Thinking: "..."
Feeling: Curious
Doing: Being quiet.
Recent: none!
Game: reinstalling...
MSN: Paix_pour_un_chat [at] hotmail [dot] com
Picto: xXx
Bio: XxX
Title: Prince of Stars
Set: Friendly[long mask, flower antlers, fan stripes]
Thinking: "..."
Feeling: Content, Fatigued
Events: Ran into a fawn early in his day that stuck through most of it. Later met several other fawns and deer in an attempt at leading the little guy/gal home. Gave up quickly. Another fawn joined the pair and then a naked deer that couldn't be helped. The odd herd raced through the forest, danced with Big Bunny and each other and had a decent day. Ended the chaos with a nap beside Toukan. 
Note: His Bio is being redone, excuse the mess
Older: ~
Set: Friendly[long mask, flower antlers, fan stripes]
Thinking: "I must have gained weight to be this slow."
Feeling: Happy
Events: Fought(?)/fooled around with a random angry deer. Met Sluggs and Avengo and several others (whom the map wont show :s)
Note: I think I'll be revamping his bio soon.
Set: Friendly[long mask, antelope antlers, fan stripes]
Thinking: "Ugh...again."
Feeling: dissapointed, sleepy, calm
Events: Sat a bit with Ravus. Saw Dinamo. Saw Zanny. Fooled around with KittyKatKita and Nightshade.
Thought: "Alright, this needs to stop."
Felt: Cold, irritated, lazy, paranoid
Events: Was attacked by a stag for trying to sit on the walls of the ruins. Was chased into the birch forest. They fought more there, until the stag decided to leave him be. Sat a bit with Peach. Found Toukan, Bloo, Ravus, Geisha, and several fawns.
Note: ~
Thought: "Be careful, be careful."
Felt: Tense, tired
Events: Expected to have a quiet sit with Cabbage when all heck broke loose. Stayed out of the squirmish but kept an eye of Cab, Ismir, and a little magpie pelted fellow. Happy that it's over and he can calm down again.
Thought: "This. Is. Nice."
Felt: Relaxed, happy, playful
Events: Pestered Tilly, sat it out with Oura, Toukan...saw Scarlet♥
Note: My game is freezing and lagging like a butt...excuse the inactivity.
Thought: "It must all be a dream..."
Felt: Worried, Ill-at-ease, Threatened
Events: Wandered, played with a few deer and fawns, searched for friends but did not find them.
Note: My game is freezing and lagging like a butt...excuse the inactivity.
Thought: "Does these days...prancing around like they're the bosses."
Felt: Happy, content
Events: Played with Ravus and Illrose for a while as the doe-knub triplets. |D Then found Scarlet. Thought he heard a Zanny but was having too much fun to mind.
Thought: "Just when I got comfortable..."
Felt: Peeved, tired, Infuriated
Events: Good morning of resting and playing...then heard Ravus and ended mixed up in a scramble involving Ren
Note: Set to be changed to Sorrow/hurt and then Fighting....no more friendliness for a while :\
Thought: "You've come back!"
Felt: Elated
Events: Frolicked for most of the day and sat with Ravus and Toukan for a bit. Found Scarlet and met Brd. Reunited with Atu ♥
Thought: "Moon can see me...can't she?"
Felt: Tired, uneasy
Events: Lots of grouping and sitting. Met up with Oura, Nightshade, Scarlet, sat with these deer, danced with these deer and these deer, and finally found her
Thought: "Okay then, follow."
Felt: Amused, tired, content
Recent Event: Lazed around with Dinahmoon for a bit after getting his set back and then found Oura, fooled around with Flyleaf's gang, and met a doe named Scarlet along a peacock-feathered deer and the Mushroom Deer ^-^
Bio: xxX
Title: Dove; Faux Mother; The Fawn Guardian
Set: Magpie Pelt(or antelope), Antelope Antlers(or peacock), Golden Butterfly(Whistle) Mask
Thinking: -.- "Who is this...?"
Feeling: Confused, a bit annoyed
Recent Event: ~
Picto: xXx
Bio: XxX
Title: La Paix; Peace
Set: Nightfall Pelt, Kabuki (trumpet) Antlers
Thinking: "Just follow me, I got this!"
Feeling: Ecstatic
Recent Event: 'Played' with a couple of minies *sigh* poor things.
Picto: xXx
Bio: XxX
Title: -
Thinking: -
Feeling: -
Recent Event: -
Picto: xXx
Bio: XxX
Title: -
Set: -
Thinking: -
Feeling: -
Recent Event: -
Oh and... um, that green just
i wonder what a "normal" character would be like...
...Sob forever.
Well, I guess issues are so common that it's rather 'normal' to have them, even if the sense is taken lightly. \D I have one who I may or may not use in-forest who's certainly of the calmer variety when it comes to having problems, and he's good for support and such. But yeah, not having issues at all would... Be droll, I'd imagine. :|a
*pats with fluffy pink
Yess, a forest full of completely normal deer-ish deer. How's a human-faced deer supposed to act anyway? *wonders*
Lol I wondered that myself. I
xDD Don't forget mushrooms
*zips in* Did you see the
Did you see the mini abiogenesis? 8D
*zips out*
*grabs tail* YES! It was so
YES! It was so much FUN! I got no screenies though >:
*runs about screaming*
Track ^^
can you tell you were missed?
CELESTE!!!!!! WHY IS Celes'
Lolamad911~ ♥ ! <3 Not as much as I missed you guys I bet!
I siiiiink I shall track
I like the new layout. : )
Thanks ^-^ Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays btw, (I figure that it's a day away for you too though)
Thank you for playing with
I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
So it was him :') It was a
It was a pleasure ♥
Happy Holidays too you too,
My game crashes at the worst
*PatPat - snugs*
Beautiful Track!
Thanks ♥
♥ ...um, and that's a
...um, and that's a link! /headtilt at linkage...
Tracking. ♥
How are you doing sweetums?
pretty okay actually :3 Just
Just working on some projects and schoolwork.
What about you?
Cool ♥ Oh I'm a bit
Oh I'm a bit under the weather actually :x But I've finally got my doctor's appointment tomorrow so all's good!
(No subject)
Kitteeeeeeh! X3
Gurg~ Really D: What's going
PW~ Prairie!!!! How's it goin? :3
Going alright. :3 How's it
I am thinking of playing Silverdreaming again. And maybe have the fawns soon. If you are still interested in playing one? For the fawns' first time in the forest I would like to get you and Willow together at the same time if we can arrange it. :3
Okay I guess. :'D That's
:'D That's great. Of course I'd still love to play one of them♥ Well I'm on msn now but my schedule's going to be erratic while I work on some school things the rest of this month.
Perhaps we can set a date and
sure? :'p
Tracked ^^
Kitty! Long time no chat!
I'm so glad you got a new computer! I haff missed seeing you around C':
FEEEEEEEESH! I have missed
I have missed you too--and everybody else, of course!
My life lost a small percentage of awesomeness without this place.
*pats the old css*
*runs towards* ;o; *falls on
Awww.. I know we've missed you, too! It's always sad when rad people have to leave.
Also I still love this css here, especially the colors!
I wondered what happened to
Fishy: -I totally agree with
-I totally agree with you. I'm always like 'NO WHY'
--I love that it's still alive here unlike my boys' biographies, they're all out of wack.
-It's good to be back!
adfdawfgzeswghj HIIII 8D
-and yes I do, it's
forgive my lagging btw, I have like 4fps Dx
Traaaaack- x))