Basic info
In-game character
A water-elemental doe from another world. Young adult, timid, shy. Not mean, and will run from fights. Friendly and accepting unless she feels she may eventually hurt someone, then she will break ties. Full grown adult, no blood family.
Ird +
Narumi +
Zaf -
Kato -

Thank you to everyone who did work on this picture for me! Especially Orinoco, who did the lines and customized and colored the antlers for me!
.: Beautiful doe. I love her
Sig: Aihnna
Thank you to you both!! I'm
*rolls around on
~ C.S. Lewis
Pretty little thing
I think my Irati could warm up to her easily. :>
Avvie by Hadoukin
Thank you!! She is open to
She is open to meet any one and every one! IC or OOC! She is IC but she'll play with OOC people as well.
Just gonna leave this here...
I love you for forever ;_; As
. D'aw it's nothing XD I just
No, I don't use DA. I don't
Dude it was no waste of time!
And you might wanna check your email XD I think it'll make you feel better!
I just replied and I thank
Yeah! It really did make me
I do love blue and black in the same design. They also look sexy on birds
Steller's jays are epicle.
I don't think you should have
I think they're just yanking you around because they feel like they can, Jun.
But here's a track for you because this character is lovely no matter what.
I've got about 6 votes for
Orin has a friend who is willing to work with me on making a new design though. If she's not absolutely gorgeous then her design will stay as-is because, really, I decided I don't care who they think I am or what I'm doing. I don't care they think I'm ripping them off on purpose, because I'm not. When designs are made using sets, there WILL be similarities. Oh well. If they wanted something unique, they shouldn't have done basic designs off sets and patterns not found in nature. That's how I see it.
And ILY for this. Jun and I miss Ryff.
I think she is pretty as is.
<.< i was going to bump the image post but thought better of it.
Whatever you'll pick for her design will be awesome, and it doesn't matter what they think.
I don't know what the hell is wrong with those guys. It shouldn't matter who they think you are, they shouldn't be attacking you.
. I agree with the above. It
. I seriously do not think you should change her design. I see nothing you need to change about it, really...she is beautiful the way she is. I drew her because of the way she is. She is a beautiful character: take pride in it!
All I'm going to say is
As an example I made a comment not long ago that most remember about non deer in TEF they responded that everyone has a creative right to do what they want. So go for it, make her how you want don't bend to their opinions or anyone's, you never have to interact with them if they give you shit anyway. That's all I wanted to say.
Tracking this lovely lady
Don't let those nit-pickers get you down. (: There are some members who think that they can push others around and stake claim to things that can't be owned just because they were around longer than other people. Or maybe they just like power trips and shoving others around because they think they can get away with it lol
Discord: Gulonine#4267
^ amen Tracking this too,
Tracking this too, she is VERY pretty ♥
Oh wow, everyone! I can't
Huzzah! ♥ Don't feed
Don't feed their delusions of power lol (kidding... sort of)
Discord: Gulonine#4267
Hehe. Truly though, thank
I just put her in the forest now. Party at the pond!
Anytime! You are a valued
Dang I wish I could come but I am at school ^^' Hope to RP with you later. I am sure Dhanya would love to meet her!
Of course!! I would love to!!
Missing you DX
Same here.
miss you! Glad to have heard
~ C.S. Lewis
bump because she's in forest
Mind if I start an rp here?
Go ahead!!
After having visited with her
Nerissa lifted her head, her
The doe moved closer and
Neri tried a little chuckle.
(Getting sleepy so I might need to have my next reply tomorrow. )
(thats ok XD me too ) She
She felt for the doe and she could imagine that once Nerissa noticed Naru's burning red magical eye she would have many questions. " you need food or water? I can get some for you"she said knowing there was some berries nearby. Such an odd event to happen but it wasn't entirely implausible.
She shakes her head. "No.
"A very long time..I...lost
(I tried to reply earlier but
Nerissa smiled weakly. The doe had a point. The young one was much bigger than she was. However, the antlers hadn't gone unnoticed. "Your antlers suit you well. Delicate yet sharp, like rose thorns. Even if you can't use them, they can come in handy for dire situations. A last resort, if you will." She looks down at the water lapping close to her legs, seeing her own antlers in the reflection. Small, yet bulky and knobby in comparison to the elegance of Narumi's. "You were born of a strong size for a reason. Use it well, and you'll find everything clicking into place. I've always felt there is a reason for everything."
(mines been weird too also
She smiled and nudged the other gently."Same for you you know"she then tilted her head giving the doe a gentle expression. It was an odd feeling, having male like hormones during this time due to the odd mix of genes the forest magic had given her. She felt the need to protect this doe who she had remembered from her fawn days. Not so much from a desire to mate, of course, but just a desire to protect. "You were always so kind to me, I'm glad you are back so we can get to know one another better"she smiled wider.
(its that weird mix of testosterone and estrogen in her that gives her male and female emotional traits and some physical like her antlers which is where that came from)
She smiled more as well. "I
(Interesting notion, mixing hormones in that way. Nerissa is all girl. Haha! Blaming her antlers on a deformity or something of the sort. And thank you for the compliment. I'm still not happy with it but it is certainly unique, I think.)
(it is and ya so during rut
"We'll need you. You were always nice to have around and I'll always welcome your presence"she nodded and gave her a gentle nuzzle and a soft giggle.
She nuzzles back gently with
(I'm not sure if either of my girls will be able to be involved in the rut or not. It depends if I'm able to connect during that time. Maybe for only one or two days out of that whole time.)
(aww well even so you can
She nodded "My family doesn't spend as much time together as before since I am grown though I see my father now and then."she smiled. "I would love to be able to visit with you and if you need anything at all just ask me alright. I want to see you healthy"she said looking over her body with increased worry.
"Mmm. Thank you. I might need
She nodded, a look of
She nodded, and felt her head
She snuggled up to the doe.
She snuggled into Narumi's
(Thank you for this!!)