Viewer discretion advised. This biography and the character itself may portray mature themes such as but not limited to strong language, sexuality, violence, and abuse. This character is always in-character unless stated otherwise, anything to do with her (such as her thoughts, feelings, updates, and any information on her biography) is purely fictional and not a representation of myself. My discord is Sapphire#3479 - if anyone would like to contact me for any reason, character related or otherwise (like wholesome memes to get me through the day), please give me a heads up on this page just so that I know who you are! I don't bite so please don't be shy, I lovelovelove branching out and getting to know players and characters and I'm completely comfortable with all kinds of material be that via writing or in-forest interaction so never be afraid to harass this character! Design by Qanat Fading Tabs by WhenDeerAttack Backgrounds found on Unsplash CSS by Salome
cordial · open-minded · principled · disharmonious · lost · longing · wrathful ∾ Her body was once no more than a cloak of disguise in the beginning of its existence, skin to wear for another who roams the woods. A creation of Morioch and Indigo, however mastered by neither. Its original identity remains withheld from all else but a select few. This shell was eventually given up in favour of its own individual life—the doe became a soul of her own. Remembers 'her' experiences, those her maker interacted with. Aware of her creation and former purpose. Has since built a solid life of her own with a different purpose to follow, one that was embedded into her creation by her maker, however at times she still finds herself lost and uncertain of who and how to be. Traces of her maker's own nature and afflictions often bleed into her veins and distort, confuse, and contradict the Black Wasp's sense of self. Over the past few years, the doe has been in the process of becoming her own personality as the world moulds her. ⪼ Beneath the surface, the doe is vulnerable to being infected by certain sinful natures that are not her own—or so she tries to convince herself. Since her soul has been shaping itself from the beginning of its creation, it is uncommon that this happens nowadays, yet it still remains a haunting plight today and a cause for conflicted thoughts and emotions when it does. ⪼ With her heart harbouring pacifistic ideals, her first instinct was once to help end violence as opposed to perpetuate or participate in it. Nowadays, however, she is more inclined and willing to spill blood if necessary. River Stone has lost much of her confidence and bravery to leap into the fray unless circumstances are critical, or a friend has been victimised. ⪼ Wishes to nurse the suffering of others and offer the comfort sought by these individuals regardless of what form of it is needed; often sacrifices her own comfort to achieve this. ⪼ Respectful of every individual's space while also naturally keen to keep her own. Tends to put more distance between herself and another than is probably necessary. ⪼ Frequently plagued by a lonesomeness she cannot seem to quell, a hole in her heart that bleeds for unknown reasons. Falls prey to intimate inclinations as if to fill it, to soothe a wound, but another reason for this behaviour lies in her tie to her maker: ghosts of their abuse-related traumas have poisoned her soul.
∾ Exhibits a very subtle mixture of serpentine and feline influences appearing most strikingly in the structure of her jaws and her tigerishly large, predatorial teeth. Like a snake, it is rigged with ligaments that allow it to expand many times its own size. Possesses a powerful bite, perhaps surprisingly so, should a situation call for teeth. Emits certain sounds equal to cervine, serpent, and feline. Anatomy is best likened to a roe deer with the exception of the obvious anomalies. Her lithe physique is coated entirely in an ink-like black from her soft blackthorn eyes (sclera included), to her oil-esque fur, to each cloven hoof. Physically fit to fight or flee, she is swiftly capable of both; athletic, taut. Aside from her hooves, ears, and tail which are each clearly feathered, the rest of her fur is short and seems to resemble the lustre of satin. Lacks any reason to shelter from rain as the drops simply roll off her coat. Wears three necklaces: a tiger's eye pendant (as depicted in her reference), an antique golden amulet that would once constrict around her neck when attempts were made to remove it but has had its unusual magic stripped (similar to this), and a choker made of black lace serving as a teleportation device. ...
The soul whom inhabited her body first, the very reason for her own existence. Had shared only a handful of interactions with the Devil's Scorpion before her long disappearance thus lost the opportunity to better get to know the lioness as she wished to have done. Mystified by her nature, or at least what she had heard of it, and found herself at a subconscious mourning over a loss of guidance in life when it had been most needed—a mother, perhaps. Upon 'birth', her memory was embedded with certain histories and people as well as a set of purposes to see through: the reasons, River Stone perceives, for her creation. With Umay's return, has finally had the chance to build a relationship with the lioness, albeit a distant one due to the River Stone's emotionally withdrawn ways in recent times. Does not share as much as she once might have done, but the care and support she has received from Umay has been deeply appreciated. One of two of River Stone's makers, and very much a fatherly figure in her heart: a sentiment of which shall likely always remain unspoken. Loved very dearly and regards his counsel with utmost respect and gratitude. The second hand in River Stone's creation, however beholds a skeletal relationship with the phoenix much to her heart's dismay. Does not feel the male likes her, at all in fact, but she is trying to form an understanding of his attitude and respect his space. Once scathed by something he said. From the bottom of her heart, the wolf is her closest friend. He is one of the first inhabitants of the forest who she came to adore and wholeheartedly trust and she is deeply grateful for his unwavering care and understanding. While River Stone was once a physically reserved creature, Sebastian and his relentless cuddles are certainly liable for her more affectionate side these days. Feels a guilt for the small time that the two spend together these days and wishes to amend this. Worries for. "When I’m with you, it’s like all the bad feelings I’ve ever had melt away and I’m left with a soft warmth in my chest." A dear friend, loved when the vampire was once hated due to his savagery and insolence, his incessant prying of her mind and his belief that she too harboured a violence within her that she had always denied and of which he would not leave alone. In fighting him, perhaps the black doe was only ever at war with herself. Somehow, she slowly warmed up to the stag particularly during a hard time where he became her only comfort, a refuge she found herself often seeking, and soon she came to discover a different light in him. Even in darkness, he never failed to evoke a smile on her face or even a laugh from her chest. Has learned more than she ever thought she would about Erik, the vampire’s true name, but even to this day she has divulged very little to him about herself in return. Whilst there is a softness in her heart for the Sanguinary, there is no denying what he is: a monster in many ways. Plague’s cruel bloodthirst and his heartless ways is a cause for internal conflict, knowing that while she has found good in the man’s soul, he is also the embodiment of everything that her moral compass points away from. There is a hypocrisy in her love and care for him, one she ignores for the selfish sake of keeping their friendship held in her hands. adder in the grass, into my veins your fangs sink sanguinary sin One of her closest, earliest friendships, but not without its deep and ever growing complications. The Blackbird has cherished him as her friend even despite the dark secrets he has confided to her, once upon a time regularly frequenting his world to stay with him throughout many nights simply to share innocent contact, warmth, and a treasured feeling of security. Their closeness seemed to crumble away however when things became more intimate than intended, feelings and behaviours of which she was quick to run from. It took a long time for the doe to become aware of the slow but budding change in both her heart and mind and even now she does not entirely understand it, often utterly depressed by its existence when it floods her chest and evokes feelings of sharp jealousy and bitterness while the Ouroboros spends little to no time with her and far more with other women nowadays, one in particular. Feels a sting of betrayal, as though abandoned like an old rag and replaced by those who will give him what she does not. Became convinced that, like many of the men around her, he was only ever interested in one thing. Growing uncertain again; losing warmth. Fondly loved and treasured, a stalwart friend whom the doe only feels comfort and safety with whilst side by side. Deeply appreciates his sincere and gentle care towards her, as well as the pockets of time shared together in peaceful quietness or cheerful games. Her heart is only ever happy to see the Wraith. One of her closest companions, a bond akin to something like a kindred spirit despite their different characteristics for reasons the doe would not be able to pinpoint. After feeling repeatedly let down by other females she had trusted and considered friends before, only to feel discarded by them for those who are ‘better’, often the company of males, she appreciates the hound for their genuine and lasting friendship. Admires in many ways and will forever feel indebted to Ashe for once saving her life. Utterly adored, a sisterly figure and one of the first individuals she came to build a connection with upon her first weeks of life. Saddened, however, when Morganna seemed to disappear for a long time, deeply questioning her worth to the other doe when she did eventually return. Of no fault of Morganna’s, of course, but rather a small handful of negative experiences that lead her to feel like an unimportant face in the lives of other individuals who she had liked more than they had liked her ultimately; such insecurities were quickly extinguished. Idolises Morganna, admiring her beauty, strength, and bravery in the face of frightening creatures and situations, often finding herself feeling empowered by her courage. Has appreciated her kindness and care and wishes to return it, especially after becoming aware of a recent grief in her friend’s mind. A relationship of uncertainty, in a nutshell. Began by sharing wordless company with one another until the dynamic between them suddenly became complicated as a warmth blossomed only for Plague to one day catch the two together, displeased by their association. Ever since the vampire expressed his belief that Virus is likely only intending to use her to spite him for a past transgression, on top of her growing mistrust for men due to recurring negative experiences, she has harboured doubts deep down about his display of sincerity. At one point was no doubt caught by a fleeting infatuation and superficial attraction towards the pale demon, captivated by his charming ways—so much so that once she became uncomfortably aware of the affect that his allure had upon her, she was quick to thwart his physical contact lest she fall prey to her own trap of longing. Continued to spend time with the stag until she was struck by the temporary death of her emotions at the hands of Mikill, traumatised by an attack, kidnapping, and unconsenting physical advancement by the Viking. Became distant after this incident and her connection with Virus wilted. Despite his continual support and care, her comfort is yet to recover and so far it shows little signs of doing so. Feigns trust and poise in response to his presence and physical affections out of politeness but in truth, she is uneasy and uncomfortable, still remembering Plague's words. Waiting and hoping for her positive regard for him to heal as she continues to accept his company and even still seek it, or for the demon to hurt her as Plague had predicted. Regardless of her complicated feelings, she appreciates what he has done for her so far. A stag who has only ever shown a kind and caring heart to her, perhaps one of the nicest and most understanding creatures she has had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with. Quietly and distantly cherishes; happy for his return and hopes to spend more time with him. One of the first people she met and developed a friendship with. Misses and still worries about him. As far as she can recall, Meth was the very first creature she came to interact with after her body was given new breath. Behaved with him in a starkly different way to what can be expected from her nowadays, having indulged in a brief path of self discovery. Later down the line, she grew close to the male despite his strange and questionable nature until one day he became scarce. There was a soft mourning, happy to see him when he made an appearance a long time later, but he seems to have vanished. Misses. Approached by the Raven Stag during a sensitive time where the doe’s trust and sense of safety was in shambles. Wary of him and his intentions, at first, but quickly discovered him to be a peaceful creature and has since grown fond of. Finds Ephire’s company to almost be an escape from the madness and noise of the world around her. haakon, mikill
i wish i could do updates shiddy one just to update her physical health!! After a week long stay in hospital within Sebastian's world due to severe burn wounds sustained by Virus, then a short time spent staying at his house, finally returned to the forest by the wolf's side ever since the incident involving Virus and Plague. Does not appear to be allowing herself to think about it thus is yet to properly process the incident, her feelings regarding it, or her underlying worry towards Plague's wellbeing. Ever grateful for Sebastian's love and support through it all and particularly for a certain conversation they shared. Fearful of seeing Virus for a plethora of reasons, and self conscious of her marred and gruesome appearance. ∾ my oc finally broke got sick of being picked on by the bullies in the playground became the bully and punched greitai for all the times she was mean the big lads came definitely proved plague right about having an inner angry beast damn it JK BUT- Laid quietly within one of her favourite beds of poppies, though now a place bearing negative memories and feelings towards a recent attack upon her that has since set the doe on a path of hatred and deep unhappiness. Surprised by a visit by Plague whose company, caring watch, and little affections she appreciated. Feigned sleep by the vampire's legs when Virus was next to find them, wary of triggering any kind of confrontation between the two stags, but the longer the demon lingered the stronger her guilt became for ignoring him. 'Woke' and quietly approached him wearing a mask of warmth which seemed to work in fooling him into believing all was well, when in truth, she was spiritless and could not stomach the idea of having a conversation with him when he expressed wishing to talk to her—perhaps feared a heavy, stressful topic, worse yet one that revolved around the three and their precarious dynamic. Managed a last smile, watching him leave before returning to Plague. Didn't remain for long, however, her mind disturbed by a particular restlessness that has haunted her ever since certain attacks: told him that she needed to wander. Instead, something unlike her suddenly erupted inside and she attacked Greitai as soon as she saw the doe. Engaged in a vicious brawl with the female which soon turned into a verbal dispute, the raptor's words only further enraging her to the point of nervous laughter and enough to attack a second time. Even more uncharacteristic, she continued for a short time despite Plague lunging in to pursue Greitai as well. Stood back for the next while with Crescent and Plum, the latter of which often trying to tend to her bleeding with a rag. Aware of Ramsus' presence amongst the violence, conflicted about... what she had caused, but oddly not feeling too badly about it, likely too overwhelmed by emotion and adrenaline. Struggled trying to keep up with the chase due to her injuries but finally reached a large scene consisting of a stand off between Plague and Greitai and many onlookers who she had felt incredibly self conscious about herself in front of because of her actions, particularly Ephire, fearing a changed opinion of her. Harbouring conflicting feelings regarding her actions: shame in her inability to control her festering hatred and allowing weakness in, allowing her to become the person she had always been fighting not to be, and a liberating sense of catharsis. Another hunt transpired and inevitably the Black Snake fell prey to the wrath searing inside; used the last of her strength to fly past Plague, Uy, and Ramsus to sink her teeth into the raptor as much as she was able. Figured, despite it being against her better judgment, maybe she should take advantage of the situation and try to extinguish everything left of her vindictiveness by purging it from her system. Bellowed an exasperated cry in anger when she was unable to keep up with the doe, which Ramsus and Plague misunderstood as a call to stop their attacks. A blessing, really, having never intended for anyone and certainly not herself to kill the doe. Beneath her whirring and rampant emotions, she knows she should have done better—been better. Not this. Collapsed against the tree, nauseated by exhaustion and adrenaline, and was taken to Plague's home. to (never) be continued............... .. .. ∾ Suspicious of an intimidating, beastly stranger (Mar) purely because of his looks and her own past experiences with anything that had sharp teeth wanting to hurt her. His slow approach and silent ways were unnerving and strange, causing her to finally ask if she could help. No, he was simply curious about her, and although he seemed friendly enough she did not stay for long. Eventually lied and made an excuse to leave when he sat, seeming to expect her to do so as well, and settled on Red Hill where it was secluded and she could shake off her discomfort. It wasn't long until Greitai found her, however, and seemed keen on getting in the doe's face and circling her. Remained calm outwardly and as civil as was appropriate for the situation, but inside... ![]() Too afraid to leave in case the raptor would finally attack her and give chase but eventually did so, having had enough of her games. was in luck bc greitai didn't go after her lmao thank you lord almighty ![]() BUT THEN!!! After bitterly stewing over Greitai's treatment towards her, turned around after working up some hella Balls and confronted the doe. Expressed that she was sick of her behaviour and that she wanted to be left alone, only feeling more and more mocked with each response. Flashing her teeth, finally said fuck you and lunged for the other female where a lengthy brawl ensued which eventually included Plague, Zemora, with many bystanders watching. Pulled away from the scene with Braith always protectively by her side to deter the raptor from going after her any more and prolonging the mess, a small sliver of guilt nipping at her skin. But only small, because.......... fuk u bih Was joined by Plum, then, whose smile she was unable to return when given. Cautiously followed Braith back towards Greitai and Plague who appeared to be talking, still with many observing on the sidelines. Briefly checked on by Rossamund but was unable to reply to his offer of care when Ren suddenly went after Plum. Snapped into a protective rage and darted after the massive wolf, soon enough joined by many others but im struggling to write these updates help me appreciated everyone's help because like heck would she have been able to fend the creature off alone, especially while in her injured state. lots of appreciation towards braith for his NICENESS!! and no longer feels so afraid of zemora, thx chick... struggling with her wounds, bleeding, and a feeling of panic, so took herself off to somewhere isolated to hide and tend to herself. kinda dreading bumping into greitai again.. ∾ A few nights ago, unintentionally sent her friend, Plague, into an irate fury when she decided to confront him about the repetitive spats between him and Virus with herself in the center after he lead her away from her group of friends (including Virus). Frightened and shocked by his shouting and building instability, which ultimately manifested into a violent outrage that had Plague attacking innocent individuals. Ever since the incident, she has sunken into a deep dejection. Suffering another loss of love for life, dwelling on a vast handful of negative experiences in her existence thus far as well as her dynamic with certain people in her life. Distant and dismal, quiet more often than not, but masking these feelings with smiles, politeness and warmth. ![]() Stepped into the forest for the first time today and lingered at the bridge for a long while, silently thinking before noticing Genha. Respectfully approached him, in truth feeling sad and alone, and asked if she could sit with him for some time. The stag let her know that he had not seen the attacker (Plague) ever since that night, to which she lightly ended the conversation by expressing the same. At first had intended to express that she felt the vampire was probably avoiding the woods because of his actions, only to realise she did not want to even think about it let alone speak. Bid farewell to the stag eventually, becoming increasingly weighed by a heavy heart. Drank at the pond before taking note of Ramsus nearby. Thought to greet him but, upon approach, became slightly put off by his company for no personal reason but instead simply felt intrusive. Silently reached over to fondly touch her nose to his cheek before she went on her way, almost accidentally bumping into Lasair. A doe she once considered a budding friend only for whatever connection they had to inevitably wilt: the doe was a painful reminder of something. Quickly turned direction and found herself wandering towards a location that is sentimental to both Plague and herself, wistful, only to feel disappointed when she saw that the bed of hyacinths and poppies was already preoccupied. Stared on, until she quickly realised she was being followed by a massive dog-like beast (Ramiel). Given past experiences with predatory types, sent immediately on edge and prepared to flee - all the more as the scarred canine closed in, circled, and investigated her too close for comfort; fought against all desire to run, knowing full well that doing so tends to excite these kinds. Surprised when Ramiel spoke to her, seemingly confused about his whereabouts. Answered when necessary with stuttering words and nervously stood in silence when he soon became quiet, only to sit when told. Did not appreciate the curt command and hardly wanted to stick around, however she lacked the courage to express this and feared any possibility of aggression if she were to decline. Spoke honestly and very briefly whenever he would ask a question, as briefly as possible, and eventually managed to will herself to suddenly transform into a bird and fly away which caused the dog to snap his jaws. Found a tall branch to perch, away from everyone else. ∾ Happier in mind, these days. Seems to have finally crept from the shadows and is engaging socially, finally feeling much more positive and less anxious in doing so. Joyous to see Morganna after perhaps the passing of a year. By the kindness of Morioch, is now able to transform into a small black drongo bird. Tends to use this form as a means of quick and safe escape from danger or uncomfortable settings, or to share company in a quiet way. Enjoying quiet company with Morganna and a new face, Plum. ∾ tHESE ARE OLD UPDATES I JUST NEVER POSTED THEM BECAUSE DRUPAL FORGIVE MeE i am slacking ![]() Ever since her lady date with Ashe in the Wraith Hound's world not long ago, perked up considerably and felt better within herself likely due to simply having the company of a good friend as opposed to isolation or negative company. Thanks to the other woman, finally has an assortment of her own clothing to spare her from the embarrassment of having to pre-warn anyone of her lackthereof when it came to the business of meeting outside of the forest. Introduced to many new sights, tastes and smells, including her second ever sip of alcohol... still not a fan. this is present sapphire editing her old updates to include that morioch has also massively contributed to this bitch's better spirits after talking to him about Personal things and he offered to help her try to tackle an Issue. thanks not-pa Ecstatic for the day's rain but her contentment was shortlived as her nerves became overwrought, having caught wind of Mikill. Silently and closely nestled by the trunk of a birch tree, engulfed by a debilitating haze of anxiety for a long stretch of time. Thought a small walk and a change of scenery might help but was suddenly attacked by the Viking out of no where. Managed to leap ahead and avert his crown of tines, fleeing across the forest albeit clumsily and frantically—tried to lose him between trees, at the bridge, and across the lake but tripped over her own legs and quickly lost much of her agility and strength when Mikill caught up and rammed into her sides multiple times from then on. Rescued by Rota and then Virus shortly after, the latter keeping close to her while they watched the fight go on between the Viking and the Sunless. Felt urged to help the doe but was conflicted among her absence of courage, her wounds already rapidly pouring blood, and a fear of worsening and prolonging the situation by placing herself as a victim again: something for the rest to protect, and become harmed by doing so. Continued to follow the fight at a safe distance and found herself snapping forward after the giant wolf as quickly as she could when it suddenly looked like Rota was trying to run away from his pursuit. Halted and made an immediate u-turn however when the Viking stopped his chase, nope'ing right out of engaging him if she did not have to, but the male was suddenly mobbed by two other creatures who battled him for a lengthy time (Ragdara and sOMEONE ELSE I DIDN'T CATCH YOUR NAME ): ); Osha soon came to Mikill's aid. Took this as an opportunity to quickly thank Rota for her help, nervous and guilty, before returning to Virus who hit her with a difficult question regarding Mikill that she did not intend to answer. Betrayed by her evident spike in anxiety, then following dissociation from the subject, which told Virus all he needed to know. Panicked as the demon stalked towards Mikill and Osha, clearly irate, but did nothing as another fight broke out. Approached by Virún during this and tried to reassure the child... of what, exactly, who knows because things were definitely not okay, but she hoped to convey that she was okay—even if that was a lie too. Found herself at the end of Mikill's knife again, so to speak, as he took off after her. Again went between trying to lose him and occasionally turning back to deliver any bite that she could but only ended up getting her skull painfully bounced around. Relief to be free of his chase quickly turned into livid horror as she realised the Viking was now hunting the small girl from earlier, Virún. Set off after him, snapping into an unshackled rage when she was able to catch up and viciously bit and kicked at him. At some point (pLAYER CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT POINT EXACTLY FORGIVE MEEE) was caught off guard by Osha who was suddenly barreling towards her while she was trying to search for the young child. Bolted off to get out of the way only to turn to face her, scrapping with the other doe. As soon as an opportunity came, set off after Virún with the intention to take her away to somewhere safer. Tried to encourage her to hide between a pair of rocks for now until things calmed down but the pale girl was distressed by the situation and upset that her friend "Squishy" (Vakr) was missing. Initially thought she was referring to her pet slug and only felt a sense of hopeless dread, wishing to promise to help find it but knowing deep down that the creature had probably been crushed during the fray... But then the real "Squishy" came along. Followed Virun who followed after Vakr, fearful of Mikill or Osha seeing either of them or Virus now as the three grouped together. And then Osha seemed to be making a swift move towards Virún; took no chances and quickly intercepted, nearly thankful that nothing happened. Watched on as Mikill spoke with Vakr, unaware of their relation, and uncertain of what to do with the child besides her: desperate for everyone to relocate away from danger, but sympathised with Virún's desperation to have her friend back and also worried about Vakr's safety with Mikill and Osha. Panicked mORE when the fawn lunged towards them, clearly upset. When she stormed off into a different direction, struggled with Virus to keep up with her due to their injuries. Ended up falling behind them, no longer able to stand. Appreciative of Virus returning to her to stay by her, certainly a security blanket when she could hear Mikill bellowing his given name for her across the forest. :X Had she any pants to pee in... Ran at first when Mikill, Osha, and Vakr turned up but the Viking had only wanted to tell her that he no longer intended to harm her—for now—due to her positive association with his son. Followed Virún to the oak with Virus to shelter, passing out soon enough. ∾ FINALLY O>O THERE IS SO much to be done still, relationships in particular (I know I'm missing a lot of characters so I apologise! will be working through that bit by bit) and I'm sure there's a lot of mistakes lmao but for now, hello Throughout the ebony doe's short life in this forest, she has slowly and gradually been whittled to her bones by its darknesses. Began her life positively and lovingly with the intention to breed moments of happiness for the souls around her who inhabit it, forging dear friendships along the way who of which still closely remain in her heart. Some of them, that is. Has endured repetitive physical and emotional torment, realising in recent times that if she is good for something, it is to be prey for one reason or another. That she is meat to beasts, and her flesh useful and pretty to lustful men—overtime, she has come to feel that a number of her 'friendships' were never truly friendship at all but built purely from intention to have their way with her. Has developed a sense of worthlessness in herself, a severe fear and mistrust in the people around her, a violent hatred for those who commit misdeeds to innocent individuals or herself, and is struggling with an emotional detachment that has caused her to behave in withdrawn ways. Isolating herself, unable to face visiting the forest or the friends left therein despite the remaining care in her heart. If she does, she is quick to retreat back to her home in Morioch's realm or at least wish to, or in rare occasions cling to connection—especially from her father figure, Morioch, or Plague and Sebastian when they are present. Notably in her life, has been deeply impacted by Mikill and a few confrontations involving him and others. Wrangling with a deep hurt regarding Wollunka, too, but thanks to a few words from Sebastian is trying to view things from a different perspective. As a whole, is struggling with her desire for life and frequently finds herself tempted to ask Morioch to terminate her existence only to resist if only to protect a small handful of individuals from the pain she knows doing so would cause them. Today, sought Ashe as soon as the Wraith Hound was noticed and settled as closely as possible besides her; soothed by her friend's presence. Spent time quietly with her, Fenrir, and Umbrerus until ultimately removing herself in favour of being alone when certain anxieties began to spike but it was not long until Virus came across her. As usual, managed a polite and positive facade as best to her ability to veil her troubles as she typically does and soon followed after him as he sought a private place to talk, unbeknownst to her. Distracted by a small commotion involving two creatures harassing an injured centaur (i lost everyone's names ![]() Crippling Anxiety ![]() Not knowing what to say, at least managed to offer a wordless nuzzle before departing. Accidentally ran into Ramsus who had his face suspiciously close to the trunk of a tree... wondered if he was upset, so spared a few moments to embrace him in a light hug. Left the company she had once again, only to be approached by Wollunka shortly after. Surprised, even more so by his offering of flower buds. Warmed by the gesture, albeit confused and perhaps skeptical as a result of her recent frame of mind, and further surprised when he spoke. Shared a few small sentiments and a couple of lighthearted jokes which brightened her spirits, until she heard Mikill's threatening calls. Fear set in quickly, festering the more he bellowed and the closer he prowled around herself and Wollunka; noted the doe by his side (Osha). Trembling at this point and was told by the Ouroboros to get behind him. In the end, neither were attacked, but the occurence left a bubbling resentment in the doe's chest that she was unable to quell. Seethed, seethed, and seethed, loathing that the Viking felt he could treat them in such a way as he does many others and ultimately allowed her anger to get the better of her. Without thinking, stormed towards Mikill and Osha, fueled only further by what she saw enough to swiftly lunge for the stag and deliver a quick succession of bites before bolting away when the pair got to their feet. A massive brawl broke out between the three, Wollunka, and quickly Ramsus and Sebastian as well. Lost herself in a place of calculated vindictiveness and bloodthirst but this time, she was not afraid or ashamed of it. Reveled in it, even, as she darted in and out of the fray to land artful blows to both Mikill and Osha as and where she could. Often fled from both, particularly the massive wolf, when either pursued her but moments of blind ire would have her turning on them and facing them head on despite the risks in doing so. The battle ended when Osha pulled Mikill away from the forest. Checked on those involved and soon found herself alone when everyone went their own ways, with an unusual sense of peace in her mind despite knowing in her heart that Mikill will be back for her. At some point approached by Sans who expressed concern for her wellbeing as he has once done in the past but gently declined when he asked to see her injuries, too uncomfortable with the stranger. Felt bad and wished not to offend him if she had done so, but knew she would only cause herself further distress by accepting any company she did not feel completely secure with. Toyed with the idea of settling down near Wollunka and Accendare but when she finally plucked the courage to do so, having harboured uncertainties and insecurities around the two - namely the scarred doe - for a long while now, she was quick to shy away from the idea and retreated to Morioch's world. Summoned him, asking if he would 'conceal' her injuries purely to not let Ashe down who had invited her to spend time together in her world earlier on. Later sought the hound. good quality goil time ∾ Took note of Pyriel, someone who had defended her once before from a threat in the past, and spent a handful of hours quietly resting together. Had forgotten, however, a peculiar visit from him a few months back. Joined by Koll for a while. Bid the males adieu to seek some solitude to recharge only to eventually be attacked by an unknown doe (Spencer) who had hunted her before as an attempt to steal the one necklace around her neck that does not come off. Scrabbled between fleeing, expressing submission and confusion when a break finally allowed it before the other female took off. Caught ear of Spencer speaking to Fain nearby and decided to caution the male, explaining Spencer's prior assaults. Was chased off by the aforementioned; took herself to the crying idol to bathe her wounds and calm her nerves, woozy from shock.
a description | Nameless and many-named. [the] Black Wasp · River Stone · Black Dahlia · Blackbird · Oil Doe · Black Snake Soilleir · Zozo · Sasha · Kind · Dahlia · Fagr · Clementine · Kalypso, Kali · Iris · Little Black Lamb · Seta Nera · Melania Mature adult Female ...? Here Strangely scentless. Monica Bellucci here The Black Snake river-stones |
(No subject)
Da bb
woooo. this bio is gorgeous
love her ♥
by sleepything
Ohh this is gorgeous! Have
...! yeS
beautiful ;;
ooohhh thank you so much
Hautakumpu - ohh bless! no need to feel hesitant at all, i'd love to interact with your characters! ♥ i'll keep an eye out for them myself and see about chucking 'chitz' their way if she's not in big baby mode
s h i t z
s h i t z
sHRiEKs * a;slkdjdhfd at
* a;slkdjdhfd at shitz ^
'shitz' i can't, i'm so glad this is a thing
THANK YOU Q>Q i treasure forever
a gentle track
um yes ive been waiting 84
beautiful ♥
Sig: Aihnna
Thank you guys so much
And a lil track for the
tyvm you guys!
sshhutushtuhutusshhhh shhhh
Yeeeeees ♥
a smelly blast from the past
a smelly blast from the past
[e]: having no discord makes me do things
starr i am lost for
thank you
Hellu o/
What happened to u, ''Miss''?
Both of the black doe's
Her dark, saddened eyes 'brighten' as if to offer reassurance to her friend. "I was caught in the crossfire of a fight which had unfortunately transpired between two friends of mine. I am all right though, please do not worry," she smiles with cracked lips.
At his friend's response and
A faint, guilty look crosses
"You are very sweet." In truth, the Black Dahlia is glad he was not one of the many who were there. Her soft smile continues to remain on her lips despite their lingering pain. "Thank you, your company alone brings comfort to me."
The young stag was surprised
And my laptop crashed lol sorry by that
): sneaky cuddle
Hey, thank you for the
/Sorry about my sudden leave, my connection is being weird today
Signature © Draak
aw it's okay, thank you for
Finally track for this lovely
(No subject)
by paperflesh
A very belated track!
aW thank you guys!! this is