Roleplay. Interact. Drop by to say "hi." Introduce yourself or your character. One-on-on or multiple characters. Detailed or simple. Words or images. Any format. Whatever.
note: My OOC deer ("Sielbee") won't be available for RP, seeing as it would be essentially RPing as myself, which would just be too weird for me.
Don't be shy! Anyone can interact with any of my characters, even if your characters have never met them! Even if we've never talked before!
Never roleplayed before? English isn't your first language? Don't worry about it, just do your best!
It doesn't have to be roleplay format. And it doesn't have to be long paragraphs, either. Just do whatever you feel comfortable with!
The only thing that's important is that I can understand what you're trying to say/do, who you are interacting with, and that I have something to work with.
You can ask me for a starter, or you can just come in and post something, whatever you like. I'm not picky, I don't really have any rules.
[Anything that might get too "mature" can be moved off-site (though it's not likely). Or if anyone would simply prefer to roleplay off-site, let me know. They can be done either on Skype or elsewhere if possible, Google docs is also a possibility.]
I've gotten rid of the starters I had posted here, but feel free to ask for a starter if you want.
Toyhouse] (<- RPing can be done here, too!)
skype AND email: clbeehr[at]gmail[dot]com
discord: siellby#9733
Please let me know who you are if you add me on Skype or email me. I won't accept anyone I don't recognize.
I'm gonna track this. I'm
I'm probably going to want to toss Corvus at Oisin sooner or later since...he really needs interactions (and me actually being able to get inforest is erratic).
warning it might turn into angst central depending on their conversation LOLZOOMS I wanna throw Leotie at
I wanna throw Leotie at Oisín >8( She will use his awkwardness against him muHUHAUHu— C:
Man, I want to have a textual
The struggle is real.
I shall sit here for now. B|
Fish: Smart? *squints, looks
Why stick with just one? RP WITH ALL THE CHARAS!
everyone: Thanks for the interest! ♥
hahaha copying and pasting
eventually I'd like to get around to adding simple starters that anyone can reply to if they want
~Tracking~ I will surely
I will surely throw a character at one of yours once I will be freed from my school stuff.
That's what I get for
At least my autocorrect was nice in what it corrected her name to! Let's see how it corrects the rest of your characters! I used your list from your directory (except Melinoe is first).
Shakira (LMFAO lol )
lkjhug Malaria omg welp some
welp some of those are only a letter different, I'm surprised Oisín wasn't changed.
Wait which one is supposed to be Aileana? None of those are even close!
Just imagine if someone made a Shakira deer, though, omg.
Silesia is a pretty name. I want to use it for something now...
My autocorrect knew not to
Aileana was actually corrected to Silesia! xP It's a very pretty name, isn't it?
*Shakira!deer shimmies across the Forest, singing Hips Don't Lie
I've decided that to start, I'll just throw Haroten at Smart (I'm tempted to call her that because it makes me laugh) and then when the timing feels right, I'll throw more at ya. I most likely won't have a starter made up this weekend, but more than likely I'll have on by Monday. If you'd rather start, go ahead!
HOW did it go from Aileana to
Amary's new nickname!That's fine, take your time!bump I still need to come up
I still need to come up with a starter for Shamira.
Tracking! Your characters
Phew, okay. This is a bit
I know they haven't known each other for long, but Haroten really enjoyed hanging out with fawn!Amary and already considers her a good friend. Kind of like being back in grade school when you could be considered somebody's best friend after hanging out with them for maybe half an hour lol
Haroten felt restless from the moment she woke up, to when she left the Forest for a brief outing to get something different to eat, to when she returned with a full stomach. Even as she stood inside the Oak and examined her mother’s treasured dandelions outside, she felt the need to do something. Anything!
Just when she began contemplating how long it would take to dig a hole big enough to roll a sleeping Nameless into, she caught the sound of a familiar yet somehow new sounding laugh. Laughter meant there was fun being had nearby, and she knew she had to be there. Welcomed or not, she was going to join in!
The sound had come from a nearby patch of bright colored flowers. More specifically, it came from the purple doe rolling in the flowers, laughing. Haroten blinked. Where had she seen this deer before? She’d seen only one purple deer in her life, and that was--
“Amary?!” The yearling gaped unabashedly at her, amazed at how much she’d grown the last time they had seen each other last. Her next exclamation was equal parts jealousy, disappointment, and admiration.
“You’re not a fawn!”
@Fish: Hearing someone
Hearing someone approaching, Amary quickly righted herself and stood to greet whoever it was. She was happy to see a familiar face, almost forgetting to bow in greeting, but she performed a quick curtsy before trotting over. A few butterflies followed her and landed on her antlers.
"Wuut! Yes, I'm sure you'll grow soon, too. I think you look a little bigger than when we met already! I'm still getting used to these antlers, though." She gave her head a shake for emphasis, causing the butterflies to scatter, only to return to land on her antlers again. "How've you been? I was just playing with my butterfly friends. I couldn't find anyone else, so I'm glad you're here!"
The sunlight dappled flower
“I hope I am. My mom looks smaller every time I see her,” Her eyes widened and her ears perked up as the purple butterfly doe shook her antlers. Haroten nodded in approval and quietly commented that they looked nice.
Her question made the other slouch a little and furrow her brow, but hearing that she was glad to have her around made the huffy gesture a little easier to look at.
“It’s so boring around here sometimes,” She scuffed a cloven hoof through the dirt and pouted a little. “Whenever I wanna play with somebody, they just lie down, or they’re being mushy with another deer.. I’m glad YOU’RE not doing that.” Haroten shook her head in amazement to try and hide her flushed cheeks. She was still too young to understand much about love and romance, but all the same she felt a pull that came from deep somewhere inside her when she saw a couple sitting together, quietly murmuring sweet nothings to each other.
But these were thoughts she didn’t want to dwell on. The dark unicorn’s face lit up with a grin and she lunged forward and playfully (yet gently!) prodded Amary’s shoulder with her horn.
“Have you told your butterfly friends about me?”
@Fish: "I know, or they just
"I know, or they just sleep all the time. So boring!"
She giggled when she was prodded, and gave a gentle nudge of her own. "I tell them about all my friends!" She hopped around in a little circle, the butterflies fluttering around her, and a few of them circling around Haroten. "Of course, they see lots of deer all the time, and other things, but not very many can talk to them. I don't even know anyone else who can. I mean...they don't exactly 'talk' like we do, but I can just understand them somehow. Like now I know they're happy!"
Amary you are too
Why did I make you so adorable.
I need to punch a wall to
Also I started hearing her dialogue in Jodie Benson's voice (VA of Ariel) and now it's my headcanon and you can't stop me!!!
also also note to myself to reply later when possible
Fish: That's actually a
*imagines Amary singing "Part of Your World"* "Wouldn't you think I'm the doe...The doe who has everything!"
Oh whaaaat?? That's so cool!
Sorry for the delay!
The life of an adult deer seemed as if it was inherently boring, making one prone to long naps. There had been a shadow of worry that crossed Haroten’s deep, inner mind when she saw Amary grown up, but her cheerful behavior and usual antics were encouraging. Seeing Amary radiating joy made her slip into an easy state of happiness, and hearing herself referred to as “friend” made her feel pleasantly warm inside.
Were butterflies like dandelions? She recalled her mother saying something to that extent, about how dandelions can be happy or sad even though they can’t talk. Haroten hummed in absentminded thought as she watched the delicate creatures flirted about the both of them.
“They always look happy to me. How do you know when they’re sad? CAN they get sad?” Afraid of hurting them by prancing around, the usually active filly was holding very, very still, hardly even moving her head when she spoke.
oopsies forgot about this
"Well, I'd just know. I can't explain it. I guess they'd be sad if something sad happened. You can't tell by looking at them." She smiled as she watched some of the butterflies land on Haroten. "They like you! Oh, you don't have to worry about hurting them." She tilted her head a little, noticing how the unicorn kept still. "They're really fast, and they can tell when to get out of the way. Even if someone tried to hurt them--and I don't know why anyone would, but if they did, it would be really hard."
"Oh, and I can understand flowers, too. They don't say as much--I mean, they don't actually talk, either, but it's like something I can feel? Well I don't know how to explain that, either." She looked down at the flowers, nudging one gently with a hoof.
bump finally wrote a starter
finally wrote a starter for Shamira!
also Macaria is now available for interaction
I'll have to figure out what to write for a starter for her later.
bumping finally wrote
finally wrote something for Macaria
Bump! Again!
*Sneaks in* Omigosh Amary is
Omigosh Amary is too precious :'0
By Draak ♥
more bumping I added
I added Dardaptos. I just have to write something for him now...
Hello! I tried adding on
Anyways, my skype is toastmaster_tea (TEF_TINKO) if you want to add me, perhaps Comen could RP with Amary sometime!
Well I'm not on Skype right
Well actually it was July
Oh, I see, well that's weird.
ello ello, trackin' for now.
open for oc role-playing with
Wildrose: Of course!
Tracking! I don't RP much
I don't RP much but sounds like fun!
I'm thinking maybe Lil and
Ebony: I was going to reply
All of those are interesting characters, I wouldn't mind interacting with all of them at some point. I don't know who to choose, sooooo might as well go with your first suggestion, Lilith and Melinoe.
So do you want to start or should I? Or else you can just respond to the starter if you want.
The starter would be fine but
ahhh I might have to try to
except idk how...
well here it is
The doe had just finished her daily routine, visiting each grave to pay respects to those buried beneath, greeting the spirits as friends. She would remain among them, watching anyone who came near with distrust. Although Melinoe was no longer quick to chase away or challenge anyone that ventured too close to what she considered a sacred place, she always kept an eye out for anyone that might cause trouble. Even as she appeared to be resting alongside the largest gravestone, her senses remained on alert, determined no one would get past without her notice.
It'd been a long time since
Ebony: It had been quiet so
It had been quiet so far, which Melinoe was glad for. The ruins were empty aside from herself. Until now, at least. She didn't miss the stranger's presence, watching carefully from where she lay. It was apparent that this stranger was different from many of the forest's inhabitants by the respect she showed. That was enough to peak the goddess' interest, but she sensed there was something else unique about the other doe. Curiosity drove her to stand, moving cautiously and silently towards the stranger. She stopped several feet away, watching to see if the other would respond.
Lilith yawns, mouth opening
Hey! I should have done that
I like all of your characters by the way~
I would like to throw my Arkœrova.
I have no idea who to interact with. In fact, three of your characters got my attention the most: Aileana, Oisín and Shamira. So maybe you could choose for me? X3
Also, maybe Niriya and Aileana could be nice someday whenever you want.
Kamaya: Shamira could use
Self-reminder to get back to this later!
I'd love to toss my Zash at
Okay then, should we do that
@kiwara: I could actually
@Kamaya: We can do it here, that's what this blog is for. But if you'd rather make a new post, that's fine, too.
There was definitely something unusual about the blue doe. Melinoe could sense some sort of power. Were the two of them similar? Still, her instinctual reaction to the spoken greeting was to move a single step back, while keeping her eyes trained on the stranger. Perhaps she was expected to respond with a polite greeting, but that wouldn't be happening, not until it was earned. Instead she simply inclined her head and gave a single sharp nod.
"And...who are you?"
Gotcha, Macaria. I'll toss
The Copperhead rarely ventured too close to the Ruins. It wasn't like he had something against it, he just never felt a need to bask in its presence whenever he found himself in the Forest anymore. This time he skirted its borders, ears flat, thoughts on the list of things he still had to take care of or the muddle of worries that accompanied that list. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he barely paid the spirits a passing glance, or the doe that was talking to them. Barely.
Naru? He stopped short, one foreleg extended to the ground, his body half hidden behind some bushes and a birch tree. He blinked, realizing how stupid of a thought that was. This doe looked nothing like her. Naru was gone. Off exploring the wilds with her children and all but forgotten her own name and who he was. The brown and ivory buck slowly pivoted around to get a better look at what she was doing. He was glad to realize Naru's memory brought nothing but indifference. Not a flashing rage, not pain, not sadness. Indifference.
It had come a long way.
Bright green eyes trained on the white and gold doe, trying to get a sense of her before even approaching. But he did, gradually easing himself out of the safety of the trees to pick his way across the open ground to halt a few feet away from her. "They're kind of like songbirds... they'll flock to you if you give them something they want."
The corners of her mouth