ALL OF YOU. BEING SO AMAZING. SRSLY, WHAT’S UP WITH THAT? Just makes me wanna... IDK. Throw all your epic pixel deer in the pool. Look down, now back at me. The pool is now diamonds.
I’m on a seahorse 8D Oh ho ho ho, I wish...
Buuut seriouslyyy, this isn’t a rant post. You guize know me, s’not mah style~ Nor am I technically leaving, tee hee :3 Instead, this is a continuation of my activity level post I left over le here, to let you all know that my activity won’t be picking up even though my exams are now over :<
This activity level will actually be dropping a great deal further, yes I’m an awful person, I know. But bear with me, read on, hopefully it’ll make sense to you all ♥
Baaasically, I’ve been really enjoying myself, got a lot of things planned for this break, my closest real life friends are coming back from universities abroad, not to mention I still need to go get that job I spoke about before. Things will be busy, especially around Christmas (gawd a million and one birthdays, and the anniversaries of 4 of my relatives deaths including sadly on Christmas Eve D:), not to mention me going away for holidays and such. My amazing dog Jessie is turning 12 this week and sadly isn't in his best health at the moment, so I'm spending a lot of time with him, too. I’m barely going to have time to Christmas shop, I need some kind of shopbot, I swear. Sooo, your neighbourhood Zebbie doses will sadly still be scarce, even moreso than usual. Howevaaa, I’m still most certainly contactable by email and such, which you can find over here, feel free to add me to MSN (though beware it rarely works for me, it’s my biggest fan, tot’s~) and all that jazz :3
Additionally, what internet time I have will more often be spent upon my brandspankin' new Livejournal, which anyone and everyone is also most welcome to add me upon. It will be a place to keep up with my writing/art/life/RP with me/etc, a nice peaceful, expressive area to call my own. I still adore this site, the people on here, and the game itself. Buuut, I’m just finding myself drawn to a change, and eljay is it. Aaand, nobody go and get your knickers in a knot, I’m not completely abandoning TEF-I’ll still be checking here (when I’m not getting constant drupal errors when the site isn’t actually down), as well as coming in-game (when it isn’t in limbo) on occasion. I just really like where life is taking me and sadly, spending all my time on here isn’t the right concept for me ♥
You know I still adore ya all, and that I’ll still be popping in to check up on you! :3 Don't go forgetting about me too much, tee hee! :D I’m also totally contactable for ANYTHING (I’ve been told I give good advice, etc etc, so never hesitate to contact me), I just won’t be back to the activity level I had a few months back-not even close :( I do hope this is all fabulous and that I haven’t peeved anyone to the max, and that it’s understandable why I have to do this. You’re still allowed to claw me a little if you honestly feel the need :D If you have any questions, also do not hesitate to ask them :3
Sooo, I am sorry muchly again, keep on truckin’ lassies and lads, and I’ll catch yo all on the flipside~! So you better hide your wives, hide your kids and hide your husbands coz they rapin’ errbody round here~ 8D *shotdead*
Thankies for the hospitality, lovelies~! Keep in touch, fo shizz! ♥
*grabby hands*
. no srsly i'll try to
no srsly
i'll try to catch you on lj- i haven't been on there in ages but i should catch up on it again.
good luck to you, and keep in touch.
@ Veeface:
Pfff like you have anything to worry about, you know you're like, permanently imprinted on my soul. Inet has been wanking itself over, though I've been told it's having a happy today at home, and will be hopefully on to bombard you toniiight *usingunicomputersrightnowsohavenomessengerprogramsPFFF* 8D
*luffs on* ♥
@ Firin' Mah Kaozer: . right back at ya, homie~ ♥
Oh you :'D YAAAAY I STILL HAS A KAAAO, so stoked-I hadn't been there in ages since recently either, I keep using the TEF font format tags IT'S MESSING WITH MY BRAIN. Look forward to hopefully having you over thar!
Aaaw thankies muchly yoooou, best of luck to you too deary~! ♥ And certainly keep in touch, could surely not leave mah Kimi like, srsly~ ♥
ilusm, Zebbie XD YOU'D
YOU'D BETTER NOT COMPLETELY ABANDON US. Although I understand the desire to move on~ Can't stay in one place forever! X3 ...Although I certainly try XD /is too lazy for changes
I'll see you around, Zebbiee! Get tired of those other places and hurry back! X3
Abjdjornskgvrs ;; Nuuuuuu
B< I am now making a Live journal thing....
Considering you're msn has a personal hate for me.
Cause lets be honest here
;^; what would i do with out you're amazing crack posts and replies.
and you're epic zebby wisdom.
I feel like my favorite candy is being discontinued or something.
I'll MISS YOU in a creepy
This will probably make me get back on my LJ, though, so this may be good.
Edit: Is it weird that I noticed you changed from "I'm on an alligator" to "I'm on a seahorse"?
Sad face of doom! Ryuu won't
But I will get a livejournal just for you :3
Run and tell that homeboi~
No really, be back soooooon. <3
dontmakemecomefindyou >F >8D <3
OH And I'll be stalkin you on LJ fo sho
*snatches for* GAWSH I miss
GAWSH I miss you. D8
*clings for axel as well*
But good luck with stuff. XD
We love our Zebbs, lyke
NNhh ♥
Zebdawy ♥ I love your
-attacks with love-
Come back soon.
Or i'll sit on you♥ ♥ ♥T^T ^---this does not even
^---this does not even equal the epic sad
lawl everything I tried to type sounded so emo, so ya get this small fail so ya don't baww and I can not feel all epic-emo right now.
So all ya get is a ILU ♥ and I'll miss you and of course Imp'll miss Jester.
But we'll be here when ya come back (youbettercomebackseriouslydammit)~
ILU Zebbiekins~ ♥
Aww, don't let us take you
So good to hear life is
Have a whole bunch of luck and huggles Zebbie <3 You're an amazingly nice person.
-KISSY KISSY- i'll get on my
i'll get on my hoofs and.. legs, if you'll stay!
You can't leave me. :c I love you too much~ But, have a nice time~
oaiusdfoiausdofua asodiufoai
You all=horrible people, making me want to flail and love on you all which yanno, entails me staying here to luff on you all, GEEEZE :B
Lawl in all seriousness though, oh, my goooossh~~ asoiudfoaud ♥ ♥ ♥ Could you guize be more incredibly wonderful like, srsly~?
All of you are such amazing people, and all the care and appreciation you show me, I can never repay you or express how much it means to me aoisdfoiaud ♥ I really wish I didn't hafta be not as active around here, coz it means not having as much time with all you amazing people. The fact that I get to keep in contact with you all though, and that you all want to keep in contact, srsly, I'm so touched. Thankyou so much, to all of you, for these incredible comments and gestures that brightened my day so much. One day, I owe you guize the most epic of tackle hugs for being so wonderful.
oaiusdfou I'M RAMBLING LAWL :B Srsly though, this meant a lot to me as I assume you'll have gathered from my gushing PFFF, and I thank you all for taking the time and giving me the time of day, for treating me in such an epic way and making things generally uber lovely. Better individual replies coming soon, and srsly guize, thankyou, so much ♥
Alsooo, all of those mentioning livejournal, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO MEET ME OVER THAR :B I'd love to have you all on board, no matter who you are, so if you have the urge, you know where I am, tee hee! 8D
♥ ♥ ♥ 8D