It's Tasha, I'm back on TEF

I've been away, well mainly because I was convinced to delete TEF off my laptop quite a while ago to try and make room for the Sims 3... Silly mistake

Even after I'd deleted as much as I could it still wouldn't work. Methinks I need a new laptop, hopefully Christmas eh?
Well anyway, I've missed TEF, Quilha, and Nar quite a lot

But yeah, I'm on my little sisters yummy new laptop atm

It's some packard bell one, if that means anything to you, but it's Vista and I love it XDD Sooo, hopefully I'll be able to come to the Forest a lot more

Quilha needs her orangey/brown pelt back (sorry I've forgotten names of pelts D:) And Nar also needs a pelt, still deciding what his appearance/personality will be like atm though.
Enough of me ramblingg,

Hope everyone's okay. I'm loading TEF onto this laptop right nowww, hopefully see some of you soon!
Hey, welcome back! <3
Welcome back. 8D Did anyone
I never knew you before you
Welcome back!
Clickie clickie- the time's going ticky ticky!
cB Welcome back!
-- Dannii <3
What's wrong?
Meet Quilha | Meet Nar | Meet Natasha
Meet Quilha | Meet Nar | Meet Byrd