My Way. (RP-open for anyone-)

moonsoverwater's picture
Often, you could hear Bluebird sing. His voice rang out, filled with joy and cheer wherever he was. Today, he happened to be not so far from home. Smiling cheerily through his silvery muzzle, the stag sang out his melody. His whole body seemed to sing as he took the time to mark trees around his patch of heaven, leaving scent and the occasional bit of fur behind on the rough bark.

His muscles rippled beneath skin that bore scars beneath the fur, stretching taut as he hopped a little. The spring in his step and the elevation of his crown were almost as inviting for a romp as his voice. Quickly, he bowed, stirring up flowers with his colorful antlers and tossing them high in to the air. It was difficult to tell if he had just lost his spots or was really in his prime.

A chuckle emitted from his muzzle as he finished his song, smiling and falling down on to the patch of violet blooms. They tickled his fur and scented it. Comforted by the feeling, he breathed in the heady scent and moistened air.

Above him, trees swayed against the sky. Butterflies danced a waltz through the air. Everything seemed calm, even the steady rhythm of the great stag's heartbeat and contented smile.

He rose again to his hooves, his soft ears erect and listening. Maybe he was a little hungry. His long legs brought him to the strip between the birch and the first forest. Greens all around him cried out their delectability and dripped with mist.

He snuffed, nibbling the tender shoots and humming.
Kasmir's picture

A young doe by the name

A young doe by the name Kasmir pranced around, happy as could be. As usual. She was humming a tune about sheep. As usual.

Her golden pelt shined in the sun, the skip in her step bouncing her up and down. Her ears perked up when they caught a flick of a song. How beautiful... Her smile, if possible, grew wider on her face. She followed the trail of musical notes to lush stop at the edge of the birch forest.

Lush greens sprung all around her, berries and plants. Tiny water droplets flosted off them and hit the ground. The song stopped, and Kasmir looked around for the body that harnessed this beautiful voice.

She tuned and saw a Stag that resembled a bluebird. She smiled widley and sniffed the buck. "Hello. That song was beautiful! What's your name?" Kasmir asked as she curtsyed.
moonsoverwater's picture

Blue grinned in to the grass

Blue grinned in to the grass before raising his feather-imprinted crown. Hm. There is no need to curtsy to me, madame, I should be bowing to one so beautiful as you. He did so with a flourish, forehead touching the ground before he raised up to a full height. Bluebird's manners were a bit excessive, especially toward does.

I have to regretfully inform you that my name is Bluebird. You have free will to call me whatever you please, considering my boring calling is also quite long. A playful grin appeared on his silvery muzzle. That is, if you would not mind me asking for your name.

The body that caged a beautiful voice also was quite brimming with a certain brand of... manners. It seemed only stags had such manners. He could be a good friend, if one let him, but he would most likely become a passionate protector to those he met and felt needed such.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

Kasmir looked at the stag.

Kasmir looked at the stag. She became a bit flustered when he called her beautiful, as she had never thought so herself. "Oh, indeed there is... I don't want to feel rude... I-I'm not as beautiful as you say..." Kas's manners slapped on and shooed away her ADHD and excessive happiness. She still gave a bit of a smile, seeing as how the stag was quite nice, and quite handsom.

"May I call you Blue? And your song was amazing! That's what brought me here!" Her overly-happy mood returned. She ahppily pranced over and sniffed him a bit. "My name is Kasmir!"

This happy mini-doe was rather loving when it came to other deer. She enjoyed the company of stags, because they were so much larger than her and she liked to prance around them. She looked back up at Blue. Her grin seemed to utterly seethe happiness.
moonsoverwater's picture

The stag nodded at her

The stag nodded at her inquiry as to a nickname for him. You may call me whatever you wish, Miss Kasmir. The stag smiled gently, sniffing her over as well. She smelled of grass, stone, and excitement.

Bluebird decided then that he would like Kasmir. She seemed so full of energy for such a small doe. As he looked down at her ear-to-ear grin, he grunted, pulled his ears back playfully, and took a flying leap over her.

It would be fun to have a playmate such as she. A musical laugh escaped him as he spun, nibbled her tail, and darted behind a tree. The poor buck stuck out like a sore thumb, all colorful fur and feather-patterned antlers, but at least this was play-hiding.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

XD Your deer. Sounds

XD Your deer. Sounds amazing.


Kasmir beamed. "Why thank you, Blue!" She watched as he sniffed her. She was sure she smelled like the mud from the pond and was suddenly embaressed, and didn't want to make a bad impression. She laughed a bit nervously.

Then he leaped over her, and laughed, nibbling her tail a bit. He dashed away. "Ohoho!" She said. She whipped around and chased him at full speed. She laughed when she came to his hiding place. She nipped at his ear and poked him in the thigh with her nose. Then she ran and crouched in the brush of plants, hoping she was hidden.

She immeadiatly decided that Blue was going to be fun to be around.
moonsoverwater's picture

The stag feigned surprise

The stag feigned surprise with an oof as he was poked, watching as she dashed off. He crept from his hiding place, sniffing the air loudly. Hmmmm... I wonder.... Kasmir... where you might be?

He walked off a little ways, circling a tree. She is not there... He spoke loudly, trying to hide his grin futilely. Long legs carried him to some flowers, where he did not find her. They carried him to another tree, perilously close to her hiding place, and she was not there.

Oh Kasmir? Where did you hide? Such a beautiful doe should show herself to the world! He called, though she now found herself directly under his massive form.

Standing over her would give her a view of his chest as he began to laugh. It was a battle stifling it, especially when he was having such great fun.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

Kasmir giggled as he

Kasmir giggled as he 'oof-ed'.

From her hiding placed she tried not to laugh as he called out and asked where she was. She watched as he wandered about looking for and she thanked the gods, for the first time, that she was so small. She rustled a bit in her hiding place, listening to make sure she made no sound. And she became a bit flustered again when he called her beautiful and she blushed from behind the brush.

Then she realized she realized he was directly over her. She tried to keep quiet, hoping he wouldn't notice. But something told her he already did. she then decided to play a bit of a joke on him.

"Oh Blue... You're so handsom! I can barely take being around for too long without blushing!" She said in a damsel-in-distress kind of voice, kidding of course. She then nuzzled his stomach, and crouched back down to hiding.
moonsoverwater's picture

The stag laughed out loud

The stag laughed out loud now, coaxed in to it as she nuzzled him. It genuinely did tickle his stomach.

The stag lowered his head, peering between his own forelegs at the hiding doe. My my. Kasmir? Were you down there the entire time? He chuckled. It seems you found my weakness.

He sidestepped so that he stood next to her, before flattening the grasses with his frame. I am kind-of ticklish. He admitted. Sometimes it was even hard for him to lay in his own patch of flowers because he was so ticklish to the butterflies there.

Turning his head, he looked at her through the grass. She was a curiosity, that anyone would put up with his fawn-like antics, let alone a doe.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

Kasmir laughed, as well. She

Kasmir laughed, as well. She saw that it tickled him. When he peered down at her, she giggled again.

"Ticklish, you say? REAAlllly!" She said in a bit of a sarcastic tone. He sat next to her, and she scooted closer, engulfing his warmth. She nipped at his ear again then rested her head on his back. And sniffed him again, smelling the radience and must that came came with being a stag.

She began to hum a tune about owls and love and sheep. Once she learned from Misang awhile ago.

"I like you, Blue." She smiled. His back was fluffly and comfortable.
moonsoverwater's picture

Blue felt her snuggle closer,

Blue felt her snuggle closer, and smiled, sighing. I like you too, Kasmir, though I find it very odd that anyone would put up with someone as fawn-like as I.

Especially because most does would balk at me for not behaving like a stag... too many look for mates instead of friends nowadays. The thought followed the sentence, a grunt in his mind and a laugh outside his mouth. His thoughts often went unsaid due to the fact that he wished to appear impartial.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

She popped her head up,

She popped her head up, bewildered. "Put up with you? I enjoy being around you." She said, a little confused. "Every stag I meet now is so serious. They never really just want to play with me. And all the does are the same way." She pouted, and little frown lines apeared on her face. She rested her head back on his back. She was a little baffled by his laugh.

"I'm glad I met you, though, Blue. You're fun to be around." She smiled again.
moonsoverwater's picture

Listening to her explanation

Listening to her explanation made his smile grow more content, if that was even possible. Glad she met him... it seemed a little crazy. I am glad to meet someone as open-minded as you, Kasmir. You do share many of my views of the deer of this forest. It makes me think you did not come from here.

The weight of her head on his back was comforting, enough to raise the ruff of feather-like fur in contentment. He really was like a bird sometimes, at least in his mannerisms. He would lower his head in excitement, fluff his fur in contentment, and sing whenever he felt a song should be sung. If he had wings, he would most-likely be a Peryton.

Alas, he was just a deer with a gaudy pelt, feather-pressed antlers and glorious voice.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

She could sense him smiling,

She could sense him smiling, which made her smile even wider, and made her tail flicker a bit. She never been so happy next to a stag before. Except for maybe when she sat on Ode.

Then he said something that made her want to burst out in tears instantly. And she did a bit. She didn't quite know what to say to the stag. "Uah... nff..." She didn't quite know what to say to him, her mind on overload, remebering every little tisbit of her past. She sudddenly realized that this stag was a bit like her brother. And she lowered her head in her hooves and sobbed.

"You're right... I'm not from here..." She said once she finally calmed down a bit. Her puffy-doe eyes looked at Blue. She knew it was his fault, but she felt sad now. And she didn't know what else to do other than move a bit away from him and stare, a little dumbfounded that she had nothing to say.
moonsoverwater's picture

Kasmir... He immediately

Kasmir... He immediately began to rise to comfort her, then stopped. He would be patient, even as his eyes filled with a yearning to comfort his new friend, to apologize for what he had said to cause this river of pain to flow from her eyes like the crying idol.

Blue rose again to his hooves, moving to lay against her though she moved away. He pulled her close to his warmth and lapped away the tears. We don't have to talk about it, Kasi. Just know that I am glad you are here, I am here, and we are free of the pasts that once tethered us.

It was all that Bluebird could say, seeing her tears, feeling her body shake as she tried to hold back. The stag pressed his velvety nose between her shoulders, blowing some warm air in to the doe's fur; a method that he used to use when comforting the does of his clan.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

Really all she could think

Really all she could think about was that fact that she'd killed her borther. She was pretty numb when she first remembered, but now the wonds felt fresh. A few simple happy words out of Blue's mouth, had ripped her open and thrown her heart against a tree. Blue comforting her, made her feel better, but still a bit worse.

She loved being around him, and his words comforted her. He lapped her tears away and she felt better still. His words made her glad that someone was there for her, and she sobbed harder. She scooted closer to him, so her bosy was practically pressed up to his. She sobbed into his leg fur. It was almosty like she was nuzzling him, the way she moved her head as the sobs wracked her body. She felt his nose pressed between her shoulders, and she calmed a bit. Still sobbing somewhat, she composed herself enough to say "Thank you, Blue. Thank you so much..." in a whisper. Then she sobbed a bit more. She eventually stoped, still shaking, but laying her head on Blue, looking into the ditance.

She felt like Blue was a good friend, even only asfter the little time she spent with him. She began in a whisper, explaining everything from her past. She just layed there after, her heartbeat in sync with his.


Her past Just so you know incase you wanter Blue to say anything, lol ♥
moonsoverwater's picture

He smiled gently, sighing as

He smiled gently, sighing as she relayed her ordeal to him from between his forelegs. The hardships seemed equal to the rituals of his clan, though one could find no equality in separate hardships without walking in their hoofprints.

After a few moments of silence, the stag let his voice drift on the air.

No thanks... no need. The only one you have to thank is yourself. You did it and YOU made it here. You made it here to soak my fur with your tears and tell me your story. I thank you for sharing your story with me.

He made no move to offer his, nor to turn the conversation toward himself.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

Sitting there pressed close

Sitting there pressed close to a close-to stranger, pouring her heart out, a things she's nver done before, she knew that Bluebird was someone she could trust completely. Her sadness... It chased her around for a few more seconds, then she sucked it up. She thought of sheep. And she thought of Misang. And Jax. And to her, that was everything she needed to suck it up. And Blue sitting here next to her made her oddly happy.

"I'm sorry, Blue." She said, getting up. She went to the bushes and dug around. She popped out after a second. She kicked an apple over to him, trying to smile. She plopped back down, noxe accidently bumping his. She looked down at the ground, hoping she could make things be normal again.

She rolled around in the dirt. She jumped up, nipped his ear a bit, and dived into the bushes again.
moonsoverwater's picture

Blue blinked. She was very

Blue blinked. She was very good at bouncing back... like a little fox that had just been disappointed by missing his first kill, only to be seen later romping with its littermates.

The stag rose to his hooves, lowering his antlers and mocking a charge in to the bushes before leaping in to their emerald scrub. Blue found himself forehead-to forehead with the miniature doe before again leaping away playfully. His lithe, whitetail frame bounded over the grass, kicking the apple high before spearing it on his antlers. The stag grunted, four hooves off the ground as he pranced about, apple juices dribbling from his antlers.

It is better to be joyous! He called to her, leaping high in the air before trotting over and bowing low to offer her the apple.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

Kasmir's feeble attempt at

Kasmir's feeble attempt at hiding in the low brush had failed. She found herself forehead to forehead with the stag. He jumped away then retuned with the apple stuck to his antler, bowing to her, asking her to take it. She tugged at it, and tugged at it, and finally stumbled back a bit when it came off. She dropped it to the ground. She used the hole Blue had mad and cracked the apple in half ith her hoof.

She noses one half to Blue, and kept one half herself. She wished away bad memories, and, due to her ADHD, they floated away. She thanked the Gods. She foucused on Blue. Picking out his emotions from the way he acted. Then all of a sudden she was thinking about what it would be like to sit on his back. She'd been doing that lately. Sitting on people's backs. Sometimes they were annoyed. Sometimes they let her get away with it. If only Blue would sit down...

"Of course it is! Now eat your apple." She kicked it toward him again. Oh look a butterfly! Wait... Focus. Hmmf. What a peculiar day she'd been having...
moonsoverwater's picture

Yus muhm. He mumbled like a

Yus muhm. He mumbled like a fawn, before crushing the half of apple between his hard palate and tongue. Juices ran sticky-sweet down his throat as he finished the treat eagerly like a little boy with a lolly-pop.

He then pawed forward to Kasi, smiling as he nibbled down her back. She was a perfect friend, putting up with his odd mannerisms and childish habits. What'cha like to do now? We have a whole forest. He smiled, peering out at the world around.

Golden light filtered through everywhere. Paradise, complete with singing birds and swaying trees enclosed them in a perfect playplace, with whatever they wish to do at the tips of their noses and the span of his antlers.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Kasmir's picture

It took Kas a little longer

It took Kas a little longer to finish the sweet treat than it did for Blue. She was half his size, after all. She saw he was eager for her to finish so they could play again. She started to purposely eat slowly, making noises and ooking at Blue, taunting him. But then she stopped, had having her fun.

With one last gulp, she finished the rare, delicious, morsle. She licked her lips, savoring it. She then turned toward Blue who was pawing at her. When she looked at him, he began to nibble down her back. She shivered. "Hnndmmdf." She said, then her smile turned to michevious. She darted under him, and nipped at his legs, then whipped up and nipped at his stomach again, knowing now he was ticklish. Then she layed down under him, "I don't know... We could go to the pond and play around? Or we could cast spells on people. What do you want to do, Blue?" She asked, not really sure what she was in the mood for.

Her pelt was shining in the late-afternoon sun again, giving her the appearance of mini sun. She purposely rolled around in the dirt for that reason. She hummed a bit again. Something about The moon coming out to let the sun rest. And old tune. She lay on her back now, waiting for Blue to decide something for them to do.
moonsoverwater's picture

His legs began to buckle in

His legs began to buckle in laughter as Blue was again tickled, but he stopped. She was not a thing to crush beneath him.

Her words made him smile. They could go down there... cool water awaited them, as did fish to watch and- no. Maybe they could end up there. Why not go walking to see what sounds good, since neither of us can seem to choose right now? Maybe we will run in to something fun. He smiled, stepping clear of the doe that seemed to prefer laying beneath him. A song came to his lips at that moment, but he dare not set it free. It was bitter, but he swallowed the music. She would not know the tune anyway. It was not even in the deer language, let alone a language spoken anymore.

He spun to face the little sun on the ground, smiling down at her. Are you coming? His voice carried the song on the back of his tongue, refusing to have been swallowed. The celtic accent threatened to take his voice, but he held it back like a whippet that dragged on a lead as it tried to break free, a racehorse in the gate... all held back behind a smile.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
DEERTH's picture

I'll join. --- As a fawn,

I'll join.


As a fawn, named Violet, was taking her everyday stroll, she stumbled on two deer. A male and female. Violet was 5 meters away from them as a butterfly flought off what Violet chased. Violet, as usual, was very shy and looked respecively on the deer. It seemed they are going somewhere. Violet became curious for this seeming and neared. She bowed as a greeting. "H-hello... Honorable d-deer..." she said with a cowering pose and afraid look. She felt stupid as she was mumbling again so quietly. She hoped those deer hear her. And she hoped those deer aren't rude or serious this way: "Why are you interrupting deer? Could you leave please? I have things to do!" But curiosity got the best of the fawn.
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin

Kasmir's picture

Kasmir was terrified that

Kasmir was terrified that Blue was going to fall on her for a split second. Then he stopped moving and she stopped ticking. No Kasi pancakes today!!!

The pond. Usually where she went to sleep. Never really played there before... Then his words made her feel oh-so relieved. "A' Course! Taking a walk in nice, in and of itself." He smile was broad as ever as she popped up off the ground, little legs like springs. Then as she began to move, she could tell something was up with Blue. All of a sudden he was tense. Had he remembered something painful?

"What wrong Blue? Are you okay?" She said as she trotted over to him. She sounded like a worried sister.

"Uhm... I guess..." She said and turned to trot away, then ran smack-dab into a little fawn. "Hi little fawn!" She said and began to walk a bit, then realized the fawn had been trying to approach them. She looked back at her expectantly, waiting for her to say something else to give Kas a clue to as why she was here.
DEERTH's picture

"Hello... Nice day in The

"Hello... Nice day in The Forest, isn't it? Please don't be mad, I am just taking a stroll around here." Violet said shyly. She didn't want to be bothering, but felt so as saw the blue deer with a troubled look. Then Violet looked at the doe. Violet had an Am-I-bothering-you look. Violet felt silly again. It seemed Violet wasn't good at talking this day.


Shall I leave with my character because of interrupting?
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin

Kasmir's picture

No, it's okay now, I

No, it's okay now, I guess.

I don't know. ._. Ask Moons /wanders off