Emiva's picture
Everyone's doing it, so might as well do it too. THREE QUESTIONS! Who wants to start? ^^



1 - What does your name mean and/or originate from?
My name came to me in a dream, and it means 'Deer in small rain' Its my native name and middle name in real life, and together my initials spell M.E.L. (which is my nickname!)
2 - Where is your favorite place in the Forest?
Probably the Crying Idol or the RUINS XD
3 - If you were stranded on a deserted island, and could only have three items with you (excluding clothes ), what would you bring?
I would bring: My easel, a paintbrush, and some paints for the beautiful island sunsets ^^


1. do you like milkshake?
2. you like the color blue?
3. What's up? X)
*looks up* the ceiling. A spider. Eww. *slaps with newspaper, falls into hair* AHHHHHHHH!!!!


1. is it ok if I ask more questions? XD
yes XD
2. if it is.. can you talk spanish?
no :<
3. how long have you been in the Forest?
hmmm... I'd say about a little more than half a year :3


1. do you know your right to remain silent?
2. do you know that anything you say can be held against you in the forest of the gods?
Well, I never thought about it, but I guess :3
3. how many times have you changed you pelt? in this 1/2 a year?
Do you mean permanently? or just spell-spamming? I have never changed the look of my pelt on purpous (besides honoring Angela wearing red) But spell-spamming... I'd say about 200 times ^^


1. Where did your antlers go on your avvie!?
They is eh dissapeared : O
2. Kittens or Puppies
KITTENS <333333333333333333333
3. Do any of your IRL friend play this? xD
Yes, two, Ari and Alex. Alex is Xelandra and Ari is, hm, well I forget XD


1. What does Emiva think of my deer? ^^
Emiva thinks Ruti is THE BOMB.
2. Do you like the human faces on the deer?
The human faces are pretty cool, kind of scary, but creepy, and I like creepy :3
3. Has Emiva ever had a mate other than Gastepher? (however you spell it)
Hmm, what are you getting at here? XD no, not other than Gastepher. But he hardly ever comes on the site and rarely goes into the forest... so yeah. (I can never spell it either XDD)


1. can I take print screen of you when you're in the forest sometime, and color it at mspaint like I did with the screenie of Perp?
2. are you hungry?
I'm starving. I didnt even eat lunch now that I recall! : O
3. what's your favorite program(s) at TV?
I dont watch a lot of TV... I like anime, and some other stuff... THE OFFICE. <3


1. Whats your fav word
huggle? ^^
2. what do You think of Isis
I think Isis is amazing ^^
3. How old do you think i am?
hummm.... aww man.... uhm... maybe... 13? *cringes*


1. What does your deer think of mine?
Your deer are great! XD
2. Why do you play TEF?
Because its just the thing I have always dreamed of (aww XD)
3. Where did you get the inspiration for your deer?
I never really got an inspiration, do you mean of my pelt? Or just my deer in general, well, she is based mainly around me ^^
quadraptor's picture

1 - What does your name mean

1 - What does your name mean and/or originate from?

2 - Where is your favorite place in the Forest?

3 - If you were stranded on a deserted island, and could only have three items with you (excluding clothes Eye ), what would you bring?

Deer700's picture

oh man! I want to make one

oh man! I want to make one too! X)
yow? e_e
Emiva's picture

ask a question first XD

ask a question first XD


Deer700's picture

1. do you like milkshake? 2.

1. do you like milkshake?
2. you like the color blue?
3. What's up? X)
yow? e_e
Deer700's picture

Quote:*looks up* the

*looks up* the ceiling. A spider. Eww. *slaps with newspaper, falls into hair* AHHHHHHHH!!!!

oh, nice to hear! XD
and I mean the drink.

yow? e_e
Deer700's picture

*bored* 1. is it ok if I ask


1. is it ok if I ask more questions? XD
2. if it is.. can you talk spanish?
3. how long have you been in the Forest?
yow? e_e
Emiva's picture

Its fine XD ~~~ TOUCH

Its fine XD


jadine's picture

my turn 1. do you know your

my turn

1. do you know your right to remain silent?
2. do you know that anything you say can be held against you in the forest of the gods?
3. how many times have you changed you pelt? in this 1/2 a year?
jadine's picture

i ment the you, you know

i ment the you, you know like the me. but only you ^^. ... Sets.
Anzel's picture

Why does your siggy say

Why does your siggy say 'touch me'? o.o;
Emiva's picture

In Thsai's old story (that

In Thsai's old story (that he apparently deleted :<) Emiva was an endless dead deer at some point, and if you touch an endless dead deer they get brought back to Earth. Thsai, Emiva's brother, was in the world of the dead, and saw Emiva, and emiva was all sdfvnas;dkfvn TOUCH ME TOUCH ME BRING ME BACK OMG so it was a big joke afterward. Plus I want to honor Thsai because he left TEF... never to return Sad

there :3


Tabithaaa's picture

1. Where did your antlers go

1. Where did your antlers go on your avvie!?
2. Kittens or Puppies
3. Do any of your IRL friend play this? xD
quadraptor's picture

She's trying to be like Quad

She's trying to be like Quad when Auriea made him lose his antlers XD

Emiva's picture

AWW XD When did that

AWW XD When did that happen?



1. What does Emiva think of

1. What does Emiva think of my deer? ^^
2. Do you like the human faces on the deer?
3. Has Emiva ever had a mate other than Gastepher? (however you spell it)

-- Dannii <3
quadraptor's picture

It was close to the Mardi

It was close to the Mardi Gras Abio. Auriea was on testing the new sets (before any of us had them), so I hung out with her for a while. She went to the Playground and I followed, getting this picture of her:

I didn't realize I was too close to her when she tried to enchant herself with a spell, she accidentily enchanted it to me. Instead of seeing the new antlers, my antlers were removed.

Of course I went around and showed everyone, and all the does were jealous XD I eventually took a few screenshots and removed the spell, but I love telling that story Eye

quadraptor's picture

Double posted, sorry XD

Double posted, sorry XD

Emiva's picture

Haha, thats GREAT. I want

Haha, thats GREAT. I want non-antlers! *cries*


Deer700's picture

is it ok if i ask more? XD

is it ok if i ask more? XD I'm so bored.

1. can I take print screen of you when you're in the forest sometime, and color it at mspaint like I did with the screenie of Perp?
2. are you hungry?
3. what's your favorite program(s) at TV?
yow? e_e
Emiva's picture

YES. I love questions XD

YES. I love questions XD

Deer700's picture

Yaay! XD ------ Perplex: you

Yaay! XD
Perplex: you told me you were going to play much today,
but I only got two and a half hours left to be here. =(
I've been waiting for you all day.
Emiva's picture

*sweatdrop* I have been on

*sweatdrop* I have been on all day... but nobody I knew was on so I logged off. Mostly I was sitting under the tree by the pond... I can come on now though :3

...But you arent on. At least I cant find you. Oh, and incase we do meet, my connection is really slow for some odd reason. Do not make fun of emmy's handicap ^^
Snowrift's picture

i got some questions for you

i got some questions for you *puts on detective hat* lol

1. Whats your fav word
2. what do You think of Isis
3. Hwo old do you think i am?
fayne's picture

1. What does your deer think

1. What does your deer think of mine?
2. Why do you play TEF?
3. Where did you get the inspiration for your deer?
Understand us
Snowrift's picture

I AM so Almost 13!

I AM so Almost 13!
Deer700's picture

1. Wazzup? 2. What's the

1. Wazzup?
2. What's the clock?
3. What's your favorite hobby?
4. can you ask me again?
5. Would you think it's ok if I made a new blog with my questions? XD
perp + jadine = <3 I wont give up =)
Perplex' Bio.
Mio's Bio.