Im empolyed now part time and have been in a couple of jobs. My new job is a night switch board worker.
Its been hard,
no money
no car
no fun just application form, interview one after another, must have done over 200 application forms and emails and about 50 interviews.... what no one said life is easy! Theres a average of 100 people per job here so you have a rare chance of getting anything.
Because i gave up my job I did not qualify for any benifits.... appreantly if i had got pregnant then i would have. ( yer like im that stupid!)
So iv'e sold possetions and worked hard and kept going. I have refused to beg, steal or borrow. Proving that if you consentrate on the things you need to live and not just things you want you can do it and get through. I still need a day time job but now i have a foot in the door things might just get better, then i can come play in the forest.
Thank you for all your support and words of kindness.
Take care and remember no matter how hard, how hopless things seem, YOU can get through it Though the pain may take you down, push every day for each day is a mile stone closer to your goal.
Previous message
Well just popped in for a pinecone and tea.
In the last 4 weeks I have:-(feb)
Moved house from Berkshire to Dorset,
Given up a high paid job and a huge pay off i might have got
Left all my friends
down sized room
and struggled to find a new job (still no luck)
Lifes hard, but i am determined to do something
Mind you walking 10mins and seeing this
kinda helps me get through it all.
I've come back to a forest with new sets i cant get them/see them as i play an older version (by choice) so im gonna wish you guys all the best with the new sets.
My message to you all.
Lifes hard
Dont stop though
Keep fighting and you can get through.
you have to.
Looks beautiful there !! I
I wish you much luck with your new life
Wow. Did you do that
I'm proud of you either way.
Beautiful view.
I did it all for family.
Good luck in your new place
♥ ♥
Bumping with update
Good to hear you are still
Don't back down
You will suceed