Yes, I finally got a name for my little fawn; Luna. =)
Luna means "moon" of course, but besides that I just think it's fitting her. It's a happy name for a happy fawn. Allthough it's officially a male, she got a female name because she acts like a female with her purple flowers around her head and such. =)
After a few days in the forest, she learned how to communicate. Today she met some other fawns and a grown up deer were she played with for a while. As I said, Luna is the one with the purple flowers:
They started a funny little dance party:
After a while the dance party became more popular:
And now she's just laying down near the pond to rest after a lovely morning. =)
Glad to see you had a lovely
Hey, you posted the same
The other two fawns were Federweber and Honigmund - they were happy to meet some deer who formed a dance line!
And Luna is a wonderful name. I think it matchs the forest (although it's never night there O_o). Federweber already likes her, she's a nice and polite and dancing fawn^^
By the way, I'm also new to the forest and my English is absolutely rusty. I'm ashamed of every sentence I have to type. Wished I could speak Dutch (or Danish or Italian or Arabian... ^^). Why are all those languages so interesting, but I can't see the logic behind English?
Oh cool, I was hoping to meet
Luna absolutely likes Federweber (sounds Deutch?) and Honigmund. They seemed just as happy and full of energy as herself. =)
I love the moon, and because the sun is always in the forest, my Luna can be the shiny moon of it. =)
I think your English is very well. Mine sucks. I have to Google words now and then to check how to spell them right. xD Funny; I'm half Danish/ half Dutch. xD Dutch is easy for me but I don't understand anything of Danish. xD Wish everyone could speak Dutch over here.
@Zeekii; that could be, I've
I'm sure we'll meet again soon. =)
You have very good
There is no logic to american english at all
Sounds like you had a fun morning~!
(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Hallo, Ik denk dat ik je
♥ ♥
Thanks! =) That's right.
In English everybody understands you somehow, where ever you put every word in your sentence. xD
Oh haha, dat klopt ja! Ik
Hm, it's too bad that you
And yes, 'Federweber' and 'Honigmund' are deutsch - dutch and deutsch, immer etwas verwirrend x-D I mentioned Danish because we're all neighbours - and we have to talk English to understand the others O_o Kinda strange in my opinion...
We live in the same time zone, so maybe Federweber and Luna will meet again
And I've always opened a dictionary in my browser - unfortunately it can't teach me grammar. I hope it's okay when you understand the meaning. And by the way, I can't find any mistakes in your postings (but I have to admit - I've no idea. I think my french is better than my english now °_°).
I'm sorry for the off-topic, but I think it's so interesting that people all over the world meet in this community and play deer in a Belgian game C-:
I'm happy that I'm not the only one who thinks so ^_^
Well, no need to be sorry for
I have to admit that I only speak dutch easily. My English seems to be okay and that's it. I used to speak deutsch and french a little, but I forgot everything about that after school. =P
Yes, were neighbours, but we can't understand a word of eachothers language. And people from other country's can't hear the difference between our languages.
At the same time I think its great that people from are over the world are meeting here and making fun. In the forest we speak all the same language and there's no difference anymore. Then I think; who cares if we can speak English or not, if we are still communicating and understanding eachother. =)
One of the best thing about
@ the Dutch ones:
Ik denk dat ik - ich denke dass ich ?
dat klopt ja - das klappt ja ?
I love the sound of written Dutch
Lol, I think the same of
Luna thinks running around in circles like nuts is the best way to communicate. =D