∇ Sports a permanent limp of his left hind leg which was once shattered by Varg. Often sore, and always held off the ground when standing still.
∇ Body is smooth and hairless save for a stiff mane and a tail which naturally curves over his spine. Long legs and a slender frame, built for speed. Narrow eyes, split pupils and a forked tongue.
∇ Color blind, monochromacy sight. Eyes are sensitive to direct light.
∇ Mieleni minun tekevi, aivoni ajattelevi, lähteäni laulamahan, saa'ani sanelemahan, sukuvirttä suoltamahan, lajivirttä laulamahan. Sanat suussani sulavat, puhe'et putoelevat, kielelleni kerkiävät, hampahilleni hajoovat.
I adore these designs ;o;
q>q ♥
m'other bABE ♥
Track! c:
omg those designs..
Pretty boi
i thought i was trackin him
aaa thank you all ;u; pan's
love his colours, so pretty
Signature by Wildflowerdeer and Profile by Sybilline
Personal/Character Hub
i love him,,
purple stripey bby