Massive Screenie Dump part 2: Melinoe and Amary (BIG images, likely computer killer!)

part 1
part 3

More dumpage. Some of these are actually before the zombie party.

"read more" at your own risk

First, Melinoe.

Yes she is nuzzling the BZD.

Keeping a low profile.

semi-close-up of the BZD

Dunno who the deer laying down is.

And now, Amary.

pre-Zombie Party

Ugh...there's so many that I haven't posted! More than I thought.
Maybe I'll post some of the older ones later.
Except for this:


and this


I don't know if Pega even saw this. X3
(I think I was entertaining the fawn there)

There was a bit of a misunderstanding here.

Saosin has his very own "Mini-Me."

Amary is a victim of run-by spelling.

Kaoori had a growth spurt.

And then...something else...

Quad and monarch-pelted deer are scarred for life. XD

Quad: *faints*

And then they just sit and watch calmly.

I have NO idea what was going on here. I don't know who the DotD deer is.

Or why he (?) seems to be going after Pandora, Fay, and Chrona.

It seems Amary isn't the only one upset by this.

I just like the way Chrona and Fay are standing over Pandora and in the exact same pose.

Kaoori: *glows*
Amary: *blinded*

ninja close-up

Wesker has been hanging around Kaoori too much.

Well it WAS a rainbow. Here it just looks like red kool-aid.

Size reversal?

Amary and Dag seem a bit out of place here.

I can't remember what was going on here...

Remember those things that are in playgrounds? You know, that are shaped like horses or sometimes other animals, and they have a big spring, and you sit on them and they bounce back and forth. Does anyone know what I'm talking about??

Little do the unsuspecting prey know...

Ourania-crow: *about to take off*
fawnAmary: *falls off*

Post-Zombie Party

fog + snow = awesome

finally got to see the BZD awake!

And he starts hopping around.

and dancing

Bast: Shocked

Amary: *runs into gazelle-deer*
Bast: Watch out for that--!

heee~ ♥

Lucian is popular with the ladies.

omg this shot is just perfect

"Help! I'm stuck!"

I think Kaoori was sit-spinning and dancing.

Clones are hilarious.

And a second one.

I love deer-rubbing X3

Kaoori is molested from both sides at once. XD

So why is Bast the one who appears traumatized? X3

"I'm a mushroom-turtle!"

Laughing out loud



putting on a show

<3 X3

This fawn seemed like it wanted to play, but I really only signed on to get this screenshot.
ocean's picture

Haha, aww. I like the Bast

Haha, aww.
I like the Bast ":o" face especially. xD
shaku's picture

My fav XD If it wasn't

My fav XD If it wasn't already, your caption makes it perfect~

And LOL. I was beginning to feel like your deer was familiar!! That's Mattie and my Phylux right thur XD We were admiring your twin abilities to land perfectly on the mushroom.

Kaoori's picture

ROFL I llove all of these. xD

ROFL I llove all of these. xD
Pegasicorn's picture
XD And still looking all noble.
O_O No I don't think I did. Laughing out loud

Remember those things that are in playgrounds? You know, that are shaped like horses or sometimes other animals, and they have a big spring, and you sit on them and they bounce back and forth. Does anyone know what I'm talking about??

Yep, I know those things. *attaches a spring to the raven's feet* Laughing out loud

XD! It definitely looks like he's doing that!
He also looks shocked when Amary has his pelt. XD
*"AWWWWW"s at them standing like that together* 8D
I didn't see the clone actually. Bast was cowering after accidentally hitting Kaoori with a pelt spell. But it does look like he sees the clone. XD

He fears the wrath of Kaoori. *kick'd*
That antler through the face has gotta hurt. Shocked
Hraeth's picture

So many of these made me

So many of these made me giggle. xD I can't pick a favorite.

shaku: Well it took me

Well it took me several tries to get on the mushroom AND in a good position. Bast did it with only one try. X3;

Oh, I didn't realize you didn't see the clone. I thought you did. X3
Kaoori can be pretty scary. XD

edit: I was kind of hoping someone could shed some light on this situation.
Hraeth's picture

Ohhh, that was Dantalion (I

Ohhh, that was Dantalion (I think?). He was attacking Pandora and being a general menace, so the neighborhood went to town on him. X:
Pegasicorn's picture

I figured there was a clone

I figured there was a clone when Amary started sniffing that "empty area". |D

Ah. I've heard of Dantalion

Ah. I've heard of Dantalion but I don't know anything about him. Ah well.
Amary just plain wanted the fighting to stop, regardless of the reason.
Ourania's picture

rofl these are great.

rofl these are great. Oura-crow had fun with Ama-fawn XD

she had fun too ^^

she had fun too ^^