November 9, 2022 - 2:32am — an unnamed deer
Hi everybody I go by Cole! So far I’ve been enjoying this game and seeing different deer players. Right now I’m still figuring out all the spells, my fawn has mainly stuck with her flower crown which I find so cute. To the little deer who’s fur looks like camouflage and has white twisted antlers thank you for dancing with my fawn! That was such a nice welcome. And to the larger black deer with candle antlers and a masquerade type mask, thank you for joining as well. I hope to make friends and spend time just chilling out with other players as well (:
Welcome to the Forest, Cole)
You can find who you're playing with either by clicking their pictograms on a map (1 2), or by posting a screenshot of 'em here, if they're logged off.
Though my deer is only randomly active, feel free to come chill out anytime.
omigoodness the maps are
I am also new, and found this
Hello The deer you were
capiteux, I gotta split my
I gotta split my part of your thanks with GMSuerte, because he made the original map, all I've been doing is keep it up to date, and add some fun stuff.
It's good to know you're enjoying the maps so much, all three of us put a lot of time and work in them, so thank you for the glowing feedback.