to let everyone know that for the next while, i sadly won't be around as often as i have been. i have a lot of work to do, i've recovered from the illness keeping me within the house a lot, and all of my friends who have had to move away to attend other universities are coming back to visit, as well as the fact that it's now SPRING and zomgosh SPRING IS AMAZING and i'm totally gonna get me some outside action, you know it~! ♥ mainly thooough, the fact that i have a lot of work, a job to scout, boyfriend and friends to mob lovingly and a drivers license to get means that i'm going to have less time for the community, sadly! D:
firstly, i'd like to apologize if this causes any inconvenience. i will still be around and contactable, of course. i'll still be here, i'll still be me, i'll just be busier in real life so i won't be on as much as i have been. having recovered also means i'd like to makeup for lost time and become more active in real-life as well and, whilst the inet will always be special to me, i'd like to get out and enjoy the real world a little more now that i can. i really really hope that this is understandable and not a problem to anyone, it's just sadly something that needs to be done~!
sososooo, yes. both jester and axel will still be around, as will i. you are still quite welcome to drop me lines anytime and such, i just ask for some tolerance if i take a while to respond to things and am not around as much in the megachat and such. you know i'm totally there in spirit, dorking it up ;D if you're in logs with either of my characters, feel free to skip their turns and continue-i'll chuck them in again asap~! if there are any upcoming plots you'd like my characters in likewise, please let me know and i'll try my hardest! i'll still do my utmost best to keep up with everything, i just figured i'd put this here as a heads up if you notice my activity drop off a bit! :B
thankies so much again for being such a fantastic community, you know i'll never run away from you guize completely, you're all too awesome! :3 feel free to contact me anytime (my email is , though i warn you that msn often eats itself for me so email or here on-site is probably the best way to drop me a line), this is mainly just a heads up that i'll be around a little less often! sorry again if this is an inconvenience, hope you're all well, and thankies muchly for reading, tee hee~! :3
♥ ♥ ♥
Take care Zebbiecakes &hearts
*Sniff* My little Zebbie's
My little Zebbie's growing up so fast. ;_;
Good luck! <33
@ Munkmuffinface: Naaaw, thankyou so much, Munkymuffin~! :3 I will most certainly take care thankies, and you also take care of yourself and stay happy and awesome~!
@ Veenis: I HAS MAH FIRST POTTY 8D *is a real boy now* ♥
Naaaw, you know I appreciate that so much, Lotster. And the fact that that Nameless totally wants some action right now. Thankies so much Lottieness, you know I'll do ya proud ;D And the best of luck to you too, VITAMINS COME TO MEEEE~~ *summons you some*
-noms muffin- Yeah D': I
Yeah D': I missed your lovely comments -loves on them- and I also wished we would have met more in forest, oh well x') maybe someday again :3
Life is quite troublesome but... blah... now it's okay at the moment x)
*steals icing off muffin I'M
Naaaw, I've been meaning to throw some your way-I've pretty much been on hiatus for a while now, I've been super busy with icky uni work. I sent some MSN spam your way but I've been having massive MSN troubles so likely they probably didn't make it through D: I missed your lovely comments and wonderful compliments and lols *LOVES ON YOU HOMGOSH*
And naaaw, I wish we could meet more too! :3 And hay, I'm not going completely-your timezone seems to fit well with my nightime one when I'm able to get more time to come on, so likely I'll be able to come luff all over ya anyway! :3 I'll still be around sometimes to spam you stuffs so like, GET THAT SHIELD READY ;D
And aaw, that's no good~! D: Life being troublesome is so icky, I really hope it starts being more happy towards you soon! You know my contact if you ever wanna talk about anything at all if ya need it ♥ I'm glad to hear it's okies at the moment, HERES HOPING IT STAYS GOING UPHILL :3 *attaches balloons like in transformice oh god why did I just think that*
your msn still does not like
ICEDMUFFIN &hearts rofl I
Aw yeah I know what you mean... I also have lots of school-stuff on right now, sucks eh xD
Uh I didn't get any msn-messages from you D': I never saw you online when I was on huhu ;; stupid msn is stupid (to me as well sometimes). I hope it will work sometime >__<
And omg -blushes- I'm not a sweetie rofl x'DDD You're too nice &hearts
-so wants to get spammed by you- oh yes 8DDD
Rofl you always make me laugh and feeling happier x'3 you're such a good person I just luv you &hearts
-hangs on balloons- /shot
asdfuas0d9f *gathers
*gathers pitchforks. and cocktails. and that esper that breakdances.*
...HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *battlecry, beats that bitch of a chat program down*
...Did it work?
Oh god...your MSN gives me
But, ah, iss okay, you just focus on doing what you gotta do, ya hear? &hearts