October 16, 2011 - 1:08pm — z.m123
Here's my problem.
So, my laptop was at 11% battery left. So I putted the charger in. but. when I putted the charger in, it didn't say that it's charging. o_o Then it dropped to 10%. So I checked the cable, if there's anything wrong with it, and I didn't see anything wrong. e_e The little light thingy on the side of the laptop said that it's charging.. And suddenly, the battery actually started charging. Even though it didnt say it was charging! /confused.
Something is appearently wrong here.. And I want to ask for help before shit goes down and won't charge at all. ;__;
Edit> Now my keyboard is all messed up. _ is at the ? and | is at the >
LOL uuuuum. The cable thing,
And I have no idea about the keyboard part, you could google it? D8" /unhelpful
For the keyboard thing, press
>> Dannii: Thanks for the
>> Apeldille: Thank youuu ♥ I thought I was doomed because I write in size 10! ;_;
Just a lil' bump before I
Yeah, it's the laptop cable.
They're making a lot of laptop cables universal now, and not just for one specific type. I found out my Windows 7 laptop cable can be charged by a Toshiba cable. If you have a newer computer it will most likely have a universal plug in. If you don't know what cable you have, or want to do more research there should be a sticker or tag somewhere along the cable. Or you can Google what cable goes with your computer since they usually come in the same package.
& Laptop cables are expensive. When I bought my new cable it was $60. ._.
Hope this helps!