- Name
: Wisp (self-given)
- Titles
: The Little Flame, The Will-o'-the-Wisp
- Picto
- Sex/Gender
none/agender Physically lacks sex characteristics. Doesn't identify as any particular gender. Fine with any pronouns.
- Age
: Appears as a young adult, but probably as old as the forest. Ageless.
- Species
: fire sprite, appears as a small deerlike unicorn
- Orientation
: unknown
- Romance
: none
- Size
: a bit smaller than
- Scent
: fire, burning leaves, ash
- Diet
: wood, dry vegetation, anything flammable
- Color
- Home
: 0x0 (center of the ruins)
- Reference
- In-Forest Set
: monarch butterfly pelt, real deer mask, antelope antlers, mini
A little disappointed everyone seems to be paired up and there's no action. That's the problem with joining so late.
At least they met Daiyu (though doesn't know his name). Two doesn't really make a herd, though.
Decided to participate in the rut this year after all, hoping they won't be chased again. Joining a bit late. So far has only met Uy and Yasu. Everything is quiet.
Got chased twice. Enough to consider possibly not participating in the rut next year. Went to the ruins to rest at their spot.
Spent some time entertaining a random fawn that insisted on following them. Found Culzean and Sub Rosa and has been following them around. Watched Culzean spar with Ceryneitan (I think?), decided to stay with Culzean because they know him, even though Sub keeps wandering off. Watched another herd in the distance for a bit before settling down to sit with Cul.
Participating in the rut for the first time. Ended up in a small herd, initially nervous but ended up having fun with them. Also witnessed a couple of spars which seemed evenly matched as far as they can tell, but that could be due to a lack of experience.
Found Culzean, Arkœrova, and Sub Rosa again. Still uncertain about Sub. Squints at.
Saw some commotion nearby and went to investigate (Scavenger and the Douðshest). Only to be chased away. And then chased some more. Defended by Culzean. Ran off into the birch
and accidentally ran into De Drinkplaats so had to go get their pelt back. Found near the gods by Culzean and followed him back to the ruins, finding that the creatures they were chased by were now gone.
Suddenly found themselves alone and went to find the others and then chased
again, this time it was Sub that led them back to Culzean, maybe she's okay? Still not sure...
Ran around for no reason bc sudden random burst of energy! And then was spooked by random deer running by. Cul stop trying to push me back I AM FLAME!
Went for one more run (and then was sat on by Culzean???) before going to rest at their spot.
Met Culzean and Sub Rosa at the ruins (Arkœrova was also there but there was no interaction). As always was nervous at first but decided they seemed okay. Just sat with them for a while. Followed the two when they moved towards the pond and just watched from a distance because it seemed like
something was going on. Was apparently spotted and ran off to the birch forest where they came across Grimoire (also Poly and Nerezza but there was no interaction from them). After the usual nervous greeting, sat with them for a while instead.
Fell asleep???
Found Culzean again. Wisp is very interested in him. Sub was with him but left, was it because of Wisp? Not sure what to think of her. Didn't stick around long before getting tired and leaving to rest.
Weakened by the cold. Wandering in search of warmth.
Found some dogs (Starless and Jasper). Curious but nervous. Confusion ensues.
After more wandering, finally went back to the ruins. Met Ludwig (candles=warm=good). After some nervous sniffing, ended up playing with him for a bit before returning to their spot at the center of the ruins to rest.
Wandered around and then hid in the tall grass in the birch forest for a while. Did a lot of
this (stalk, sniff, run away).
In-forest debut. Met Hades. Later, did some exploring.
Androgynous. Might be viewed as female or feminine by some due to their lithe build and lack of antlers.
No antlers, instead has a single curved horn. They have red eyes and yellow hooves, and their pelt is colored like flame and ashes--a gradient that starts with a deep ash-brown at the top, fading to red and then orange, with small flecks of yellow scattered across the brighter areas resembling sparks.
Horn and eyes resemble hot embers when using powers and also glow slightly.
- Met
?Hades, -Starless, -Jasper, +Ludwig, +Culzean, ?Sub Rosa, +Grimoire, Arkœrova, -"Scavenger", -the Douðshest, Elijah, Elgin, Vidal, Irene, -Leviathan, -Sabbath, Uy, Yasu, Daiyu
- Abilities
: Fire-based magic. Pyrokinesis/pyromancy. Can create and control fire with their horn (basically a firebender). Powers are weakened by water and cold temperatures, strengthened by heat and dryness.
- Personality
: mute, shy, skittish, cautious, curious, mysterious, moves quickly, quick-tempered, spirited, likes to hide, moody, stubborn, defiant, can be unpredictable, has trouble sitting still for long periods
- Behavior
• Curious, but cautious. Drawn to others despite being shy, but may run or hide when noticed.
• Startled easily, and may also run or hide when startled.
• Meeting someone new tends to consist of sniffing, running a short distance, coming back to sniff again, and repeat a few times.
• Doesn't take well to attempts at controlling, herding, pushing, etc. Depending on the circumstances, will either run away or push back. Might retaliate by burning the offender.
• Likes to run. Sometimes experiences bursts of energy which will lead to a lot of running around.
• Despite their usual caution, tends to not pay attention to where they're going when running.
• Drawn more to sources of heat and light.
• Energized by magic, heat and dryness.
• Weakened somewhat by water, and cold air. Tends to avoid the pond because of this.
• Likes the Birch Forest because there are lots of hiding places and the tall grasses make good food/burning fodder.
• Doesn't often use their powers, but will burn an attacker if cornered. Might also use them if angered.
- Details
As many have noticed, there is a lone little flame that sometimes appears in the middle of the ruins, at the very center of the forest. After years of exposure to magic, this flame began to take on a life of its own, and eventually was able to form a physical body in the shape of a small deer with a single horn. Now calling itself Wisp, it still shifts back to its original form at times.
Doesn't really understand the concept of gender. It will likely respond to any pronouns, having no preference, though "it" and "they" are most common.
Wisp is physically unable to vocalize (any mooing is accidental and should be ignored). It is unknown why, but could be due to lacking working vocal cords. They communicate mainly through gestures and sometimes using their hooves to write in the ground.
Best viewed in Chrome
Blog template by Kohva. Character design and blog art by Luana Dajhi.
This character's thoughts and actions don't necessarily reflect the player's.
Wisp can be harassed, attacked, etc. No permission needed, treat them however you want, it won't be taken personally.
[Character Directory] [Toyhouse]
By Draak ♥
a-and.. here *huff, puff*
This character is fire. I
oooh, what an interesting
@Gysti: It would be cool if
It would be cool if we could type pictograms, but that's just an image I made.
sweet baby ;__;
Discord is not working for me
(putting this here since it happened while trying to play as Wisp)
Decided to get rid of the