27-09-2011; day 1
I set out on my quest for knowledge in the daylight, as most of the inhabitants would be active around this time.
Though I had taken great care to tend to my injuries, I could not help but be slowed down by a devilish limp.
It is rather typical... You open up and poke around inside a giant, multi-celled virus
once and he has to go and slash your leg open.
But I digress.
Limp aside, I soon found myself engulfed in play with two of the kind inhabitants when I got... sidetracked.
A rabbit the size of myself ran straight by my nose and I immediately gave chase. Damn those predatory instincts...
But unforeseen events unfold and the rabbit... just stopped and sniffed me. There was no fear in its being and it even crawled in under me!
Perplexed, I lay down next to it, watching it all the while the more primitive parts of my brain tried to figure out, ahem... "Why food no run".
Karma struck later that day when some invisible deer turned ME into a rabbit of unusual size! Needless to say, it is the last time I chase a rabbit in THIS forest...
Thoughts of the day: Rabbits will never be the same again...
Necessary track
Track. ♥
Thank you ^w^
XDD Ok, I'm amused by that
Glad you were! XD If you