oh holy maccaroniiiii this place... so much time has gone by and I haven't let anything be heard from me here, I should be ashamed. Or should I? Does anyone even remember me?
I still hold this place dearly in my mind, I have billions of good memories connected to TEF, it's incredible. Without you, I would have never realized that I have at least the mimicry of an ability to draw. All of you, with your amazing talents and wonderful encouragement even on pictures that when I look back at them now, I just want to hide somewhere and kill the roots before they breed.

Slightly exaggerating here, but you get my point!
I don't know if I'm yet able to return or anything of that sort. I've still got two months of my exchange year left - because 8 months ago I froze my German highschool time for one year and just went to another country called Finland for 11 months, to live in a Finnish host family, go to Finnish "lukio" = highschool, not seeing my German family and friends for the same time, surrounded by strange people and an even stranger and unknown language and TADA, here I am.
I speak Finnish now, quite decently, have had amazing times and incredibly hard times and found friends for life and just had an unforgettable experience which isn't even over yet. Seriously, if some of you ever get the chance to do an exchange year or something of these sorts - go ahead and do it. I'm not even a courageous person, I need my family a lot, and a lot of my weird habits have led to some conflicts, but still, I've done it all and been through all the hard times and made the best out of it all and learned so incredibly much it's been worth a whole lifetime.
The reason why I'm here right now is because I came home this morning from crazy Finnish people all over Helsinki celebrating Walpurgis night, "Vappu", and a lot of things happened and my mind was so full I couldn't sleep until now and suddenly I got all nostalgic for TEF and just had to poke my nose in here again for once...
Enough of this selfish talk. If anybody would mind, I'd actually love much more to hear from you!

I bet most of you don't even know or remember me, hah. But still, how are each of you doing? Any little news would be so incredibly nice to hear. I'm trying to get something out of all the recent posts, but the number of as "new" marked posts is way too much...
~ Flyra
As a relative
I've been here only 4 days XP
~ C.S. Lewis
Holy crap it's Flyra! o_o
Hey there Flyra! I'm back to
I'm back to my old self in the forest again! I haven't been on so much, but I'm in the forest every day now and enjoying every minute of it!
I suffer from depression and TEF and this wonderful community is a life saver for me. I couldn't be without TEF and these wonderful people!
I envy you. I wish I could have done things like you've done but meh, I haven't done anything with my life. I wasted it away.
I'm glad you're doing OK Flyra!
PS. It was my 6 years in TEF on the 27th!
Download Deer Tracker v1.0
Flyra! Welcome back, for
Um, as for new things.. Back, I believe, last month, there were a ton of people who had hit their fifth or sixth TEF anniversary. I personally had my fourth TEFc about a week ago, and TEF-day in Dec. :>
Ummmm... I'm not very interesting P:
Glad to see you back, though, Flyra!
Glad to hear from you again! 8D!!
I rememeber youuuu Welcome
I love it when "Old" Members are comming back
Oooooh hello everybody!
Anjali - I haven't been here since over a year, so it might be that we never met. But it's nice to meet you now! (: Hello there! I hope you have made yourself at home already in the Forest and the community. How are you doing here?
OrinocoFlow - Oh, wow, well should I say welcome to the Forest, then? ;D Even though I myself am not the biggest part of it anymore, but anyway! I hope you'll enjoy it here.
Pegasicorn - A wild Flyra appears!!
Sluggs - Hello there! So good to hear from you.
Okay, sorry, this was't supposed to sound so ... psychotherapeutic now ...
And thank you for your nice comment. As said, I'm so happy to hear from you!
WonderfullySarcastic - Hello there! Thank you for the nice welcome back
I'm so glad to hear from you, too! ♥
Quad - Oooooh hello Quad!!
Flyleaf - I remember you too! Hello dear ♥
Flyra! I remember you. I was
Kaooooori I remember you too,
XD just finishing up college
I jump in the Forest from time to time but I haven't been as much active as I used to be.
You flatter me Flyra ;__; I'm
Hello my little card writer
But, hi. ♥ Sounds like you had quite the adventures!
;; I remember you! ♥
Im not sure if I've ever met
I know you and I never
My lack of having a life is
It's so great to see
Such an awesome experience you've had. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well.
You remember me, right?
Wow; it is so refreshing to
I doubt if you would remember me or even know me..I'm not sure if we've even talked but I remember you so fondly.
I'm so glad you've had a good life and amazing experiences, I too envy you. ♥
Hng..I guess I can't say anything is new for me since we have never had an 'old' together..
Quad - Well then, good luck
Kaoori - I'm just being honest, really!
Misako - Awwww you remember that! Haha I had so much fun sending you postcards
Haha so nice to hear from you dear! ♥ And yeah, you could call it adventures, lots of new experiences for sure!
Dannii - AWW YOU ♥ So happy you remember me, too!
Dampir - Whee, thank you for the nice welcome back
Lung - That's so sweet from you! I wouldn't have thought so many recognized me haha
Pega - Well, having a life is actually not such a bad thing, maybe? If you give it a small chance?
Ravynn - Oh my, of course I remember you! I think we both came to TEF at exactly the same day, didn't we? It's so great to see you, too! I've had amazing experiences indeed, I've never regretted a second of doing an exchange year here in Finland. I hope you have been doing fine, too? (:
Dinamo - Awwwww whyyy I'm so happy to hear that!
Haha and maybe we don't, but there's always the chance to get to know each other better just for the first time!
Well sure go ahead! I always
I would hope I have! Lots of things going on with me lately, good and bad of course. But I'm generally content where things are headed.
I'm sure it'll be the same for you too one day! I've sooo long doubted what I wanted. Things are coming together! I think these days we too often have to think of what we want too early. I'm 21 and it's only NOW coming together, hahaha.
You need to tell stories! XD I want to know how it's going over there!
Ah, Flyra- welcome back! I