Let's Draw Deer!
I should start by saying that I'm really not an expert at deer anatomy, these drawings are learning experiences for me too. I haven't done anything like scientific illustration before, so these may not be the best things to learn from, but I hope they will help supplement your studies!
To do these drawings I'm usually looking off several photos each, since it wouldn't be very useful to you if I was going by my imagination. :b
Tenley has asked me to help with drawing deer heads and legs, so that's what I'm starting with. They will just be basic drawings of these parts from different angles. After that, anyone can request a drawing- I could study the underlying structure, show range of movement, or focus on other parts of the body you want to understand better. Or I could try some full-body poses, maybe a colouring guide? Whatever you like.
To be covered
• Finish leg diagrams
• Add shading to head diagrams
• How to suggest human expression with deer faces
• Drawing characters in an environment
• Comparing male and female anatomy
• Hooves
• Feel free to suggest more
Up next
• Basic turn-around of the legs and feet •
Ooh, thanks, Ephra! This will
Yesssss, all sorts of yes! I
So cool *.* I would love to
This is so nice of you.. Then
Yes please
-sets up camp-
Heckyes. o_o This guide is
This guide is already really useful! Thank you Ephra!
Oh yesyesyesyesyes! thank
Awesome, I'm looking forward
Oh my oh my oh my... This is
Yesyesyes. Thank you. Ahh...
Ahh... a colouring guide from you would be awesome, I admire your artwork a lot.
Thank you so much.
-ded- Am I in heaven?
By the way, Ephra, I've been meaning to ask you for quite some time now. Are you left or right handed? Ambi maybe?
*Trackage!* I could
I could seriously use the visual help with deer. >_>;
I find legs to currently be the hardest. (Or maybe I'm doing the body wrong which warps the legs? >_>; ). I'm use to canine and feline legs so I tends to use those tenquie though I know I shouldn't. :- P
I can do things like swing
Must...-crawls and wheezes-
adjajkjdfk /clingtrack
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
This is all kinds of awesome,
I'd like to note, that deer
A winter coated deer, has much thicker fur, which covers up many of those intricate lines.
Here is a deer with a summer coat: http://www.equineartistry.com/john/WhitetailDeer-241-Buck-SummerHdCUProfleLrgHdCrp.jpg
Versus a deer with a winter coat: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3012/2448476569_9e568c599f.jpg
And here is a deer with a summer coat, who is thinner, and you can see more of the facial details: http://i316.photobucket.com/albums/mm339/dsbragg/IMG_1251.jpg
Just in case you want to get really specific when you draw your character!
Also, there is a huge anatomical difference between bucks and does.
Does, have skinny long necks, and often narrower heads and longer faces: http://www.4jranch.net/images/WhiteTailDoe.jpg
While bucks have beefier necks, and broader cheeks: http://www.lapandura.com/wildlife/whitetail_deer-1.jpg
There muscles can range from non-existant and almost doe-like when they are young, to HUGE as they get older, and fight more: http://www.revolutiontaxidermysupply.com/_Breen-Buck-035.jpg
I hope that this was informative! Perhaps you could go into these details?
I also think that hooves are a problem in a lot of people's work, so some information on those, would be great!
Ephra, Doe, Thank you so
I just died of
Thankyou so much for doing this!
Those are some excellent
I'll remember to specify that stuff in my drawing next time I update.
Oh my gosh, thank you, thank
I adore you.
This is very helpful! Thank
*tracks* I have a feeling
I have a feeling I'll definitely find this useful. ^_^
It would probably be very
The Iaurdagnire, much like a
It will not leave this source for some time.
stalkage I've always loved
I've always loved your art and you're definitely one of the best at drawing deer that I've seen. This should be helpful.
tracking for sure.
o_o -Bookmarks on Internet
-Bookmarks on Internet to be sure she doesn't lose it.-
These are wonderful studies,
Track! O.O
Yay! Thank you so much- and
What species is your subject? Whitetail?
Tracking this *forever*
Wow this is gorgeously done ~
Yeah they are mostly
Omg, how awesome, Thanksss
(No subject)
B-But if you're not the deer
This is so lovely, Ephra, thank you very much for it. It will help a lot, and it looks amazing already. <3
I think it would help, to
Probably would be best to do the first one, the forward facing profile, since it shows the majority of the face.
Hey everyone, I need your
Would it be more helpful to you if I shaded these diagrams? Such as [link] (not finished or accurate or anything, just to show you what I mean)
Would the drawings of the head be better if I shaded them like this?
A basic idea of shading,
Shade them in a light shade of gray, so that the lines still show through well.
I agree with, Doe. But I
At least I won't mind ;)
*track* Thank youuu
Thank youuu <3
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
Thx for this!