This looks pretty much as I wanted to have it now, just the "real" text and information I want inside is missing.
I know there are many talented CSS experts out there, so could some of them maybe tell me now what they think about the layout of my box so far? And does everything work for you? I'd be grateful for any smallest comment... ♥ Thank you.
this is my tiny world, squished in a beautiful box
just like reflections in waterdrops
t a b b a r s - thanks zebbie t a b p a r t s - thanks unplugged b o x , b o r d e r s , i n s p i r a t i o n - thanks ravynn c o n f i g u r a t i o n & c o d i n g - by myself
b a n n e r a r t - thanks scythe a n i m a t i o n - thanks density p h o t o g r a p h y - thanks steve wall b a c k g r o u n d - thanks clare ferguson-walker b a c k g r o u n d d e s i g n s ( l i n k ) - thanks zebbie
So far as I can tell, everything works. ^^
If you haven't already, make sure your CSS is behind the cut, as it bleeds.
Second...this is really just a personal thing, but the black/blue looks odd against the background for me. I've also always been confused by links like that. |D
Other than that, the setup is lovely!
Thank you, ocean, you're too kind~ ♥
Yapp, always making sure CSS is far behind the cut. I am actually a hunter for guys who might forget it as well myself. ;D
The black/blue of what and to what background exactly? It would be amazing if you could specify your meaning on that~ Haha, I actually hope these links sort everything out a bit more! Makes my 'box' almost like a website itself. You get along on normal websites too, don't you? (:
Thank you very much. ♥
Oh good. ^^
At the top, where it says 'Life is fantastic' and the color of the links/boxes around them. :3 To a degree, I do. ;D And it is quite neat--I just always think those links are going to lead to an outside post, and I'm surprised when they don't! xD
Ahh yeah, the "Life is fantastic" phrase thingy was just a placeholder, there's gonna be something else once the box is ready to fulfill its real purpose. ^^ And the blue borders around the tabs should match the blue butterflies in the background, but I do see that they could appear as a bit odd. Will remember that, thank you!
OOH YES, I see, I actually thought the very same about them first! ^^; And still do if they are at one others' biography page or something, so I totally get what you mean there. |D Well, maybe we'll get used to it soon, then :3
This=gorgeous. No, truly. More than gorgeous. Like, gorgeous to the power of infinity. The pictures are absolutely divine, the colours are lovely, and the coding all works perfectly for me-it's fabulous! I love the words too, and the font just suits it-everything about this is wonderful~! ♥
The only thing I could say isn't even really a suggestion-I was going to say maybe change the colour scheme of the rest of the page to match the beautiful box by adding a background and such, but to be honest, it looks wonderful without it-I just have a thing for backgrounds so I always add them, but this doesn't really need it, it looks lovely just as it is and suits the TEF layout colours. Just, amazing ♥ Well done Flyfly, and naaw I'm so honoured to be in the credits too-this is wonderful, love eet~! *applauds* ♥♥♥
ocean - Thank you again for your help and reviews x3! HAHA, very same thing here! Anyhow, so far I'm just glad I got the tabs to do what I wanted and to get all the coding right dffssd xD
Zebbiekins - OH MY GOSH thank you so much for this truly unexpected eeeepicawesomelovely comment ;A; This made my day, honestly! 8D Baawww Zebzeb you're always so very kind, and I am very glad you like this as much. ;A; It wouldn't have been half as wonderful without your great CSS help... So, thank you again for this, too. ♥
I have thought about changing the site's complete design as well, but actually I like how the colors quite fit the page's design, plus I am not the biggest fan of pages where you can't even recognize that you're at the TEFc homepage, eeeew. Though, I must say, your blogs are one of those where I could really change my mind, because your choice of colors and design changing is really just too pleasant to the eye. ♥ However, I think, for my own page I will let the page itself remain as it is, even if every visitor will be like, "Duuuh, boring" and clicks it away in just a matter of moments |D ♥ ♥
Thank you very much for your great comment again, and you've deserved being in the credits so much since I would have never been getting this to look like it does now without your help, I must say~!
All the buttons work and stuff<3 May I ask how did you do this? I really like how you did this and wanted to ask you if I could do something like this for a bio<3 Id be happy to link you as well:) The whole code would be nice please, so I can change up the colors, pictures, backgrounds, etc...Please and thank you it's just so simple yet stunning<3<3
Could you help me out to
So far as I can tell,
If you haven't already, make sure your CSS is behind the cut, as it bleeds.
Second...this is really just a personal thing, but the black/blue looks odd against the background for me.
I've also always been confused by links like that. |D
Other than that, the setup is lovely!
Thank you, ocean, you're too
Yapp, always making sure CSS is far behind the cut. I am actually a hunter for guys who might forget it as well myself. ;D
The black/blue of what and to what background exactly? It would be amazing if you could specify your meaning on that~
Haha, I actually hope these links sort everything out a bit more! Makes my 'box' almost like a website itself. You get along on normal websites too, don't you? (:
Thank you very much. ♥
(No subject)
Oh good. ^^
At the top, where it says 'Life is fantastic' and the color of the links/boxes around them. :3
To a degree, I do. ;D And it is quite neat--I just always think those links are going to lead to an outside post, and I'm surprised when they don't! xD
Ahh yeah, the "Life is
OOH YES, I see, I actually thought the very same about them first! ^^; And still do if they are at one others' biography page or something, so I totally get what you mean there. |D Well, maybe we'll get used to it soon, then :3
Oh, I see, yeah. ^^ I wonder
Sure. :3
Someday, we will. xD I always do a double-take when something new suddenly appears on the screen, though I love it. xD
aosidfoau oh. my. GOSH
This=gorgeous. No, truly. More than gorgeous. Like, gorgeous to the power of infinity. The pictures are absolutely divine, the colours are lovely, and the coding all works perfectly for me-it's fabulous!
The only thing I could say isn't even really a suggestion-I was going to say maybe change the colour scheme of the rest of the page to match the beautiful box by adding a background and such, but to be honest, it looks wonderful without it-I just have a thing for backgrounds so I always add them, but this doesn't really need it, it looks lovely just as it is and suits the TEF layout colours. Just, amazing ♥ Well done Flyfly, and naaw I'm so honoured to be in the credits too-this is wonderful, love eet~!
ocean - Thank you again for
HAHA, very same thing here! Anyhow, so far I'm just glad I got the tabs to do what I wanted and to get all the coding right dffssd xD
Zebbiekins - OH MY GOSH thank you so much for this truly unexpected eeeepicawesomelovely comment ;A; This made my day, honestly! 8D Baawww Zebzeb you're always so very kind, and I am very glad you like this as much. ;A; It wouldn't have been half as wonderful without your great CSS help... So, thank you again for this, too. ♥
I have thought about changing the site's complete design as well, but actually I like how the colors quite fit the page's design, plus I am not the biggest fan of pages where you can't even recognize that you're at the TEFc homepage, eeeew. Though, I must say, your blogs are one of those where I could really change my mind, because your choice of colors and design changing is really just too pleasant to the eye. ♥ However, I think, for my own page I will let the page itself remain as it is, even if every visitor will be like, "Duuuh, boring" and clicks it away in just a matter of moments |D ♥ ♥
Thank you very much for your great comment again, and you've deserved being in the credits so much since I would have never been getting this to look like it does now without your help, I must say~!
All the buttons work and