Current Look
Ace is in her winter set as shown above. In character she currently has a thick coat of blue-gray fur to contrast against her sharp green eyes. She no longer wears the 'Spades' mask but has the normal whistle mask decorations over a real deer mask that should be drawn looking as if she has a muzzle. Beneath this mask Ace has a pale tan human face, and looks more Indian than anything. In human form she looks like a young girl/woman (16-25), wearing a deerskin.
| ...It whispers softly to me...
...'Soon the cold will come'...
I love...
~Laughter~ A giggle and a shout I'll never live without
~Fawns~ The little ones...the innocent.
~The Nameless~ They have yet to be seen by the Gods...I lead them...
~The Ruins~ Peace is Death's little sister
~Life~ I cannot love if I've no life
~Silence~ The noise....I hate the noise...
~Night~ The moon-doe smiles at me
~Blueberrys~ Have you ever tasted them? Much better than mushrooms.
~The Crying Idol~ We share our tears with each other
~Quiet Deer~ I don't care how loud your voices are!
~Calm~ Just relax.
~Snow~ Ice from the sky...
~Families~I return the little ones home and watch the parents smile.
...And yet I never answer...
...But here I sit...and still it comes...
I hate...
~Too much sun~ My fur is thick, and I do not swim.
~Fighting~ What's the use? Idiots...
~Losing friends~ Don't go...ever...
~Death~ I don't want to go yet....not like the others.
~Rain~ If I look up it might make me drown.
~Loud deer~ Ugh...hush...
~Sadness~ Cheer up...please.
~Pain~ What's there to say?
~Fire~ The sun's fury on land.
...So what is there to do now?...
...I think that I should wait...
The names I know...I don't truly know...
"You're so strange...I like you."
"Lets sit together...and laugh at the world."
"Oh dear."
"You were the first to understand me..."
"I was like you at one time...long ago... I do not mean harm, only respect."
"Hmm, he's...well...different."
"She is small, but stronger than I."
"He's sensible...until he loses his mask that is."
"I wonder if she is truly this cheerful or if it's all a show."
"I wonder..."
"You think we are family? To me all little ones are family."
"I keep telling you, you are not an adult!"
Who am I?
Ace is just a moody, cheery cross between an old woman and a teenager.
She can be very curious and follow a deer all day but in a split second she could be running away and cowering from the same deer. She can be a misfit sometimes, as she is quite a large doe and is sometimes mistaken for a stag. Ace doesn't fight either, it all seems senseless to her, but in the event that she must...she will be very aggressive. With that in mind, she wont fight often and would rather turn tail and run. Once she feels she can be comfortable with a deer she'll often seek them out and follow them wherever they lead her. She also has a habit of 'herding' fawns and even whole groups of adult deer around the forest when she senses danger or just gets the urge to. This is just an instinct that comes back with her from her past and she'll never quite get rid of it. Please mind that she's a very touch-sensitive deer, and will often nuzzle and sit close to a deer she does not know.
Her Past....
"Have you ever been across the plains? How about across the deserts and through the rainforests? Perhaps you have been to the land of night-sun or the land of ice..."
Ace once lived as a young woman, the first creation in a world of beauty...or at least she thought she was. She was the only daughter of a Chief of the Tahonaenrat (deer people) a branch of the Wyandot (or Huron) Indian tribe. During the year 1639 she contracted Influenza along with her father and a great many of their people. Her father and mother both died from the flu but she survived, miraculously, along with the remainder of her people. When the Iroquois allied with the French launched their incessant attacks on the Huron during the 1640's she gathered up a small group of her people and fled before they were destroyed along with many of the other members of the tribe. They trekked north in search of safety, and she constantly prayed that they would find a new place that they could call 'home'. At some point they came across a herd of deer, tired, starving, and losing their sanity...they threw themselves at the creatures hunting them down, one by one, until none remained....
more to come <3

Image from xXx
Ace's Rut 2010{blog}
History 1 {blog}

~by me ^-^
Oh that was you? *facepalm*
LoL, it was fun confuzzling
-good times-
(No subject)
Aw I wondered who you were :
You're cute &hearts
Munkel: aw, thanks ^-^
Bump~ai edited stuff
Bump~looks decent nao
Celeste! *tackles 4days late*
If Ace keeps coming near and
I'm sorry if he's just being in character, I'm just fed up with deer messing with any of mine all the time. Ace has only done it today, but you've no idea how often it happens with other deer on other days. DX
Oh alright, I'm sorry :'(
Ace is a little obsessed over fawns, but she'll keep away from Joro and Ji now
Oh, that was all? I thought she was trying to 'have a go' at Ji and scare her.
Come on over. <3 NAOW >C
Oh no not really, the only
Okay ^-^
No probs rly xD So many
So many body-guards o,o
They're all little wussies
:'( My computer said that
Maybe Ace will try to steal a snuggle with the bird'ish fawn later :'D
So that was you're deer i
Track. :')
*is smushed by the tracks
Hereticrick~ O.o! A track!
KitsuneSakura~ Your mini is made of WIN! :'P i checked the map and thought her player didn't come on the forums o.o But anyhow <3
SnowSauria~ Yay ^-^
"Is that you beside me? Thank
:3 <3
"No, thank-you for accepting
Sorry I had to leave so
Meh, it's okay, I do it to
I'm glad they could fool around some more ^-^
I think No Eyes met you
Sorry I had to go... But when real life calls what can you do?
My doe just met you she was
She was with Jorogumo (:
Clora~ She probably did, Ace
And real life does annoy sometimes :\
Schutzgeist~ :') Your doe's very interesting.
Ace got creeped out over the whole stand-over thing xD
This would be a track and not
Adam The Puppet Master
It was nice meeting you in
:'3 Same here ^-^
Same here ^-^
Gonna keep track of this~
^-^ yay
And wow, that screenshot blows me away! O_O
lol ^-^ Thx
My Akira is sitting with Ace
Ah, I was just looking at the
Fantastic character. I love
Pleasure meeting you, by the way. c:
Why thank-you. She's a
Pleasure to meet you too :3
lovely track btw is that
btw is that damens sign?
the one who says: oh dear
Midnightrose's project
Thank's guys ^-^ Night~ yes,
Night~ yes, it is
Midnightrose's project
Get online if you can :'p I
sure i'll go to the forest ^^
Midnightrose's project
Ello! 83 Hey so was that Ace
Also: *Traaaack*
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")