say when nobody noticed or cared for weeks and months. So, to everyone who I didn't notice drifting away and wasn't there for them, I'm sorry. I realise it's too late now...
Joining the Discord hype train. Feel free to add me. 0baf0 #4692
Despite the fact that nobody cares, here's my 2017 in music so far.
I'm gonna go drift away some more now...
(9.7.2016) Exactly 3 years have passed since I registered this account - my first picto, and Nem came into existence. I'm struggling to put my gratitude into words so let's keep it simple. Dear community, thank you. ♥
Finally saw fallow deer irl few days ago at the local zoo. So I'm gonna say that's how I celebrated this milestone.
(10.5.) Since the only thing I really talk about here these days is either music or TEF itself, here's a link to my 2016 Spotify playlist aka the music that keeps me going this year. 409 songs/26 hours of hand-picked music so far. XD
(14.4.) I feel like this set accurately represents me, mentally and physically.
Not a very informative update after 5 months of silence, is it? XD
(19.11.) Ever just pause to admire how pretty and detailed TEF is from up close?
In other news, I seem to live off dopamine I get from listening to copious amounts of music on daily basis. Apparently, there is some actual science behind saying 'music is my drug'.
(17.9.) Soooo... What's the deal with all the feral does suddenly popping up?
(10.9.) TEF is 10 years old today. Happy Birthday TEF! Fingers crossed for some sort of in-Forest celebration.
(19.8.) Existential crisis. As expected.
(9.7.) Exactly two years ago I've registered my first picto and that's how my journey in TEF and TEFc started and how Nem was created. I'm not an artist, web designer or a storyteller so I didn't bring much to the wonderful community but still I hope that at least some of you remember me as the good and kind person I'm always trying to be.
*puts a party hat on and dances around an empty living room*
(11.6.) I wrote five different things here and deleted each one of them. Anyway... Trying to play TEF more... Wondering when I'll reach the threshold and just give up entirely.
On a different note, the endless Finnish days seem to annoy me more than the dark winter ones did. It is easier to turn the lights on than switch off the Sun.
(12.4.) I think I finally figured out why I don't play TEF so much lately... When there are no familiar faces or friends around it gives me this deep sense of loneliness you can only feel in a really crowded place. And that, of course, is not a feeling I'd like to voluntarily experience in a place that's meant for relaxation. I'm not sure what happened or what changed but that's how it is right now.
It's the warm fuzzy moments in cuddle-piles, friendly interactions, lovely players, creative artist and countless hours of content sitting with others that still make me come back for more.
(17.3.) I've seen the northern lights for the first time in my life. In fact, I'm still looking at them out of the window right now. It's magical. Breathtaking. It's like sun rays and flames and rain and calm sea. Curtains of light. Wild. Untouchable. Close and yet so far. Unnerving. Mesmerizing. Passing. Calming and speeding up my heartbeat all at once. Unfamiliar. Fickle. Unsteady and ever changing. Like nothing I've seen or experienced before. Beautiful.
In person, it's nothing like the beautifully coloured photos you'll see, but it's so much more real and the experience itself is just wonderful. How can I possibly go to bed when there's magic happening just outside of the window? I am speechless and yet trying to capture the experience inot words so I can relive it again.
(18.2.) I used to update my character's bio every time I let them online and every time I went offline. Now look at me. Haven't updated Nem's bio for a month. Got stuck in real life. Travelling home. Then back. Getting sick... Totally out of the TEF loop.
Funnily enough, I used to be 'wary' of this kind of players (I've now become. The scarce ones who only show up from time to time.) because I saw it as a risk. When I saw that they and their characters tend to disappear for longer periods of time I didn't want to subject myself and my characters to the potential loss of a new friend or an acquaintance. Was it worth the effort and time if they were going to disappear again? I see my logic was flawed... Especially now when I think of returning and assume everyone has the same mindset. People and characters will avoid us and we'll fade into oblivion. There is so much wrong with my thought process I don't even know where to begin but somehow this is deeply rooted into my brain.
So anyway... I'm sick, feverish, dehydrated and I shouldn't even be here. Trust me to delete this rambling when I'm more sane.
(13.2.) Awww yiss. Friday the 13th.
(31.1.2015) Home for the first time in 6 months. At times, it feels I've left just yesterday and other times, it feels like years since I've been here. Somehow, I feel like I'm a different person than I was half a year ago (which is probably a good thing). Very strange experience but it's soooooo good to be home again. Will be scarce for the next week or so because I want to make the most of my time here before I'm going back to Finland. Spend time with my family and my cat (oh boy, I was so happy to see her again, she instantly glued herself to my side and acted as if I wasn't even one for such a long time).
(9.11.) Why do I even bother?
First one to find the BZD. Totally nuzzled him while no one was watching. Sorry not sorry.
Oh wait. It's naked Michael. Better give him some fancy clothes.
Hmmm... Something tells me he didn't appreciate it.
Mini Abio commences. ♥
Or maybe he liked the clothes because I got a fancy new mask. ♥
(30.10.) Apologies to anyone who may have tried to interact with this sleepy deer (aka me). I was in such a hurry that I didn't even close the game... Yay for being AFK for 6 hours but also yay for finally seeing the BZD.
Thanks for the silent support.
(26.10.) Cheating and playing with player identification on today as I await the BZD. I really want to get those antlers.
The last few days have been pretty shitty if I am being honest. Both IRL and in TEF related stuff. Maybe it's the gloomy dark and rainy weather that makes me feel so down. The bad mood is poisonous and hard to get rid of...
I see this got bumped while I type this and I am so tempted to delete what I just wrote. But we are all allowed to have our low moments, right?
(23.10.) Feel like I should update this at least once in a while so at least I replaced the old unfitting music with my current obsession. Love at first listen. All my thanks to Spotify for making me listen to those guys because I haven't felt like this while listening to music in a long time.
On a different note (see what I did there?)... Been worrying if I survive the Finnish winter now when the cold weather arrived. And there are still two more months until the actual start of the winter season.
In a Forest related news... Looking forward to seeing BZD again this year. Need to get the antlers for Matt. Hopefully it will make me play him more when his set will finally be complete.
Yay for rambly updates written at midnight... Hope you are all doing well!
(24.8.) Ok. So... I live in Finland now. And if everything goes well, I'll be here until July 2015. Wow. Ok. End of life update. Now please tell me how do I make friends here?
On a different note... got personal tumblr now. *throws confetti* Nothing interesting in there though.
(13.7.) I haven't updated this in ages. Big changes coming up in RL which keeps me and my mind occupied most of the time. Hopefully, I will still be able to play the game once things are more settled sometime in August. Also... It's more than a year since I first discovered TEF and TEFc. What a year it was! Thanks to everyone who made my stay here so enjoyable, interesting and rewarding. You are all awesome!
(18.6.) Huge thank you to everyone who was in the deer pile yesterday and to every friendly deer and player out there. You are all awesome!!! ♥ I've finally got PayPal and want to commission someone to draw Nem but... How do I pick the right artist? Never mind, decided to spend the money differently and 'subscribe'/donate to Tale of Tales instead. Feels right to do so. Can't spend much but every Euro counts, right? The Kickstarter campaign for "Sunset" seems to be going extremely well. Makes me oddly happy to see ToT having so much support and success.
In other news, still struggling to create a name for this blog. Watch me go through few Czech options before I give up... I give up.
(6.6.) "Terrifying how much is my personality showing in TEF sometimes... You'd think I will be less of a party pooper in some screensaver but nope."
(29.5.) I need a new title for this post because I feel bad for 'stealing' someone's username on here. Any ideas?
Still listening to 'Rather Be' on repeat. Perfect for the moments of reckless running through the Forest and interactions with friendly deer. ♡
I am always going to say more and then end up deleting everything I wrote. Let's keep this short and sweet, shall we?
(27.5.) There's a storm raging outside. If Sasha disappears without any sort of warning, that's why.
And for some reason, this is my song of the day:
(10.5.) Sasha is online while I read and study. Hopefully the Forest will help to calm my mind. I am cheating today and have player identification on.
It's kind of useless to have 'set' listed for this being since it changes so often. Can't keep up with all the random changes.
And to add a few words regarding recent TEFc happenings... It makes me sad to see players and characters leave or simply disappear without saying a word. This applies even in cases where I didn't know the player at all and never interacted with the characters in question.
Been noticing quite a bit of those good-bye-I-am-leaving-this-community/game notifications recently. It's like some sort of chain reaction was started.
/I better not get too deep into this, back to my book
(29.4.) Added pixel art of Nem to the 'deer directory' tab.
Notebook issue still not fixed but that doesn't seem to stop me from playing TEF.
On a different note... Cancelled classes are the best classes.
(23.4.) The Forest was acting up today and I blamed the poor thing. Turns out that what appears to be broken is my notebook's ability to connect to the Internet using a cable. And the wi-fi is not stable enough to handle the Forest it seems. I don't understand this stuff. Anyway, will try to get this fixed and use my OOC in the meantime to lag behind everyone else...
Was going to put a rant here but it's a waste of time.
Have a nice day everyone!
Name: 'Baf', used to go by 'Sasha' Picto:xxx Gender: female Age: ageless Set: variable and ever-changing
OOC deer with occasional IC traits
Can and will be played with player identification switched off.
(I don't know who I am interacting with. Also, I get lost a lot. Please, don't get offended when we don't run straight to any friends that might be online. With no pictos I have no clue what is happening around and who is where.)
The player
name: Sonia gender: female age: old enough to legally drink alcohol and have a driving license
(Ironically, I don't drink alcohol nor do I smoke. I don't even own said driving licence but you know.
I could if I wanted to. ) birth month: February location: Czech Republic (time zone: CEST (UTC+2)) languages: Czech, English, very questionable Finnish personal tumblr (NSFW warning!!!)
playing TEF since: 9th July 2013
(5 years, when did that happen...)
Feel free to contact me here in the comments or privately via mail (NemesisTEF (at) email (dot) cz), skype (nemesistef) or discord (0baf0 #4692).
Don't hesitate to add me or drop me a line (for whatever reason, even if you just want someone to talk to), just don't forget to mention you are from TEF!
Pixel art of Nemesis done by linorra.
Used CSS codes provided by Unplugged and Nirvana.
(additional bits and pieces of codes found all around the internet)
Karawella-Sanya: I actually played without the map and pictos that day so I would never know who you were. Thanks for commenting and sharing the screenshot! I had fun as well!
U nas byla taky takze te chapu! Ale u nas jen prselo. V dalce sem videla jen zablesk a to bylo vsechno.
Jak se vzdycky koukam tak ty si vzdycky v lese nekdy az do pulnoci! ;D To ses tak nabita energii?
Hmm chtela bych jeste poznat Nemesis a Matthew! Oba dva jsou krasne charactery! Ale vzdycky se stydim!
Spíš mám tak strašne rozhozený spánkový režim, že jsem vzhuru v dobe, kdy mám dávno spát. Rána bývají krutá.
Co Ti na to mám ríct? Když to nejde, tak to nejde.
Mohla bych te o neco poprosit? Chtela bych si taky udelat OOC charakter. Nevim jestli chces, ale nemohla bys mi udelat nejake bio pro OOC charakter? Nechci mit jen jeden ucet (Myshka). Nevim hestli mi chces pomoct rozhodnuti je jen na tobe . Kdyby ne tak se nic nedeje, jestli mas hodne prace. Jen jsem se zeptala.
kikinkacze: "OOC charakter" je oxymóron. OOC znamená 'out of character' - zjednodušene receno není to charakter ale reprezentace Tebe ve hre. Tvoje pocity, názory, nálady... Máš v tom zmatek, nebo ten rozdíl mezi IC a OOC chápeš? Nevím, s cím presne bych Ti mela pomoct. Mužeš mi poslat mail s nejakým presnejším požadavkem? Me to psani tady (bez hacku a carek) prijde strasne otravné.
No jo vim co je OOC ale jen chci pro to udelat tu stranku. Neco jako mas tady ty
Ja totiz nevim ja se to dela a mam v tom zmatek. Umim si udelat bio atd. ale na tohle fakt nemam.
Tak nevim jestli bys mi nechtela pomoct udelat tuhle stranku ci co to je .
Vždyť tohle je úplně to samé jako bio, jen namísto informací o té postavě píšeš o sobě. Jestli rozumíš kódování, tak Ti vlastně nemám s čím pomáhat. Nebo něco chápu špatně?
night654: Hi there and thanks for the track! You don't have to hide in the corner, we've got plenty of space in here for everyone. I mean... you can hide in the corner if that's where you feel comfortable. I'll stop the rambling now. Enjoy your stay here!
Flyleaf: Likewise! ♥ I always have a great time! ♡
Hello! Such a great disguise I didn't even know Fly was there because I have pictos off.
As for Misha... Better ask the player themselves. I was told they don't want to be 'superfluous' which sounds very silly to me. No one is ever superfluous around here, right?
Jo, mluví se tu finsky a to je taky to, co se učím. Tento týden mám intenzivní kurz, takže jsem dnes měla tři hodiny výuky.
Jaké to tu je? Hmmm... Jiné a přitom stejné.
Oh dear. I'll just censor myself while typing this comment because there are kids out there, who might accidentally read this.
The charming obviously doesn't work though. No BZD to be seen...
It's fine, Butterbrot. Happy spam is allowed. (:
Hehe ....
*sits here* hmh ~
Sledovat (Track) velice
This song kill my thought.
Hello! Our deers met on
With you it was a lot of fun, thanks
♥ ♥
Hello everyone! Thanks for
irwind: In misery is where I belong...
Karawella-Sanya: I actually played without the map and pictos that day so I would never know who you were. Thanks for commenting and sharing the screenshot!
It's my pleasure! Hopefully
Good night...
Good night to you, my
Musím to znovu sledovat :DD
Díky! Porád se nejak míjíme,
To jo, kdyz me nedoslo ze si
Omlouvam se ze jsem tu 2xrát
Kdyztak rekni.
V pohode. U nás je bourka,
U nas byla taky takze te
Jak se vzdycky koukam tak ty si vzdycky v lese nekdy az do pulnoci! ;D To ses tak nabita energii?
Hmm chtela bych jeste poznat Nemesis a Matthew! Oba dva jsou krasne charactery! Ale vzdycky se stydim!
Spíš mám tak strašne
Co Ti na to mám ríct? Když to nejde, tak to nejde.
Mohla bych te o neco
Sweet mini mimi mini lol
kikinkacze: "OOC charakter"
Flyleaf: Yep.
Naked and tiny.No jo vim co je OOC ale jen
Ja totiz nevim ja se to dela
Tak nevim jestli bys mi nechtela pomoct udelat tuhle stranku ci co to je
Vždy? tohle je úpln? to samé
(Testing this clever thing. Thank you, Unplugged!!!)
hides in the corner ..
It is always a pleasure to
night654: Hi there and thanks
Flyleaf: Likewise! ♥ I always have a great time! ♡
Track this ! 8D thank you for
Why is Misha wandering off
Hello! Such a great disguise
As for Misha... Better ask the player themselves. I was told they don't want to be 'superfluous' which sounds very silly to me. No one is ever superfluous around here, right?
I asked them too . Why
Why superfluous ??
We did play and laughed good today .
He can always join Fly and have fun .
Fly likes disguises sometimes lol .
Hezké že te zase vidím!
I will Always protect you ...
kikinkacze: Nápodobně!
chocolat: What an intriguing message. Does it seem like I need someone to protect me? I hope not.
Do not understand me wrong,
Ty jsi (žiješ) ve Finsku?
Jen me to zajímá
Jo. Jak je výše napsáno,
Ucís se Finsky? Nebo jak se
Omlouvám se za mou zvedavost a doternost! ;p
Jo, mluví se tu finsky a to
Jaké to tu je? Hmmm... Jiné a přitom stejné.
Good to see you ♥
♥ ♥
Good to see you too! ♥
I will keep you secret, haha. ♥ You are an amazing friend!
doubblepost D:
And don't worry about the double post. (:
Worry about bumping this when I thought no one is going to read the update.Why are you naked ?
Sends "Hugs" !!!♥
Shh. Don't mention it. Um,
Thank you! *hugs back*
uGH! couldn't find another
also, i always support moarrrr nekkid deer, in general <3
Are you trying to charm the
hahahhaha, Fly naughty
edit: mah gawd, we are spamming this thread so hard, im sorry 0baf0 -.-''
Oh dear. I'll just censor
The charming obviously doesn't work though. No BZD to be seen...
It's fine, Butterbrot. Happy spam is allowed. (: