wow an art dump. My anatomy is still popping off even though I haven't really been doing much in the last two years, but I guess it also means I need to improve. I love extreme angles and challenging myself with perspective. On a better note, my human art has definitely improved, as well as my colour use and lighting! yay! I lowkey miss drawing deer.
Also; drawing without my glasses really helps with getting anatomy looking ok, apparently. It replaces my "squint to see if it looks alright" method hahahaha.
Got all excited when I saw this. XD I really love your style. This first image is really sweet; I really like how you included her younger self in this drawing. The older Pica in the image is so pretty and still has that bit of cuteness as well.~
Though I apologize that I'm not really good at constructive criticism. I'm an artist-in-training, so I'm still learning the tricks to drawing deer, haha. I'm still gonna comment on your lovelies, however, 'cause I can. Lol~
Aww yeees.
I really love your art. I was a bit shocked when I found your DA that you didn't share it more on here. Now I can get my fix Thank you.
That bottom right doodle on the top piece is such a cool way to stylize it. Just had to mention how cute it is. And aah, Pica is adorablee.
Mis: Aww yess you an amazing person. About that stylized one, it was quite a quick and fun spacefiller, but why thankyou. cB
Flyleaf: Thank you so much - I'm glad you think soo.
Lily: -snck- ♥
both are gorgeous, congratulations you have a great talent ^^
I especially like the quote below the older one, I can imagine the situation
tracking this!
About that particular style - it was a bit of a fluke. I don't exactly have much of a style to say, so I dunno if I could make something like that again, blergh.
Finally ♥
Got all excited when I saw
Though I apologize that I'm not really good at constructive criticism. I'm an artist-in-training, so I'm still learning the tricks to drawing deer, haha. I'm still gonna comment on your lovelies, however, 'cause I can.
oh God yes
I'm just gonna nest here.
I miss a little you ... very
very nicely painted!)<3
Sig: Aihnna
Niriiiiii <3
love their tails, the shape
you draw legs and hooves very well
/sneaks in
Yis. And because I don't
And because I don't stalk you enough on dA.
Oh. Oh my. Thank you all! ;;
shh, tuo, bu, I was getting around to making one anyways.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Aww yeees. I really love your
I really love your art. I was a bit shocked when I found your DA that you didn't share it more on here. Now I can get my fix
That bottom right doodle on the top piece is such a cool way to stylize it. Just had to mention how cute it is. And aah, Pica is adorablee.
Your art is so Beautiful !
Mis: Aww yess you an amazing
Flyleaf: Thank you so much - I'm glad you think soo.
Lily: -snck- ♥
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
tracckiiing :3 ps: always
ps: always found you an inspiration. ♥
lasdfkj no way! Khh you've
Khh you've just made me smile on a sunny day. ♥
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Is that Pica with antlers, I
Why yes it is B]
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
both are gorgeous,
I especially like the quote below the older one, I can imagine the situation
tracking this!
Holy crap Niri O____O That
That newest one is gorgeous!!
Sig: Aihnna
PURR WHY YES I'd like to
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Ooh such gorgeous colors in
Whoa....super track!
~ C.S. Lewis
ee thank you so much! I love
I love color-splosions.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
I absolutely love the first
I'm just gonna steal it away, Mkay? Mkay. xD
But seriously, I adore the style you used in that one. Please do more?
O..okay. About that
About that particular style - it was a bit of a fluke. I don't exactly have much of a style to say, so I dunno if I could make something like that again, blergh.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Yays for OOC derping! Still
Definitely loving the pose
My babbbyyy! Thank you for
Thank you, thank you to both
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
I love all of the things you
kasdf I love all the concepts
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
All the texture on the latest
i love your art so much.
♥ ♥
WEEPS you guys noticed it
And you left comments too! You've made a happy niri, thank you both!
yesyes, textures galoooreee B]
edit: VALALAAAA <33
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Really loving the Heron one,
/slides in B)
By Leuvr ♥
Thank you Soli! Hrr, I get too much inspiration sometimes and I just whack out character designs. ;;
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
hurr durrr track ♥
Wooooohhhh Niri, that Heron
ouo purdy. Trackin', oh yea!
Trackin', oh yea!
Thank you! I believe I'm
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Ahhh, your style is so
Hope you don't mind if I track?~
Avvie by Hadoukin