Wary | Curious | Feral | Solitary | Vigilant | Intelligent | Aggressive | Paranoid
`A boar
`An animal
`Highly adaptable
`Habitat generalist
`Not a very social being
`Comes and goes as they please
`Obtains no human intelligence at all
`Tolerable of different climate and habitat
`Strong species preservation and self preservation
`Doesn't play, though pushing, shoving, and chasing are fun
`Keen hearing, touch, taste, smell, and pheromone but poor sight
`Constantly feels targeted and that everything is out to get them in some way
`Interestingly gathers shiny rocks, feathers, debris, fabric pieces, jewelry, and some human stuff
`Strong swimmer, being able to cross medium to large sized rivers and channels, as well as open waters up to 4 miles across
`Lives past the perimeter of this forest. Traveling where ever there is good food availability, including alternative forage resources
Diurnal or nocturnal. When undisturbed they are diurnal. Intense pressure during the day will make them become more nocturnal. Generally more diurnal during the fall, winter and spring month. In the summer months nocturnal activity increases.
-Walks, trots, gallops, runs, “bouncing” trot, and “rocking” lope. Can reach speeds of 20-30 miles per hour.
-Depending on level of energy they are always moving and never staying at a location for to long.
-Activities vary from foraging, wandering, drifting, scanning, or socializing.
-Can live as far away as a day's walk from water.
Opportunistic omnivore. Eats mostly plant matter, but also invertebrates such as worms, insects, and insect larvae. Will eat small mammals, newborns of larger mammals, eggs, and young of ground-nesting birds and reptiles.
Nest beds
Usually entails the construction of loafing or resting beds that are similar to but less complex than farrowing nests. Protects during periods of extended rest.
The function of this behavior is to provide comfort, remove excess mud, remove hair and mechanically rid the body of external parasites.
Woofs, grunts, squeals, roars, growls, general contact grunting, low grunts, feeding grunts, teeth clacking, and popping.
Mud Wallows in order to lower body temperature and as a protective measure against insects.
Arsonphobia -> Fire or arson
Cleithrophobia -> Being trapped
Electrophobia -> Electrocution
Ballistophobia -> Being shot
Agoraphobia -> Crowds
Chemophobia -> Hazardous toxics
Hamaxophobia -> Riding vehicles
{ Name } ?
None { Alias }
{ Born } 3 Years
Mature { Age }
{ Picto } ...
... { Tag }
{ Sex } Hermaphrodite; sterile
Male { Gender }
{ Type } Wild Boar
Visayan Warty Pig { Species }
{ Scent } Pungent and musky
Mud and surroundings { Attract }
{ Size } 34
3ft 2in { Height }
{ Set } Swan mask, Fan pelt, Zombie antlers
Mini spell and Koi antlers { Extra }
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