Name: Melinoe (mil-IN-oh-ee) Nickname: Mel Titles: Guardian of the Dead, Goddess of Ghosts Species: minor goddess Age: immortal (appears as a young adult) Sex: female Scent: death, pomegranates, poppies Diet: none, she doesn't need to eat "Home": the ruins, specifically the "pit" Orientation: asexual demiromantic Romance: Janjaweed | ![]() | |
in-game set: orca pelt, DotD antlers, fan ("hands") mask reference (version without "extras") Size: #13 Melinoe is a bit taller than an average stag, but is very thin. She has short, silky fur, which is a bit longer on her neck. Her face has sharp, angular features, with heavy-lidded eyes that have just a slight slant to them. The markings on her face give her the appearance of wearing makeup. The colors of her pelt--black on the left and white on the right--give her a striking appearance. The colors are reversed on her antlers, eyes, and hooves. She has small antlers that are nonetheless sturdy and sharp and can still do decent damage. As a goddess with connections to death, Melinoe's appearance has an almost ethereal look, with a dark, shadowy aura surrounding her. serious, antisocial, stubborn, pessimistic, melancholy Favorite places: the graves, crying idol Likes: ghosts and other paranormal things, poppies, candles, anything related to death Dislikes: mortals, anyone that disrespects the dead Behavior • Dislikes mortals and considers them "lesser beings" (there are, of course, exceptions). • Considers playing around the graves disrespectful, might try to chase away anyone doing this (fawns and nameless are exceptions). • Doesn't like mortals being around the ruins in general, but will leave them alone if they are quiet or respectful. • Usually tries to stay away from fighting and conflict, but can be aggressive if annoyed or angered; but only attacks if her warnings are ignored, or if attacked first • Almost never bows to anyone, spirits and undead are exceptions. • Has a "ritual" of bowing to every grave at the ruins, actually greeting/communicating with spirits (I don't always actually do this in the game since it's kind of tedious, but I imagine she just did it while no one was around) • Antisocial, uncomfortable with large groups. • Likes to watch others from a distance. Prefers to keep that distance. • If someone gets too close, she is likely to back away or move to a different location. She will try to warn/scare them away if they are too persistent. • Uncomfortable with physical contact. Even if she's comfortable enough with someone to sit close to them, she will still keep some distance between them, and will move if they get too close. Janjaweed is the only exception. • Does not dance or play (if you see her dancing, it's most likely a mistake, or I am playing OOC) • Dislikes fawns, but won't attack them. She will prefer to keep her distance from them. • If seen playing with fawns, nameless, or non-community/OOC deer, she is OOC (I don't want to discourage possible new players after all). • May follow or 'stalk' those she's particularly interested (includes spirits/ghosts, undead, or anyone with some connection to death, or that has shown respect to the graves/spirits). She may also act differently around them than she does around others (of course this requires me to know about the character). Actions *facing you/staring, sitting while facing you: She is probably watching you. She will also sometimes face slightly away from someone, in an attempt to make it less obvious that she's watching them. *nod: A way of greeting or acknowledging someone. Typically only with those she's interested in (otherwise she might not do more than just look at you). *bow interrupted: A quick, curt bow towards those she respects. A full bow is reserved for spirits or anyone she has a particularly strong respect for (very rare). *taunting and/or shake head: disapproval/warning/stop/you're too close *shake head + lower antlers: a stronger warning/showing anger (may become violent if not heeded) *listen + listen (quickly): Shaking her head this way is generally a neutral action. An equivalent to fidgeting or sometimes shrugging. May indicate nervousness, confusion, frustration, irritation, boredom, awkwardness, uncertainty, "shaking away" thoughts, or simply "I'm tired of just standing around but don't know what else to do." Sometimes it's just something to do and doesn't really mean anything. Also sometimes used when I make a mistake such as hitting the wrong hotkey [Heart] ♥Janjaweed♥ The only exception to many of her "personal rules" and discomforts, Melinoe finally admitted to being in love with the stag after a period of inner struggle. No one makes her happy like Janjaweed does. A rare sight these days, but her feelings never fade. [Family] [Interests/Curiosities] (These are deer that Melinoe has some interest in and may watch/follow. She may even like some of them, though she'll never admit it.) Darkweaver: Gravekeeper with ties to spirits of the dead. Kerosene: Another minor deity associated with the graveyard. Associates with mortals. Curious, but unsure what to think of them. Ludwig: Ghost. Some form of respect, as she gives to all ghosts. Maggot: Undead, some kind of demon? Odd behavior, doesn't understand him, but finds him intriguing. [Met] +positive; -negative; ?curious/confused; [no symbol]neutral probably some I'm forgetting pre-forest Melinoe is the daughter of Hades and Persephone (of Greek mythology, not TEF characters). She could be considered a minor goddess, being less powerful than other gods/goddesses. She presides over propitiations made to ghosts of the dead. She is also considered a Guardian of the Dead, as she watches over the dead to ensure their spirits are protected and respected, and is sometimes referred to as the Goddess of Ghosts. deer/present Since finding herself in the forest, Melinoe has taken on the additional duty of keeping the graves from being messed with. She is still able to return to the Underworld, where she resumes her original form, but at times feels compelled to visit the forest. [Art and Stories Collection] [Character Directory] [Interact and Roleplay] [Toyhouse] [Tumblr (non-TEF roleplay)] Powers/Abilities • immortality: Melinoe does not age, and cannot die of natural causes. She cannot get sick, and she doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep (though she may do these things sometimes, anyway). She could potentially live forever. Killing her is not impossible... although it is especially difficult, and death for Melinoe is not a permanent state. • spirit sense/connection: Melinoe has a kind of connection with spirits/ghosts. She can sense them and communicate with them, and she can see some that others cannot. She can also sense when others have a similar connection with spirits or death (of course this can only work if I know a character fits any of these). • "paranormal sense": Besides being able to sense spirits and anything related to death, Melinoe can also sense anything paranormal or unusual (such as if a deer is not what it appears to be [and again I have to actually know this about a character for it to work]). • Melinoe is able to traverse boundaries between life & death, and light & darkness. She can enter the underworld (or "spirit world") freely, coming and going as she pleases. This also lets her exit and enter the forest at will. • ghost-like abilities including levitation and the ability to pass through solid objects. Possessions • One of the pomegranate flowers she used to wear as a fawn. A symbol of home, as pomegranates are the fruit of the dead. Being from the Underworld, it never withers or dies. CSS by Kamaya |
"Hmph... Why must they crowd around him so?" Updates Oct. 24, 2018 Visiting Velocity with Macaria. If her sister wasn't here, she'd be much farther from the crowd. Encounters: Velocity, Macaria, a bunch of unknown deer 12-8-16 Suddenly a Janjaweed appears! This makes a very happy Mel. ♥ For the first time, the word "mate" comes to mind when she sees him. Maybe calling him that isn't so bad. After resting a while Janja started...running around? Though hesitant, Mel ended up joining him, possibly an expression of how happy she is to see him again. Because it certainly was not playing. Not at all. Melinoe does not do that. Encounters: Janjaweed 10-14-16 Not much happened, mostly just out enjoying the fog + darkness. "Stalked" Noelle who didn't seem to notice her. Ross showed up at one point, so Mel had to go and...stare at him, basically. Wasn't expecting to be greeted, but acknowledged with a nod. Paid no attention to the doe that was with him. Didn't linger long, decided to head back to the ruins and sleep. (Ended up OOC about half the time she was in-forest because some fawns decided to follow her for some reason) Encounters: Rossamund, Talla |
...and a track here too
By Draak ♥
and slides in here