Lady Bones' Story Continued! (Chapter 'Just Flies in Her Web' complete!)

Oh and for anyone's who's interested, Lady Bone's voice would probably be Emma Thompson's Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet

~------------------l Prologue l-------------------~

There was the time. 3:00. Lady Bones stood, and walked to her closet. Her tattered skirts still smelled like it, the sea. She pressed her nose to the fabric and inhaled deeply. The crew, her ship... Memories that haunted, and charmed. It was bittersweet.

I'm on a date with a real lady, I'd better dress myself fair enough to be seen with.
She had found herself never caring for what other people thought of her. But Line was different. For some reason, Lady Bones did find herself caring what she looked like, lest Line's social status be more of a joke than to keep her honor. She couldn't look like a stitched-together tramp like some days. But dressing in her "finest" clothes brought back strong waves of memories. They weren't perfect, but they were ok... Attached to her draping, heavy red skirt, she'd sewn a thick leather belt, and on the belt, her dagger remained. Stolen from a Persian trade ship, on its way to the Persian Emperor himself. Her crew plundered it, and took every scrap of gold to be seen... she brushed the thought away, and prayed she'd never have to recall or speak of memories that she was no longer proud of...

A dark corset hung above the skirt, it had been bought in France, and how beautifully crafted it was. Perhaps it would take the notice off of her skirt. A folded plume of lace hung from the undershirt and dangled peacefully over the edge of the corset. It was his. He'd never return. She assured herself...

She dressed herself, slipped on her heavy black boots, and walked to the park where she knew Line would meet her shortly.

Under a willow tree, a comfortable bench resided. She took her seat and waited. She slipped her hand into her pocket for her pocket watch. It was gold, and many dings and dents had accumulated over the years upon its surface. The crystal was scratched badly, and it was a struggle to read the time. With her dagger, a swift movement popped the crystal out of place, she slipped it back into its sheath and covered it over. Line shouldn't know she was carrying a weapon...

3:30. Soon.

"Lady Bones!" A voice called, as a brush of wind caught the leaves at her feet, licking at her skirt. She'd dozed off. "So sorry I'm late, I don't have much time, my sincere apologies!" Lady Bones stood, her pre-mature white hair caught in the breeze. Line was also wearing her golden hair down. How strange.

"Well, hello there Lady Line, what's the trouble?" Her heavy skirt was so familiar to her, and almost at once she imagined herself back on the deck of her ship. A woman like Line wouldn't be there for long... she brushed the thought away immediately and cursed the memories of her past. Line was out of breath, she'd been running. A silk umbrella was folded, and was being carried carefully by her glove-covered hands.

"Sinker has planned to take me out to eat for dinner. I'd told him I had plans with you, but he insisted I go with him. It's been so long since we were ever out anywhere!" For a moment Lady Bones' heart dropped, Sinker. If it had been anyone other then him, she would've known it hadn't been personal. She put on a fake smile. She knew Sinker all too well.

"That's wonderful Line, I'm so glad!" Line laughed gleefully. They walked together in the park. The breeze was fresh and the scent of lilac perfume filled the air. Line's face was powdered gently, and a book was in her hand.

"Here, take this book. It's one of my favorites." The book was old, and the pages were browned with age. "I thought you'd like it." Lady Bones opened to a page. Every one had been pressed, and well read.
“Stow this gab,” roared Hook, and the spokesmen were dragged back. “You, boy,” he said, addressing John, “you look as if you had a little pluck in you. Didst never want to be a pirate, my hearty?”

Lady Bone's breath caught in her throat with a slight gasp. Had Line known? She looked up at Line.
"What is it?" Lady Bones shook her head, her mind racing for an answer.
"T-The writing in this is... exquisite!" What were the chances Line, un-knowingly chose a book of pirates, having not known Lady Bones had been one?

Line smiled, her bright eyes sparkled. "I'm so glad you like it." Lady Bones shifted the layers in her skirt to pull out a small book.

"Here, take this, it's truly one of my favorites..." The little black book still smelled of the sea, and wear was apparent on the cover. The pages were mint.
"The Picture of Dorian Gray." Line said as she read the first page. "Why, this is. Peculiar."
Lady Bones smiled. It was a change from all of the happy readings Line had done.
From behind a hoarse voice rumbled.
"Line, we're leaving now." Line looked up to find a man dressed elegantly in fine black clothing. He gave a mockingly sly smile at Lady Bones, who out of reaction had unsheathed her dagger, no one had seen. Her face flushed red. What was she doing? She hid it behind Line, who opened her silk umbrella and embraced Sinker loyally.

Swiftly she sheathed her dagger, and hid it once again.

"Look at what the cat dragged in, Line." Sinker mocked, giving Lady Bones a strong once-over. "What a tramp." Line looked at Lady Bones apologetically, and led Sinker away. "You might want to give your clothes a good washing as well, Bones. They smell a little.... fishy" They walked away and Lady Bones was left alone...

~--------------l A Walk with a Lady in a Back Alley l--------------~

Time, time was never on their side. Sinker made sure their time was cut short and every second was split in half. Line never spoke a word to Bones about their relationship, or even who Sinker was. She accepted whatever little time the two friends had together, and that was that. There was never any disobedience, and however hard Lady Bones would encourage her, Lynnet would never ask for more time together.

"How much can we get done in thirty minutes Line?" Line was silent for a few moments. Gentlemen in top hats greeted them both with a kind smile, Lady Bones was sure to smile back. Line seemed pre-occupied with her thoughts. She looked at the ground, and Bones was sure to be her eyes for her. Sharks lurked in these dark waters. This was not a good side of town. They'd just passed the "higher" section, and now the sky seemed to darken above them, with barred, shut windows and tramps on every corner. Watching Lynnet with glowing, greedy eyes. One met with Bone's, they were sure to drop their gaze and shift uneasily. In her hand, a cane as black as night rested, she held it tightly. Line had been mumbling the entire time, her mind hadn't been present on the conversation.

"Lady Bones?"

"I-I'm sorry Line. What were you saying?" As she watched ahead intently, and feeling Line chatter away, oblivious of the feelings toward her, a group of rag-tag men formed a pacing line in their path on the red brick sidewalk. Bones immediately grabbed Line's upper arm. With a short gasp Line was brought to, and her eyes locked upon the men just ahead of them, and the safe distance between them was growing dangerously thin.

Why had she come this way? She had known no one would bother her, if she came alone. How could she have forgotten such a beautiful woman such as Line beside her? She'd lead her straight into a spider's web. This was her normal route when traveling alone... But Line would never survive the journey. She'd been trying to save time by cutting through town, such a careless mistake would not go un-paid for. Not here. The men made clicking noises with their tongues, and began whistling loudly. Lady Bones turned Line around, and stood in front of her.

"Go Line, back to the house. Go where someone can see you." Beneath Lady Bone's hand was the cold metal head of her cane. She pulled it out, and revealed a knife. She wouldn't use it, only if she had to. She wouldn't let Line see, she couldn't. She would not let her eyes be tainted by the vision of blood, like too many times hers had to be. Line had turned, but they'd closed in around them in a circle.

"Lady Bones!" Lynnet called out in panic. She turned, her fiery gaze shifting to a man covered in rags, prodding at Line's dress. "Leave me alone you cad!" Line hissed. Lady Bones was taken aback by how much Line sounded like a child. A pure, innocent child. She swiped her cane through the air and it landed on the tramp's hand.

Crack! He yelped like a hit dog, drew his it back and held it, being sure to take several steps out into the street. She stepped back to Line, who moved in closer holding Bones' free arm with both of her hands. She was. A child.... only a child! Excused from the curse of having to bear wittiness to the evils of the world. Lady Bones had brought it down upon her. Another man circled.

"Well well well, if it ain't ol' Scarlet Coat herself boys! Look what she brough' us!" The man said with a chuckle bubbling in his throat.
"Come any closer and I'll give you Scarlet Coat herself!!" Line looked at Lady Bones questioningly, but thought it best not to speak.
"I'll take tha' as a threat then, tsk tsk tsk. You should be takin' more lessons from the fair maiden next to you Coat. Not ver' lady like a' all." He gave an exaggerated bow and removed his ragged hat from his head to reveal a bald head. His grey scraggly hair stuck out on both sides of his head to meet with his shoulders. His eyes were dark. And he was obviously drunk. Line gave out a yell, and shifted. Another was moving in. In a flash her knife was revealed and she lunged it at the fiend. Her eyes glowing, and her teeth clenched.

"You dare touch her, and I swear to God I'll slice your throat open and you'll be staring at its bloody contents splashed upon the ground!" The men stepped back, and said nothing, their hands open to reveal no weapons. Line shuddered. "That goes for any of you low-lifes! Anyone want to see how many moves Coat has forgotten from her old days?" None stepped forward. She held tightly to Line, who moved quickly with her. Past the men, who allowed a trail through their circle. They never looked back. Line said nothing, and they returned to Bone's house...

"You really shouldn't swear you know." Line said innocently, and Lady Bones let out a laugh.
"Are you ok Lynnet?" She sheathed her knife, which Line had been studying warily. Bone's hadn't noticed it was still in her hand, let alone in the hand closest to Line.
"Oh I'm fine! And if I may say, that was rather exiting, it was like an adventure!" Lady Bone's smiled, and was glad Line wasn't angered by her foolish mistake. Yet there was time for that from one whom Line loved.
She had to be more careful.
"But I dare say, those were like no other gentlemen I've ever met in my entire life!" Lady Bones smiled to herself.

~--------------l 'Gentlemen' Aren't Nice Line l---------------~

Line had discovered a tear in her dress for the ordeal, and was grieved by it. Taking the blame upon herself she sat Line down in a red velvet chair, fixed her some tea and got out her old sewing kit that had collected dust for for than ten years. Line wiped her tears from her cheek and smiled at the kind gesture. She had found the perfect light blue colored thread, and the tear would hardly be noticeable. Bones sat on the floor, took the hem of her dress in hand and got to work. Humming while she worked. After a moment Line looked down.
"My Lady Bones! What beautiful needle work!" Lady Bones smiled weakly. "Where on earth did you learn to sew so elegantly?"
"I was not so different from you once, Line." Bone's smiled at her, and Line let it be after she said no more. She was reminded of the monastery and the nuns. For a moment her heart sank. How she'd loved them once.

After Line's dress was stitched to perfection she embraced Lady Bone's warmly.
"Thank you." she said simply, it was the best thing she had heard in a long time. After several more moments, a knock came at the door. She opened the door to find a sad looking boy nearly in rags. It was now raining.
"Message for Lady Line?" Line walked to the door, and studied the poor boy with interest. He handed her an envelope with scratched handwriting simply stating her name on the front. Line walked away from the door holding the neat envelope in her hands delicately. Lady Bones bent over, put her hands on her knees and whispered into the boys ear.

"I meet you all later, tell the others to meet me under the bridge tonight at twelve." The boy nodded vigorously, she pinched his cheek lightly, brushed some dirt off of his face and handed him a few coins. "Off you go dearest." The boy ran down the street to where she knew he would meet with the others. She must see them soon... She watched the small boy run down the street in the rain thoughtfully, then closed the door.

"It's a letter from Sinker. It reads:

'Line, I'm going away on business for a few days.
Looks like Bones gets her wish. Tell her if anything...fishy happens there'll be hell to pay.
Should be back by Friday.

She folded the letter gently and slid it back into the envelope, holding it to her chest lovingly. You'd think it was a love letter!

"Well then, I'll make sure nothing... fishy happens to you again." They laughed together. "I have a spare room here, if you'd like to stay here for the night. Or I can walk you home, either way is ok."

"I have a few things must to finish back at the house, but I do say it's quite generous to offer! Maybe tomorrow night then?" She said quietly, Lady Bones smiled and nodded. It was still early. She looked at the old grandfather clock in the corner. Almost every corner of the poor clock had crashed upon the floor of her cabin when the waves at sea threw the ship like a ragdoll. It could rest, never to feel the tossing of the sea again, for a moment she missed it.
It was five.

"What do say about going out for dinner dearest Lady Line?" Bones said after a moment. Line's eyes glowed, and gathered herself up.
"Oh Lady Bones, your fah too kind!" she sad with an exaggerated tone, ash she placed her arm on top of Lady Bone's. They walked out the door very promptly to start with, and then giggled running down the wet street like little girls. Splashing each other with heavy steps in puddles.

They managed to reach the door of the restaurant, and gathered themselves. Their feet soaked in water, and their hair heavy with rain.
"You got a little something there." Lady Bones reached up to Line's hair, who swatted her hand away playfully. With a giggle, they entered the door.

Immediately entering the place, a woman rushed by, her hands covering her face which was wet with tears. A man soon followed her with heavy steps out into the rain. Baffled for a moment, they exchanged glances and walked in further. Line giving a wary glance behind her to the couple. "Gentlemen aren't nice Line." She said under her breath, unsure if she'd actually heard her.

They were seated, and off in the corner to their left a violinist was playing intricatly classical music. Lady Bones inhaled deeply and leaned back in the chair she'd been seated in. Her hands moving gently, as if she were playing it herself.
"Ahhh, Clair De Lune...." she closed her eyes and hummed with the music.
"You have quite a love for music Lady Bones. Where did you get it from?"
"My father was a violinist, and on rainy days back on the sh---," she caught herself. She couldn't let Line know what her past occupation was... her way of life. "Well. I taught myself after he died. And whenever I was bored, I would play my violin. Later on I learned the harpsichord..."
"That's wonderful! Do you think," Line hesitated. "Well."
"My goodness Line, out with it girl!" Line smiled.
"Do you think you could teach me someday?" Lady Bones laughed gently.
"Of course Line!" Line smiled widely.
Of course...

~--------------l Missing l---------------~

The air was cold, and the rain continued to be a downpour. Flashes of silent lightning could be seen across the sky, both Line and Bones walked where there was less water on the raised, smooth bricks of the old streets. Line carried her dress delicately, with a few fingers pinching the blue satin fabric, holding it above the surface of her elegant boots. Throughout dinner, Line would notice Bones take various slices of bread and set them beside her on her chair. Along with the remaining bread basket, when Line had finished with it... It continued to baffle Line, but didn't wish to ask what it was for.

Ahead, the fuzzy figure of a gray bridge appeared. Through the rain, it seemed so far away. And as they walked further and further away, Line could feel herself grow anxious. She couldn't see anything. She glanced at Bones, who's face was turned staring sternly into the rain, which dripped down her face with trails of black eyeliner and dark eye shadow. Her hair was wet, and her heavy clothing was drenched. If only she had thought to bring an umbrella...

Linking two parts of the city together, the promised stone bridge resided just ahead.
What are we doing? Line began to wonder, yearning for a hot cup of black tea with a blanket around her. Line held her tongue, and walked with Bones confidently. Bones took up her hand, and began down a steep, paved ditch stopping every few steps down the incline to help Line. Line decided her boots were far to slippery for the job, and instead slipped them off effortlessly. Her bare feet slapping on the wet, cold, cracked pavement of the ditch. When she reached the bottom, she slipped them back on quickly.

"That'll do Line. I would not have you getting sick." She gave her a warm half-smile. Underneath the shadow of the bridge, five faces appeared. Lady Bones led Line underneath the bridge which sheltered them from the rain. Three girls and two boys stood in rags. Their faces young, but full of age and sorrow. They were wet with rain. When Line approached, gasps were heard in unison. It was impossible to tell who was more shocked of who.
"It's a princess!" proclaimed the youngest of the girls. Her long blonde hair fell past her shoulers. Another girl, slightly older corrected.
"A fairy princess!" The boys stood in awe.

"Alright, alright! Stow that gab. This, my dears... is Lynnet. She's a lady." The girls immediately ran over to the new, beautiful creature known as a lady, and touched her dress delicately, smothering Line in questions, and words filled in awe. Line smiled timidly and placed her wet blonde hair behind her ear. Looking over at Lady Bones as they inspected her. She allowed it for a few minutes before shooing them away.
"Alright, alright! You're hungry aren't you all?"
"So terribly hungry Lady Bones!"
"Yes, did you bring something for us?"
"Oh please!"
Bones pulled out the stashed away bread, and handed it to each of them. Line now understood, and was shocked at the little darlings. The eldest, fifteen at the least, and the youngest perhaps nine.
"Alright. Now, it's time for a prayer. Say grace." Line closed her eyes and brought her hands together. Without hesitation they all called out:
"Grace!" and began eating away. Line was shocked, and felt a little foolish. Bone's gave her a comforting wink.

"They started that themselves." she said with an admiring glance at the group. Line could feel her love for them. "Wait." her voice was stern. Line looked up. "Where's Sarah?" The group stopped eating. The eldest stood. She motioned for Lady Bones, and walked to the other end of the bridge. Bones stepped around the scattered children carefully. Her high heels ringing throughout the place. She put her hand on the eldest girl's arm.

"Evangeline, what happened?" The girl would not look up when she spoke, and mumbling words came from her lips. "I can't hear you child." she took a gloved finger and lifted the teary eyed girl's chin. Looking warmly into her eyes.

"He said, i-if we told a-anyone h-he'd k-k-kill us!" Lady Bones took a small step backwards, and looked at the group, who ate solemnly, and with darkened faces.
"Last night."
"Did he say anything else?" The girl shook her head.
"Other than h-he wanted you t-to come find h-h-him." She looked at Bones, who must have appeared dreadful. Bones' eyes hardened.
"What did he look like?"
"I don't really know. He wore b-black. He had a h-hat... and he sounded hoarse and old."
That was enough. Sarah wept, and Lady Bones held her tightly to her chest.
"Shh, Sarah. Everything will be ok. I'll take care of this... shhh." the girl sobbed, and the children began to silently cry as well. Line looked away for a moment. They sat down on the dry sheltered pavement, Sarah leaning her head on Bones' shoulder, tears soaking the already wet jacket she wore. Bones placed the girl's hair behind her ear, and wiped her tears away. She began to relax.

Line couldn't hear their conversation, but at one point Bones did make Sarah laugh, and a few moments later they stood and Sarah resumed eating with the kids.
"Children, Line and I are leaving, but here is the rest of the bread. I will return soon..." Bones set the bread on a dry section under the bridge, and without a farewell, Bones walked Line to her house.

~--------------l Interrogation l---------------~

They embraced before Bones went on her way. Line stood on her porch watching Bones fade away into the cold, rainy night. She thought of the missing child, and of the poor man who had taken the child, for such a deed would not go unpaid for. Especially when upsetting someone like Bones. She was still a mystery, and a bit frightening to Line. She prayed silently for Bones, and that her mission to find the girl would be successful, and went inside to start a fire and have some tea by candlelight.

Clop, clop, clop the rhythm of her boots under her echoed throughout the stone street. She was far from anywhere civilized now. Her cane at her side, and pistol at her hip, their familiar weight comforted her. A stray cat sipped by, far ahead, underneath the street lights. The rain had stopped now, and it left a humid mist surrounding the city. Several figures stood on the corners of buildings, sinking into an alleyway when Bone's got close. Everything was silent. Above, only a sliver of a silver moon watched, only to be cast away by rolling thin clouds.

She had to reach the farthest corner of the west side of town. What resided there, was never for good intentions. There, even she could be in danger. Where not so much as an abandoned building stood. Shacks, and greasy bums watched intently through a fire at a willing potential victim of their crimes. Hadn't she committed them all?

She stood still for a moment, peering down a separation of two buildings, dividing the lower class from the criminal section. A shadowy figure stood, leaning against the side of one of the nearly fallen in structures. Not wanting to approach him, risking setting the figure off running she mirrored his position and whipped out a cigarette. Waiting. Waiting.
The smoke circled deep within her lungs, then was sent out through her teeth. The red orange glow on the end of the cigarette glowed brightly through the darkness of the cold night. No street lamp illuminated these streets. No. She was alone now. Keeping a weary eye on the figure, she watched him slip out of the area, and around the left side of the building.

She crushed her cigarette under her boot, and walked quickly in the direction of the fleeing bandit. Thinking he could outwit her, he stole back into the alleyway after he had set off in the other direction, and waited. Stopping to listen, she could hear the fool trip over a can in the alley. She swiftly came into the alley from the opposite direction. Leaning inwards to see where he was, his back was turned to her. Hat, black apparel, old. This was the bastard.

She pulled off the top of her cane, and pulled his neck with the blade to her. Gripping his arms together in a pinching hold, he whimpered.
"Wheres the girl?" she demanded. Pressing the sweet blade to his neck.
"What girl?" he sneered. She pressed it harder. He flinched.
"Sarah you worm!" she barked. He was silent. She kicked his knees out, and he fell to the ground. She, bent over him. "I'll make this quick for you." bringing her arm back bluffing, he straightened.
"Jesus Chris' alright alright! I was hired!"
"By whom?" he was silent. "I want the girl!" she hissed into his ear. He was still silent. She brought the blade from his neck, traced a cold trail up to his face, settling just below his eye. "And I'm very willing to sacrifice every putrid part of your scraggly body for her!! We'll take it nice and slow. Where is the girl?!"

"I-I don't know!" She cut a thin line on his cheekbone. It bled immediately, he shrieked.
"Where is she?" she traced the cold hard blade mockingly up to his ear. He just shook, and began to weep. She cut a bit harder by his ear. He screamed. She lifted the blade and brought it down to meet with the flesh of his neck hard. "Where?!" she began to drag the blade across. "I've killed hundreds of dogs like you! Now tell me where she is!!"
"Alright!!" he screamed. "Alright I'll tell you!!" she smiled smugly, and released the bastard. Shoving him up to the wall, facing her. She took out her pistol, and clicked the bullet into place. Pressing it to his chest. "I-In there." he pointed with a trembling finger across the dirt street to an inhabitable scrap of a building.
"You'd better be right. Or, our next meeting will be your last."
She hid the pistol within reach, and headed briskly to the building.
He smiled with yellow teeth, gleaming in the moonlight as he saw her walk away.

~-----------------l Warm Blood l--------------------~

The building was scarcely standing. Waterlogged, and termite ridden boards barely held with their standing comrades. Bones stood, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Spaces between the boards were large enough to fit a grown man between. She didn't feel threatened here... she'd lived in worse conditions than this...
She took a few steps forward, and a hard object knocked at her shoulder. She brought her hand up. Meat hook. The rusty inch-thick chain that hung from a raft in the ceiling, squeaked above her. She drew her pistol, feeling the cold iron barrel, and savoring the touch of the trigger. She clicked the bullet into place. She stepped carefully again, peering through the forest of chains and hooks, feeling her weight on the balls of her feet. Her high heels were muffled by an occasional missing board, replaced by dirt. Darkness continued to a standing archway, where a door once stood, and to where no wall surrounded. She could hear motion. Waiting, until she knew it to be time, she lunged in the open archway.

Three grown men, fairly dressed stood, all with a gun in one hand, a knife in the other. She aimed her pistol surely.
"Where's the girl?" the words purred in her throat. The men scoffed and gave a chuckle to the next. They advanced. She stood strong, feeling her knees lock. It had been so long since her pistol's barrel had turned warm. So long since she'd held a smoking gun. So long since she'd seen a fresh bloody body laying on the ground. Did she wish to see it again? "Where. Is.The girl?! I'm not playing games, I want her with me now."

"Demanding Coat. Demanding. Like the old days..." one spoke, twirling the cold steel blade in his had like a toy. It shimmered in the occasional moonlight. "We were the only survivors of that ship you sacked, plundered and ravaged. When you left "none living"? The "Sea King", it was called. You were younger then."

"Belay that! The girl, smartly!"

"We watched you sail away with our well-earned gold. We bled for it. We lived for it... and you took it!"

"You were on those seas the same reason I was. I just happened to play the game better."

"You had to kill them all! You couldn't have let us sail with you."

"You wouldn't've lasted. If you're bellowing about surviving now, try dying the death my crewmen were fated to. And by all the powers above, if I don't have that child in my arms within five seconds, I'll cut you all up, and hang you on these meat hooks for the crows!"

"You don' seem to understan' Coat..." one to the far left spoke slyly. "We got nothin' left to live fer. We are the kin' of men you want to fear... you were the one who took away everythin'. So. We're abou' to do the same to you..." The men lunged at Bones in unison. Her gun rang throughout the darkness like shattered glass, breaking the silence in London, awaking the sleep, and casting warm blood upon the ground. The two remaining men did not falter after another was shot. Until soon enough there were none. She tucked away her pistol, and stepped over the bodies.

"Sarah...? Sarah, sweetheart, it's Lady Bones. I've come to take you home... are you here Sarah?" She stopped, and listened. She could hear the ringing in her ears the house was so silent. She walked a bit further. "Sarah, can you hear me? Give me a sign."
Tap, tap, tap... The sound was so faint she'd wondered for a moment if she was imagining it. "Again honey!"
Tap, tap. It was behind a wall with a door, barely standing on its hinges. A thick lock and chain was around the doorknob. In the end, she managed to kick the door down without much trouble. Taking her pistol out swiftly, she waited for the dust to clear.
Tap tap tap. Nothing moved. The tapping came from inside a crate. It was locked. "Sarah, I need you to cover your eyes somehow. On the count of three. One, two..." She aimed her gun at the lock, pointing away from the crate, to take the lock out from the side. "Three!" She pulled the trigger, and the lock bounced off of the crate and fell to the ground feet away. She heaved the box top open. Lo and behold, a tied and gagged Sarah resided within. "Sarah!" Lady Bones heaved the girl out of the box and set her on a barrel. Pulling the gag from her mouth she began un-tying her swiftly. When she was untied her arms were thrown around Bones.

"I heard gun shots!" she began to weep. "I-I began to think the worst!" Lady Bones embraced the girl warmly.

"They're gone Sarah... They're all gone. They can't hurt us now..." Sarah flinched, and looked at Lady Bones.
"You... You killed them?" She lowered her eyes.
"They would've killed us both Sarah. I had no choice." Lady Bones reached up to Sarah's face, and placed a loose strand behind her ear. Sarah flinched and turned.
"I want to go home... please?" Bones blinked. After a moment of silence she spoke.
"Of course, Sarah."

Sarah was returned to her brothers and sisters under the bridge, they were reunited at last. Sarah kept a weary eye on Lady Bones, especially when Evangeline embraced her warmly. The last thing Lady Bones could ever want, was a friend, a child she had taken care of , and cared for, afraid of her. She had saved Sarah. That was enough.

~--------------------l Fire and Flames l-----------------------~

"Children, it is time for me to leave you now..." Lady Bones stood among the group of joyful children. "I don't have much time to tell you why. Other than, I will not be coming back. My time with you here, has been bittersweet. But know that I love you all. So much." The youngest clamped herself onto Bones' leg.
"B-But, why Lady Bones. Don't go!" She knelt to the teary-eyed face of the little girl.
"You'll be fine. You'll see, little angel. You have your big brothers and sisters to take care o' you!"
"But I want to stay with you!"
"Yes, Lady Bones, don't go!"
"Can we come too?"
"Why are you leaving?"
"Children, children! There is a church on the east side of town that will take care of you all. You will not be split up, or taken away. You may stay as long as you like there... as for me, I must leave you. But I don't doubt we will meet again someday."
A long moment of group-embracing followed, and then the children watched the woman they loved walk away into the night.

She dashed up the stairs of her home, stripped the beds of their sheets, and began wrapping belongings within them. Books, paints, bones, food, clothing, wine, treasures, jewelry, and anything else she could find. She dashed down the stairs, and out behind the house. There it was, her hidden stall, where a paid helper took care of her horse for her. She scratched a note for the boy, placed a small pile of coins for him, hooked up her small buggy to her horse and rode to where Line's apartment dwelled...

She knocked briskly on the door, the hour was far too late... she prayed Line would forgive her.

Lynnet had fallen asleep with a cup of tea, and an overturned book in her lap. The fire was now nearly died out, and only a few sprinkles of orange glowing embers lingered underneath the blackened logs. A knock at the door send her quickly to her feet. How long had the poor soul been standing out there knocking on her door?
"Coming!" Line gathered the blankets up from her lap and set them in the chair behind her. Running to the door, and twisting the knob she saw a familiar face.
"Line, thank goodness please forgive me. I have to get out of town, and quickly, I wanted to tell you so you would not grow afraid as to what'd become of me."

"Lady Bones? What's happening?"

"There's no time to explain Line! Sinker will expect you to be here when he returns." Lady Bones looked out into the street warily.

"My goodness, Lady Bones! Where are you going to?"

"I have to leave London Line, and I cannot take much more time! So what I'm saying is, I fear for your safety. You will be safe, if you come with me, I have a horse and buggy, we need to gain as much time as possible."

"My safety? Lady Bones!!" Lynnet covered her mouth in shock. What could be happening that a woman such a Lady Bones, would fear for her life?

"Anything I've ever hidden from you before will be uncovered Line, no more secrets. But I can't do that here and now. I will explain everything, just get in the cart!" Line dashed in the house and gathered up a massive armful of treasures. Wishing she had a bit more of a warning, she did as Bones had said. In her heart she was excited, but at the same time, terrified.

"This is insane!" Line seated herself gingerly on the seat of the buggy, and they were at a fast run past her house.
"Put you head down Line!" Lady Bones shielded Line's face, off in the distance, sure enough, men with torches and guns were calling out wildly. They shot off flares and threw the torches over their heads and into the windows of the house, setting Lady Bones' treasures, and home aflame. When they had passed, Line raised her head, and turned to see Lady Bones' house swallowed by a red inferno. A moment of silence.
"Who are you, Lady Bones?" Line looked with wide eyes into the face of a woman she thought she knew. She did not turn to answer Line.
"My name is Christine Walker. Formerly known as Captain Scarlet Coat... you know me as Lady Bones." Shocked Lady Bones had even answered her, Line was breathless. "I told you Lynnet. No more secrets..."

~------------------l No More Secrets l--------------~

Tears welled up in the pockets of her eyes. She hadn't even had a chance to wash her face, and so it remained covered in eyeliner-rivers. She cleared her throat and blinked back the tears.
"I cannot believe myself for holding all of this away from you for so long. I suppose I was afraid of loosing you."

Line held her friend's free hand, the other holding the reins of the horse. She wanted to tell her that she needn't worry as to what she would think of her. But Line did have a nagging feeling in the back of her mind, a few views of her old friend would change.
"You wont, Lady Bones. You'll always be the same person I met that day in the library."
"Well then." She forced a smile. "As long as you're sure." She looked at Line who nodded brightly.
"I suppose calling you Christine may be a bit uncomfortable." Line giggled into her hand.
"No, no, it would be uncomfortable for me as well. Stick with who you knew me as..." Line was silent for a moment.
"I-I meant to ask you before... that day in the alley. They'd called you 'Scarlet Coat'...?" Line didn't have to speak much more before Bones knew where it was leading.
"Are you sure you want to hear this Line? There is always time." Line nodded. Lady Bones took in a deep breath.
"Not too many years ago." Bones paused. For a moment feeling the rolling wheels of the small buggy under her. The horses hooves on the dirt now. They were on the road, out of London. She couldn't believe she was telling someone her past. She'd never admitted to her crimes. Never confessed her sins. Never uttered a whisper unto anyone, and telling her story now would seem foreign to her. Could she remember it all? Could she trust Line? "I was Captain of a ship, and a crew." She looked over for a moment to see Lynnet's eyes shining.

"Oh how delightfully exciting Lady Bones!" Line squeezed her hand. Lady Bones forced another smile, and gave a worry laugh.
"Not exactly. It was a... pirate ship." Line's grip on her hand fell.
"And I wasn't your average pirate captain either Line..." Lady Bones reached behind her, to a book, and handed it to Line, who looked up at her questioningly. Her bright, innocent eyes shining in the darkness. "Open it." hesitantly, Lynnet opened the book, which fell to a picture pressed into the pages... It was a Wanted Poster.
A sketch of Lady Bones stared up at her.

Scarlet Coat, formerly known as Christine Walker
Dead or Alive.
Reward: $5000

Lynnet was breathless.
"Lady Bones. What did you do?"
"I can't begin to tell you Line. I raided trade ships on their way to various places. My crew really did live as rich as kings. I probably wouldn't have met you if I hadn't done what I did, in fact, I'd probably just be living on the streets..."
"And, and did you," Line swallowed hard. Terrified of the answer. "Kill--people?"
"I'm sure you can imagine for yourself dear..." Line turned her face away.
"What did your parents think?"

Lady Bones let out a massive burst of laughter, Line turned and looked at her wondering what in the world could have been so funny. It took a few moments of attempted explanation before she finally got through it. Lynnet, as serious as a judge.
"Line. I grew up an orphan. I was thrown into a fine school for girls, after I was taken in by a perfectly fine adopted mother. Much like your "Matron Mother"... I learned ballroom dancing, embroidery, fine sewing, literature, how to read, music, instruments... I escaped. Twice. And made my pay as a cabin girl on a ship called "The Dolphin"... worked my way up from there."
Line didn't know what to say. Somewhere between angered and shocked, her emotions encased her. But not fear. She was not afraid of Lady Bones in the least. She didn't know where her emotions were coming from and after a deafening silence between the two, and not so much as a glance to Bones after she'd told her her, Lady Bones spoke.

"Lynnet. I am truly sorry." the apology was heartfelt.
"For what?" they smiled, and even though whatever past actions Lady Bones still had lingering in her mind, Line knew the Lady Bones she knew, hadn't forgiven herself yet... The news was still a shock to her system, and wished never to speak of it again.
"Still friends?" Lady Bones held out her hand.
"Of course." Line held it once more.

~------------------l Just Flies in Her Web l--------------~

"Ah Cole, my good friend..." Lady Bones called out surely, her voice ringing like a cathedral bell. An old man with white hair and a wirery bead avoided her, at all times keeping something between them.
"Oh no, if I ain't the devil's woman. Get, get out!" The man brought valuable books and papers up in his arms, keeping a wary eye on Bones. Line looked troubled, and waited at the door, watching this partner-less tango of the two figures. Bones chuckled at the man's dismay, and lit a cigarette, the smoke floating up to the ceiling.
"None other..." The man shakily ran around the room, Bones advancing slowly towards him. Soon enough Bones let the smile on her face drop.
"Here here Cole, I'm not looking for trouble."
"Looking?" The old man let out an explosion of laughter which made Line jump. "My dear, you don't have to look for trouble. Trouble," he pointed a shaking finger at her, whilst peering through a pair of small glasses. "Finds you, my dear. It always does... Wherever you go, a trail of fire follows you." He gathered up more books and papers and shoved them in a crate. "And I am not by any means what-so-ever," he stopped to look at the woman "going to be caught up in one."

"I need help Cole." Bones added in slyly. He stopped to look at her, cramming a few more valuables in a crate. She took a long drag from her cigarette.
"What else? You always come to me when everything has caught up with you Bones! Do you really expect me to stick my neck out for you anymore?"
"Belay that!!" Bones shrieked the remainder of what smoke was left in her lungs spilled out like fire, and the old man looked up at her. Bones looked back at Line, and bent in to whisper something to the old man. Line walked in closer. The old man, Cole didn't bother to hear what Bones was telling him, he pointed a finger at Lynnet.
"Bones," he said quietly. "You have got to be joking. You couldn't have brought this one in with you!" He took a swooping movement over to Line, keeping a large distance between Bones and himself. He looked Line over. "She, she." He stuttered. Bones, clearly un-impressed put her hands on her hips, making sure the sound of her high heels on the wooden boards was heard. "She's just a child Bones! What is so important that you brought this child with you from her safe home?" Lynnet watched the thin old man with interest, yet thinking it wise not to speak.

"And who are you to decide what is safe for her and what is not?" She said after a dramatic pause. The man stepped back, becoming trapped in a corner.
"I know that anyone who is involved with you, in any way, shape or form is not safe Christine." Bones stopped walking. And noticed Lynnet watching her. "You would do well to take her somewhere, where you may never see one another again..."
"No." Lynnet chirped, the attention was drawn to her. Her blue eyes watching everything. She dropped her gaze, and Bones shattered the silence.
"We need a place to stay." she drew quickly to the conclusion wishing to go no further with the discussion at hand. Reluctantly, the old man drew in a breath.
"One night Bones. One night."
The old church was exactly how she remembered it from years back. Decaying, but warm. An old comfort, a place she had seen more than once on her travels, and that which still stood her test of time... She would not stay for long, they would travel once more as soon as the blood red sun rose. The sea was so close. She could smell it...
There were too many choices that could lead to danger.
She couldn't risk the routes she would, at one time, take.
He would return to their apartment soon. She had to return Line.

Lynnet sat on a bench outside, watching Lady Bones in the hazy distance roaming in a graveyard, kneeling every once in awhile to read the headstones. Stopping to take a smoke, then continue her slow pace around the small cemetery. Cole sat on the old bench next to Line, who turned a bit away from him, too shy to speak.
"Ahh, nice night. The crickets are out." just then Lynnet noticed the comforting hum of the small grass-dwelling insects, singing throughout the night.
"Pretty." Line concluded. Cole's gaze fell upon the shadow of Lady Bones in the distance.
"We're all flies Line." Lynnet looked at the old man, who didn't flinch his gaze from the figure in the distance. "Just all flies in her web." Line frowned.
"I don't think I can hardly believe that sir." Cole laughed.
"You'll believe it soon enough, my dear. Take it from a fellow fly, who's been caught in her web for too long..." A silence fell between them. "Yes, far too long indeed."
She stopped to wonder if it to be true. Was she only one more fly caught in Bones' web...?

Verdalas's picture

This is amazing! Although I

This is amazing! Although I can't help but feel that the drunk old man in the second part was like Walter. *facepalm*

Loved it even more the

Loved it even more the second time Mystress! Laughing out loud

LOL hoodlum Walter *snickers*


Haha awesome Walty!

Haha awesome Walty! -headdesk- That was not my intention... XD
Glad you liked it adain o.O Tera! <3

Oh goodie! *claps excitedly*

Oh goodie! *claps excitedly* I didn't think you'd be continuing this, but how happy I am that I was wrong! The plot thickens dun dun dummmm lol


Had a bit of a brain fart on

Had a bit of a brain fart on it for a bit, but I'm back! And I can't stop writing! Yey! I may go back to Mystress' story now for a bit.
I wonder if you are going to continue the story with Hook, Queze and Myst?
Eheeheheee! -rubs hands together- I'm going to have lots of fun with this... C:<

hehe Brain farts are so

hehe Brain farts are so annoying Sticking out tongue glad you've gotten over it.
I'm not actually a way I will be. Once I've gotten up to that era in time, that section will continue on from the 'Hook, Line, and Sinker' fairy tale, but in a more 'here and how' type style. I still have to figure out how it goes about itself, but it will work itself out eventually! lol


Dun Dun Dunnnn Love the

Dun Dun Dunnnn Sticking out tongue Love the real name for Lady Bones by the way, very suiting. Now it shall be youuu who suffers the nubbins *cracks whip* >:D


XDD Not teh nubbinnssss! You

XDD Not teh nubbinnssss! You can't make meee!
Happy Birthday dearie! XD
Oo, I thought that was a good name for her. I hope I'm doing Line alright o.O I can't believe how hard it is to switch to two totally different characters... :C
Package was sent today in a flat-rate box thinggy. <3
And I can't ever tell how much people want to read of this. Two chapters seemed to be the limit, but if you think otherwise, I'm on a roll! - hint, hint, blinky eyes- XD

Oh you're doing Line

Oh you're doing Line charmingly, not to worry!
Laughing out loud *keeps eye on mail box*
Pfft, I say write until it's done and let who wants to read it read it Sticking out tongue what else can you do?
...well, besides the old brainwashing thing of tying them to a chair with their eyes taped open, but I think that might go against some peoples morals Sticking out tongue...


XDD -Tera ties-self to

XDD -Tera ties-self to mailbox tackles mailman every day-
Hmmm. Alrighty then! I already have the next chapter pretty much done. I think I'll finish that one up today, after I get back from walking downtown with teh widdle sister. This will be an adventure story!! XD Poor Line is really in for it.


*sets traps for mailman*

*sets traps for mailman* >:)

Oh I do hope her poor fragile nature can take it xD try not to beat her up too badly lol (unless, ya know, she does something stupid and deserves it Sticking out tongue)


Oh no no no Tera! I will

Oh no no no Tera! I will always take good care of your characters, if anything Lady Bones will get beat up beyond belief, and will take the hits FOR Line. Pppffttt! Don't worry about a thing, I know how fragile the little darling is. <3
Lady Bones wouldn't stand seeing her hurt anyhow... XDD

Neither would Sinker and

Neither would Sinker Sticking out tongue and I'd hate to see what he'd do to Bone's if he found out it was her fault...even if it wasn't lol!


Hehe, yeah she'll get it

Hehe, yeah she'll get it alright. XDD
Poor Lady Bones, she leads such a hard life to even have a friend. XDD If Line wasn't with her, this would just be another day in her life, getting her house burned to the ground and such.
I have it all planned up to one spot, and that's how to STOP Sinker, from like, killing her lol! I keep looking at Line, but I don't know where it goes from there... >.<
Have to keepa thinkin'.

Aww D: Poor ladies, though I

Aww D: Poor ladies, though I can't wait to find out more about who Bones has made enemies with in her pirating past! I also really like how you write Cole, the way he speaks and everything.


It's soon LB's long lost

It's soon LB's long lost sister comes in to play... but I need to do more evaluation on who she is, and what she's like.

Haha, the question isn't who has she made enimies with, but who hasn't she made enimies with... Hehee.

Cole is fun, I love his dialogue, really nervous and jittery around Bones, but really calm and nice when he isn't. XD

Ooo long lost sisters are

Ooo long lost sisters are always fun!
*snicker* yes well, that goes without saying Sticking out tongue
Cole is one of those not so main characters who's still very charming in his design, I love characters like that...

*sighhh* I guess I should get writing the next HLS chapter Sticking out tongue I've been procrastinating :|


It's either that, they're

It's either that, they're really close friends and Lynnet gets a little miffed, or they're worst enemies and really gets under LB's skin. I think it would be good, to knock LB down a hair, to show that other side of her that we don't really get to see in other situations in which she always seems to "trump" somehow...

Aww why thank you Tera, Cole is a sweetie.

EeeeeEeeee! You don't have to... Well, yes you do, but then whenever you reach your goal you must take a break, as you said! It's good to refresh... <3 xD

Skinner's picture

Awesome story, Bonesy! Hope

Awesome story, Bonesy! Hope to read more of it.

Now the shorelines beckon- there is a price for being free.

Haha thanks, I hope to write

Haha thanks, I hope to write more, but I only write when I have inspiration otherwise it comes out like crap. So there's no telling when the next chapter will be here. Eye