Most Adorable Cat Ever

KittyCatKita's picture

Am I the only person who would love to have this cat?!

This will be deleted after a bit, just wanted to share it with someone XD
Rainflower's picture

Maruuuuu~ I love that cat

I love that cat <3
"The cruelest prison is one we make for ourselves out of fear and regret."
Tuhka's picture

I laughed at the box sliding

I laughed at the box sliding part... : D

-is now a puddle of goo on

-is now a puddle of goo on the carpet- |D
quadraptor's picture

My cat is somewhat like this,

My cat is somewhat like this, but I wish she'd run into boxes like that. That was awesome!
gone's picture

No you are not xD *puddle'd*

No you are not xD

Kaoori's picture

Oh, I love Maru! He's so

Oh, I love Maru! He's so adorable Smiling
KittyCatKita's picture

XDD I totally love the part

XDD I totally love the part where he goes like flying into the boxes <3 I would love to see a cat do that in person lol too adorable!
trigger_mortis's picture

Oh my goodness, that was too

Oh my goodness, that was too cute and funny! My cat here is actually quite similar, he falls off of things all the time (as I write this, he fell between the couch and the ottoman because he thought a flimsy piece of cardboard would support his weight lD).

Thank you for sharing, that made me laugh! The box sliding was hysterical!
Splinters's picture


XDXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I started crying for laughiness when maru got his head stuck in that conatianer XDXDD

Maru is too adorable! I

Maru is too adorable!

I love the way he box slides....xD