May 26 Photo Journal

Skyker's picture
It's May 26, a day full of exciting discoveries for Twinnie. And consequently, plenty of screenshots!
So, gallivanting about and tracking down interesting Pictograms, Twinnie happens upon the pond in her search, and a rather vibrant peacock-flavored deer.

As is custom, Twinnie put up a tough front before succumbing to the urge to dance, and so brought her skills in rhythm to the table. After bidding the new face farewell she continued into the birch forest, and happened upon something very peculiar!

A bird hovering above her head with a glowing symbol... She bowed to the strange thing before it rapidly changed from bird to frog to bat and then to this creature. A miniature deer. However, before any fun, or dancing, could be had, the deer went to sleep. Maybe next time, Twinnie!

Continuing on her way...

Twinnie happens upon another adult deer, and they were soon joined by another who gleefully cast a spell upon her fawn's pelt, turning it polka-dotted. Laughter and dancing ensued.
A little later, Twinnie leaves the group to wander the forest, soon she post a familiar pictogram, and with excitement and anticipation, she tracks down Light The Sky.

The two greet and soon they're shooting through the forest. It's not long before they happen upon two deer lounging together, and so they stop to greet them. Twinnie gets the impression that Light is already acquainted with at least one of the two... Of coarse, after some customary hoof-flailing, dancing ensues, led by Twinnie herself.

The fawn comes to like the red-antlered deer almost immediately, as he seems to know Light, however she gives the white-furred buck a bit of hard time before dropping her hoofs. The others seem amused or shocked at her hostile antics.

The peace could not last long, however, and soon Twinnie finds herself victim to a plathura of spells.

A little while later, the group migrates a bit, following the red-antlered buck who had discovered another object of interest...

How strange! Despite roars, hoof-flailings and respectful bows, the strange object did not seem to react, and Twinnie soon bade her new found friends farewell. She curled up for a nice long nap.
Serynn's picture

That orange one is Quamar!

That orange one is Quamar! He's one of my friends too. He's played by a person with the name of Tuhka right now. I think I may do one of these someday...


I think Kalapati saw Twinnie

I think Kalapati saw Twinnie at some point today. But I think you were sleeping. If you saw a white deer with butterfly antlers and a bird mask, that was Kalapati.


To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
stitches's picture

Cute screen shots ^^

Cute screen shots ^^
LighttheSky's picture

*lol* Yes, the Big

*lol* Yes, the Big red-antlered deer is Quamar, Light's adopted papa. <3

| Light the Sky |

| Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. ~Maori Proverb |