lol Rutilus tumblr

So I thought HEY MAN THIS IS A GREAT IDEA and yup. I made a Tumblr for Rutilus. It'll basically just contain stuff that relates to him, stuff he likes, whatever. Although I might post things that relate to him that he disagrees with, all comments, answers, replies reptiles etc will be typed in-character C: So yes. let's rock this.

Omgyes. also, I read "...all

also, I read "...all comments, answers, reptiles etc..."

Dude. I am stalking

I am stalking this.
Oh my lord.

editing because reptiles

editing because reptiles
mismatched's picture

That is... just brilliant.

That is... just brilliant.

:'D I'm having so much fun

:'D I'm having so much fun with him sdkfhj