Roucaud just wishes to thank you all who joined him tonight and hopes he'll meet you all again one day.
He highly appreciates walking company and he had great time with you.
Dancing with the patient people who walked with him for quite a long time.
He's also deeply sorry if he made Iendoe feel upset/alone.
He didn't approach her because he had people following him and he is aware she doesn't like strangers so he saw it best not to come close. He still wished she would have walked along.
He felt terrible when he saw her running away all sad looking and hopes he'll have a chance to apologize her the next time.
That's all I think. Thank you for the pleasant night. <3
I think you know who the
It was fun walking with Roucaud and the others, I would have done it for longer but MSN was getting to me and I didn't want to have to keep on stopping. xDD
|x- Laurette's Biography -x|[/url]
Have not seen Roucuad since
Wowies, lol-z. Yes, Mordred is sorry for frightening poor Iendoe too.
THAT DEER. Great Argues pelt, red flowers, real deer mask. They have been follow- ahem, happened to be in the Forest each time Mordred went on. He apologizes to him/her for not playing.
It seems we both have a lot of apologies to do. But doesn't Rou look so proud at the head of the group?
Clickie clickie- the time's going ticky ticky!
Roscoe had a nice time
Roucaud has lots of fans 8D
I caught you rock dancers on
*cough* What? I said nothing. 8]
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Yorres loves long walks.
Maybe we'll meet up again sometime.
Yorres, Lightbringer