November 24, 2009 - 2:40am — Ookani
Ladies and Gentleman, a debate is not an argument, nor is it a flame war, nor is it a /bad thing/.
If we are all the intelligent, mindful, creative people that I believe us to be, we should all be able to conduct, direct, and engage in a debate about whatever topic.
That means not being personally effected, or /affronted/ by the topics set out in a debate.
I would like to see things discussed more often. Little unspoken rules of conduct, such as spelldata sharing/accessing, character suicide, violence in the forest, and general behaviour IC and OOC.
(Noting that IC is in regard to playing in the forest or playing 'in character' on the community site or through any other means, and OOC regarding the player behind said character in all mediums.)
Why can't we talk about things that all of us are interested in? Have we become a community that blacklists all topics that might be controversial? If so, why do we even have controversial characters at all? Are the players of controversial characters being targetted for 'starting trouble', and if so, why?
What I mean by this, is, let's talk more often. I think we'd all grow as individuals, and ultimately, as /adults/, if we all talked about the stuff that irks us, or makes our experiance of the Forest more interesting. Without people feeling that they are going to be attacked for their views, or shunned, or hated.
I'd like to start a debate, in the comments below, on the idea of actually routinely discussing (yes, folks, debating) topics about the way the forest, and the community works.
All in favour, say aye, all opposed, say nay.
Nnh. -nods- Aye.
@Crimsongale -takes a moment
-ponders how to explain- It's
I use it for mystrs effcts yo!
I've been trying to get
I agree. Sometimes shoving
Proper debating can be
Of course, I do see an immense possibility for things to get quite out of hand...
Nevertheless, I suppose there's no harm in giving it a try, eh? C:
This is exactly what I'm
Although people sometimes immediately label it as one. Of course, discussions can become personal but that's hard to always avoid. There's a lot of debate in real life too and it's healthy. You get to know how other people feel, but you also discover how YOU feel about certain things. Topics that didn't catch your eye before may become much more interesting. You learn about the environment surrounding you as well.
Though there should always be the option to leave the debate if you want to. Sometimes things can get too tense, so we should stay respectful as in accepting someone's choice to leave. I know it's not that hard, since you can just refuse to post, but I've experienced people labeling a person that left a debate as a coward. So yeah, you should be free to leave without getting flamed for it.
I support this. I mean, it's much better to discuss an issue in a mature and peaceful way, hearing out the opinions of people surrounding you, instead of finding yourself in a blog about said issue where people often seem t make a fuss.
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Aye. I agree with everything
I agree with everything everyone above me has said, so I have nothing of my own to add just.... yes please.