May 13, 2009 - 9:15pm — Fahnette
After telling them about The Endless Forest Ballet, Mum and I were bombarded with questions.
"What's the game about?" Being in the forest, experiencing life, creating art.
"Are we going to do this by ourselves?" We are asking all the Forest Dwellers to contribute, be it costumes, stories, settings, pictures. This was inspired by the art they create as part of TEF.
"Who's going to choreograph?" Me, Mum, Jen (my sister), and we are asking University dance groups to contribute pieces.
"So you just run around and play with people and you're a deer?" Yes. Just that. But more than that. More than everything.
"What will costumes look like?" Whatever the contributors come up with, they're all geniuses like that.
"Who came up with this game?" Two incredibly gifted people who hopefully know how much of a gift they are to the world.
And then we tell them they have to see it for themselves.
So far I've sent links to TEF to about ten of my students. Influx of new fawns pending.
Anyone who wishes to
:3 I really love this <333
-- Dannii <3
Blog, Updates, Pictograms, Biographies
I've got the first of the
Dannii, whatever you can
I'm working on some costume
Here is the first one! A
That is EXACTLY what we
That neckline is insane. LOVE IT.
Thank you so much! I'll throw it onto the development blog. Yay!
*gasp* That is awesome !!!
Kind of like an older
That's enough of 21 though, I'll work on other things now!
May I suggest some music?
A set of costumes, and a