Moss needs to interact, guys.

He's so socially inept still...
His biography is here.
- Please use proper spelling and grammar. Spell-check DOES exist. I understand it's hard for non-english-speakers, but if you speak english, I want to see it done right.
- Please type at least 3 sentences. Small paragraphs are preferred, but I'm fine with a few lines if you don't wanna write that much.
- Give me effort.
- New interactions are preferable. I'd like for him to meet some new deer!
Birds echoed each other in the treetops in a magnificent song that played throughout the forest every day emanating from their beaks. Unseen ducks cackled nearby at the pond in competitive laughter as they rooted through the weeds for bugs and tender shoots before the frogs could get to them. Several small plops reached the stag's white ears as he witnessed a fawn chasing the little amphibians. He assumed they had scattered upon feeling the excited babe's hooves pounding the ground as she bucked and bounced. A chuckle escaped Moss' lips at the sight of it.
From where he sat, a bit inside the treeline, the Black and White could see the pond and the bridge both, along with the first half of the brook that led from the Crying Idol to fill the large pool at the end. Deer meandered the length of his vision, most coming to drink or cool themselves. Maybe some were there for the scenery like he was... no, they probably weren't. Moss was in this area of the forest to check on it. The Root System of the trees held the magic: the Heartbeat of the Forest. Moss seemed to be able to check on it. He made sure no synapses were broken. A steady tha-dump could be felt and heard if you concentrated hard enough. And nothing seemed out of place.
It was then that Moss could hear another, unsteady noise: Hoofbeats.
The forest was busy with
He only ate now to appease his companions, and that was several mouthfuls under Zash’s watchful gaze. When the stag had become his mother, Alabaster couldn’t pinpoint. He didn’t really care either way as it was. Zash he could tolerate to some extent. He was interesting, the way he prattled on about a land that had ultimately killed him in his former life, yet he obviously still had utmost respect for.
If only I could find a way to get to that land…. The thought startled him. His mismatched eyes widened, his muscles freezing for the briefest moment. Was it possible? Could he find a way to that land? He felt an excited chill run through him. But…the opposing part of his mind questioned now, would it solve my problems? That brought a halt to the idea.
His excitement drained from his heart, replaced almost as fast with stinging disappointment. Few could get there, he understood that, but what he didn’t know was what it would accomplish. He didn’t know what he would find. Was his mother out there? The power behind the necklace that kept him alive? His father? He wasn’t sure. The mere concept that his parents, every answer he ever sought, was sitting just out of his grasp sickened him.
Frustrated, the stag clawed his hoof through the earth, feeling grass and dirt alike being plowed through the split of his hoof. With a mad shake of his crown, the young hart trotted on, wanting to run, to gouge his antlers into the trunk of a tree, to demand answers from the Twins themselves. Anything that would give him satisfaction. As he traveled, he could hear the croaking of frogs, the sound of water lapping gently against a bank. The pond. A place that hated him just as much as he hated it. The stag sneered, beginning to turn away, only to pause when a scent hit him. Moss.
Alabaster stood frozen for several heart beats, uncertain as to what to do. He hated the pond, but Moss…Moss always managed to bring peace. Maybe…just maybe he had a solution to his dilemma. At least the hart wanted to believe it to be true. Choppily the white spotted stag started to follow the scent, trying his best to ignore the agony and lonesomeness that clouded his mind as he drew closer to the pond, the monster reaching out, breathing its cold breath on his fur, caressing his face with an icy tendril of a finger.
All Pathes Eventually Cross
Crunch. Crunch Crunch. One
One step after another, Faye moved through the forest creating small crunches beneath her feet on dead leaves. Ahead of her, she spotted an easily seen black and white shape. Moss.
A smile lit up her face as she bounded forward towards the male, tail high behind her.
"Hello, Moss! How are you on this fine, fine day?"
Faye tilted her head at him, keeping her crippled hind leg hidden from view. It embarrassed her, even in front of friends.
@Sicily ___________________
The stag could smell many things near the pond, mostly due to the moistness here being elevated. The sun dancing on the water caused the evaporation, creating a more dense and almost therapeutic air. Smiling, the stag caught the scent of succulent water plants, the dusty aroma of duck feathers, and the distinct odor of clean fish. The glittering water impeded his vision, and so he viewed the world through eyes that did not see... until those other senses called for his use of sight.
The Black and White's smile only broadened and warmed to greet his adopted. "Alabaster." The stag spoke with that gentle rumble, his voice like a powerful yet slow-moving river. The white-speckled stag was definitely growing braver, it seemed. This was very close for him to travel to the pond. It was unknown to Moss why the Speckled did not appreciate the water and the beach, only that he did not. And that that he did not was worth correcting, considering Alabaster may benefit from the therapies this place could provide to any deer... namely peace.
Moss' greeting was punctuated by a brief comforting nudge when Alabaster drew close enough for it, chasing away the chill of open air. To the Black and White, touch was an important way to express his emotions. It was no wonder why even strangers would come to snuggle up to him, if not for the comfort that seemed to exude from him. And Moss would only feel such a way to those that he felt he could, feeling only uncomfortable around those he deemed uncomfortable to be around. Now, the stag felt none of the latter. Alabaster was akin to being his child. There was no need for prickliness there.
Moss bounded in the same direction upon seeing Faye, reaching and greeting her with a characteristically warm nuzzle. "Faye! I should be asking you that. Last time I really saw you you had been a bit worse for wear."
The stag looked his friend up and down. "You do seem to have healed well, and that gives me much relief!" He would neglect to mention her mangled hind limb out of respect for the doe. She was quite the good friend, even before Moss was given the ability to speak. That would not change.
“Moss,” the stag replied, all
(Sorry for shortness)
All Pathes Eventually Cross
(No need to
The stag's tail flickered to ward off a dragonfly, but that did not stop another emerald one from alighting on his second right tine. Moss was always quite still when he was relaxed. "I have been living." His reply was definitely broad, but Moss did not know how to reply any other way. How have you been? was such a broad question. A broad answer was required. "Are you mending well?" The stag asked, not even realizing what he had revealed. The Black and White knew that Alabaster had been sick, having smelled it of course. Naturally a deer would understand when another is weak or sick from scent, as well as body composition and behavior. Moss noted his gaunt form and wondered if he had been eating, or just gotten over whatever was plaguing him.
The little green dragonfly crawled forward to the tip of his bleached tine to take off, a light slapping of quick wings could be heard as it buzzed away. White antlers never did provide enough of a sun-absorbing ability, leading to less warmth. The deep green of cattail fronds provided more, and the dark brown earth at the water's edge more still. Moss's black fur was too hot for the poor bugs, something he was quite glad for.
The stag turned his attention
"I'm as well as I'll ever be," he replied quietly, his gaze breaking from the dragonfly to look to the ground. It wasn't a complete lie, nor was it entirely the truth. He didn't want to worry Moss with his problems. He waited a few heartbeats before changing the subject, "Have you ever been outside of the forest, Moss?"
All Pathes Eventually Cross
(I'm going to give up on the
The stag nodded in reply to his answer, once and slowly. Good. His mind bloomed at the second bit of speech, reminding him of gently waving plants, bright sunlight and cold winter with ice above his head. Each memory flashed by in an eye's blink. "Yes I have been, although I was not human when I was." Would he find it boring or upsetting that all Moss had been outside of the forest was a lowly fish? A glance to the slowly swimming beauties among the lilies was all Moss needed to decide what to say next. "In fact, I was much like these Koi here." Only my water was not magic. He need not explain as much as he had, a simple affirmative answer would have sufficed for Alabaster, maybe. Moss stated what he had anyway, though.
Maybe his past life had been the secret to his soul. Maybe he had always been this way, no matter the reincarnations of his past. Moss did not contemplate on why he was what or whom he was, exactly. He only ever contemplated how he fit among the energies around him. If the energies were completely negative with no chance of hope, then Moss did not fit there. Right now, though, the stag thought that he may be able to fit.
The young stag nodded,
"I knew someone who went on a journey, and they left these lands for another place, the one that I think you came you know how to get there?" He nervously tore at the ground, realizing the question he had been wondering for the past several weeks was out. If Moss didn't know, then he wasn't sure what he was going to do. Orinoco had said her mate knew how to get out of the forest, and she did as well, but she never outright told him how...
The frogs seemed even louder, almost too loud to bear while he was waiting for his adopted father's response.
By the way, I love that he was once a koi fish! Koi are so sweet and makes me love him even more! I just want to hug him to death.
All Pathes Eventually Cross
It'd be difficult to kill him
The stag contemplated the question for a moment. He did not know if he should tell Alabaster the only way he knew how to leave. "The only way I know how to get out of this place is a way I do not want you to ever use..." The stag was stern yet gentle with his words. "... I am selfish for it, Alabaster, and for that I am sorry. Life outside... is not worth death here." Punctuated by a shake of his head, the Black and White let the words fall out of his mouth. "There may be other ways, but this is the only one I know. I came here by death and I will most likely leave by it many years from now, but that is how it should be. It is not wise to give up one life in pursuit of another. You may just regret your choice later." A knowing smile and a nod followed those words.
It was life above all else Moss cherished. Each life brought an energy to the world, and each death brought a loss felt by many. Even those unknown to the deceased knew when a loss in their corner of the world was felt, and some even had the misfortune of feeling it too. Moss did admit to the selfishness of not wanting his Adoptive Son dead. He also admitted to his own regret of dying as his former self as well. He could never go back to that ever-more-peaceful existence, he knew, and he worried for the Speckled. "Why would you want to leave, if I may ask?" Yes, curiosity got the best of him.
The doe nuzzled his neck
"Thank you for your genuine concern, Moss. Yes, it has healed quite well. I do hope you have been doing well. I have neglected seeing you for a while."
The doe frolicked around him gracefully, a playful leap in her step. Moss always seemed to put the doe in a wonderful mood. Over the past few weeks she had been putting up with her leg and now, it was as if it were never there. Leaping on 3 legs had become natural and she had put her grace into her new gait.
The stag allowed his words to
He didn't want to be here any longer. The forest, the trees, the familiarity of it smothered him. He tensed and relaxed his muscles. But when Moss questioned him about it, he wasn't sure how to respond. Why do you want to leave? How much could I tell you, Moss? He thought.
"There are things that I must seek the answers to. And I figure the only way I can do that is by getting away from here," his response was quiet, "out of the forest."
All Pathes Eventually Cross