Hello, I am not really sure what to do with this website and I am new here...If anyone is willing to give me some tips about the game, I would appreciate it.
I've already played a bit, and it's cute. So far my deer has run around in the rain and fallen asleep in some sort of ruin. That's all I got to do before my computer suddenly restarted in the middle of the game(not sure if it had something to do with the game or not).
It is really fun besides that and I'd love to make some deer(haha) friends
Welcome welcome to the
Tips for the game:
Hmm, lets see.
There isn't much to accomplish, except getting to know and love the deer, and starting to recognize people's pictograms (glowing symbol above the head), and make friends!!
Hope to see you in the forest soon!
Founder of The Lightbringers
Thanks :3 I have to remember
I have to remember my own deer's pictogram, first I suppose. But I am looking forward to exploring more of the forest soon.
Yes, Welcome! Fawns are
I could use a tip too, though, rather an answer...
Some deer are pure white with red antlers. You can't change their color, and tehy don't have the blue glow around their heads. May I do that to my deer somehow? If, so, how?...
You might want to post a
Founder of The Lightbringers
^^ welcome to the
Welcome to the Forest! Some
Some game tips can be found here.
Nice to meetcha! Have fun!
"Fragments fall and reflect the Light. Dust slowly covers my thoughts." - Yorres, Lightbringer
Welcome to the forest new
You are safe here <3