
Moon of my life.

I know this was concluded a

I know this was concluded a while ago now, but since I'm fixing up broken links anyway, I felt like saying a few lines about it that this piece may have failed to depict on its own. With all its vagueness, there's still a lot of symbolism involved. To me, this was always about depression. As Saosin was unable to feel at ease with his life, he grew deeply frustrated, and so he desperately began pushing Red further and further as an elaborate form of self harm, which is how he ended up in this position. I'm sure many of you know already that when you're depressed, everything seems to lose color, and you can't find joy or strength in any of the things you did before. This shows through in the bleak scenery here. Soul Retriever, the one responsible for Saosin's soul, can be seen on almost every page, yet Saosin didn't approach right away. Why bother striving for a better future when you can't even see the point in having one? It was only after friends and loved ones showed their consistent support that he found his path again. Serving as a light in a dark place. Anyway, no need to comment further on this, I just felt compelled to share some insight. <3