January 23, 2013 - 6:49pm — LightofEvenstar
My issue is that after just hearing about the new pictorgrams, like, just now, after not playing this game for over two years, I go to sign up, and there are no good ones! I read that players who already had accounts were making new ones by the thousands, and often the same people! Yeah, thanks a lot.
I went through hundreds of pictorgrams. Their not as bad as what they used to be, thank god. Before all there was, was just random squiggly, but still, there are no good ones. All I can find are ones with random oval/leaf/eye shapes and half circles placed everywhere with no order. It took me forever to find one I could live with. All it is, is a half circle with an upside-down T on the bottom, with a teardrop in the middle.
So, yeah. Thanks people for ruining it for new players and old players coming back. I hope your satisfied with yourselves.
You can't blame other people
Teeny Requite by Dapper.
All pictograms are beautiful
Like Mag said, it's just a game of luck. They are randomized. People just don't make them, they can't. They are generated as they come.
I think you're exaggerating
hugetiny bit there with the 'thousands' part.There's also a lot of generous people here who are trading and offering up older pictograms of their own. Perhaps you could look at those threads and see if maybe you could get one of those ones you -do- like.
I have some spare ones
Its been a long time since
Btw, I can't see how not having a pictogram you wished would "ruin" your gameplay.
The pictograms are made, I
The pictograms are made, I
I've been scrolling through
Heck, I admittedly find this generation absolutely stunning; I'd swap over in a heartbeat if I weren't so attached to my own pictograms (and if I didn't own so many accounts already)!
Are you really that