Myers-Briggs Typology Inventory... What's your personality? (non-TEF)

shaku's picture
Tonight I was reintroduced to the Myers-Briggs personality test. A while ago, there was a post asking what everyone's astrological sign was, and I have to admit that I'm very curious if there's a connection between star signs and personality types.

So... indulge me?

The (highly accurate) MBTI test itself.

If you know what your moon is in (astrologically), I'd be extremely interested in that, as well~ If you don't know, don't worry about it. Or if you want to know where your moon is, you can find out here pretty easily.

For example, I'm an INFJ and a Capricorn, and my moon is in Cancer.



My type is ISFP Introverted -

My type is ISFP
Introverted - 56%
Sensing - 12%
Feeling - 25%
Perceiving - 33%
Sypris's picture

Libra /w Sagittarius

Libra /w Sagittarius moon.


Introverted: 89%
Intuitive: 25%
Thinking: 50%
Judging: 61%


Edit; I thought my introvert % was high, but atleast Munkel & I are in the same boat...
Anjali's picture

ISTJ Introverted:


Introverted: 78%
Sensing: 50%
Thinking: 12%
Judging: 11%

Virgo; or Sheep/Goat in the Chinese Zodiac.
Moon in Aquarius.

for the MBTI; i scored as

for the MBTI; i scored as INTP.
my astrological sign is capricorn; and i think my moon is in virgo? not sure
Zergarikiaka's picture

Your Type is INTJ

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
78 25 62 44

INTJ type description by D.Keirsey
INTJ Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator™ INTJ Famous Personalities
INTJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
very expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

distinctively expressed thinking personality

moderately expressed judging personality

Ysrael's picture

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! /loves you

/loves you forever for this thread


INTJ Scorpio, moon in Pisces. (thanks for that link by the way, I hadn't before known my moon sign)

I: 100
N: 75
T: 75
J: 11
Kaoori's picture

Kay. I'm an ISFP. Reading


I'm an ISFP. Reading some of the description sounds a lot like me.. pff. "The Composer". |D

I'm a Leo, and if I read the chart right it says my moon is in Aquarius.
Scythe's picture

I'm an enigma? XD; In any

I'm an enigma? XD; In any event, I finally looked up my moon and, if I read it correctly, it appears to be in Gemini.
Bintaroung's picture

INTP. Can't recall the

INTP. Can't recall the numbers though.
Nayu's picture

After much reading,

After much reading, introspection, help from poeple who literally break down my mental process (laule), taking the test in my language ( that helped a great deal), retaking it in english and looking up every damn definitions to be sure ( goodness, I really didn't grasp some of the questions DX) it seems I'm INFP with a high extroversion percantile.

Could easily pass up for ambivert.

Whua, and I originally just wanted to bump the thread...<3

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
ocean's picture

INFP~ Saggitarius with the

Saggitarius with the moon in Leo. (:
Lewd's picture

O wowzah, how intriguing~! :O

O wowzah, how intriguing~! :O I'll definitely throw my details in here, lovin' it ♥

I'm an Aquarius, my moon is Virgo, and apparently I'm an ENFJ ♥
FeatherBound's picture

ISFP Introverted: 22 Sensing:

Introverted: 22
Sensing: 25
Feeling: 38
Perceiving: 33
OkamiLugia's picture

ISTJ Capricorn, Taurus moon.

ISTJ Capricorn, Taurus moon. Year of the horse in the Chinese zodiac.
Aivilo's picture

ISFJ ("The Protector") (other

ISFJ ("The Protector") (other description)
Introverted 33
Sensing 1
Feeling 25
Judging 44

Aquarius, moon in Capricorn

Moon sign's description is almost verbatim what the ISFJ description says in most areas. Sun in Aquarius description is reasonably accurate, too. No link, though, because it has location info : <

Boyfriend got ESFP, the Performer (spot on, if you ask me). He's a Gemini, don't know moon sign.

Interestingly enough, the types are listed as "contrasts" to each other. The astrology signs are listed as compatible in a similar way.
Skitties's picture

Pisces, moon in Scorpio

Pisces, moon in Scorpio (assuming I read it right?) and... ISTJ, apparently. 89, 50, 62, 11 respectively.

Signature by Roo ♥
Starling's picture

ISTJ Introverted 67% Sensing


Introverted 67%
Sensing 25%
Thinking 25%
Judging 11%

Goat, Sun in Capricorn?

She is honest, reserved, circumspect, honorable and strong-willed. Quietly ambitious within the realms of the possible, she likes and takes on responsibility. She can work in the social domain.

Weaknesses: a sometimes bitter and mistrustful mind.

Kumiko's picture

I've taken this test

I've taken this test countless times over my life. Every time I've gotten INFJ. I'm also a Libra with moon in Taurus.

I never really quite believed that signs really shaped a person's personality. Generally, I always saw it as people subconsciously make connections to themselves by piecing together their own life experiences to the list of generic stereotypes. However, some time ago a friend of mine looked deeper into my signs and I think even talked to a psychic or something about me (don't ask how that happened or why) and it got a bit scary with how damn close everything was.

But I still remain skeptical.
OkamiLugia's picture



Starling's picture

*Deserves a medal for being

*Deserves a medal for being so amazingly late*

OMG That's because we're so much cooler than the rest<3