60 of Velocity's demons have been slain.
The dandelion had been clawed at 96 times out of a possible 100.
Thank you everyone who participated, and if you would like to still get involved if you couldn't be there in forest, see the end of this blog. There's no deadline if you want to write/draw/do anything involving your character fighting a creature.
Thank you Munkel, Vee and Hraeth for helping me play the bad guys! Also thank you to M&A who provided the weather. I'm sure without the fog it would have been a lot less dramatic!
takeshi was in briefly for
have fun everyone, keep dag safe.
Meant to also say that I'm
Good luck, everyone. Oh my god, please don't let the little maggots win. /tears hair out
Isa again in slot 4. This
Chicane and I participated in
Zach is in for the final slot
He will do his very best, darnit! xD
Participated in the final
Eph's participating in the
Mitsuko is a fawn yet holds
Small yet powerful, Mitsuko shall tear those monsters in half.
Kari was in the last slot~.
-roots for everyone- ;n;
Poplar is participating in
Participating with
Talk about chaos! Was turning the camera so much I was getting dizzy. 8'D
Chaos indeed, I had no idea
Illrose is participating
Those demons don't stand a
Bade participated. Laaaaaag.
Laaaaaag. |C
Good! Run, ye filthy demons,
--[e] Just two demons left!! And 5 hits.. ;; oh snap
Anjali and I are there.
Laptop is being spastic, apologies for any erratic behavior.
Sorrel came back for the last
Damn school
My computer... it's so slow
Participated in last slot.
made by foxofthestars!
WHA- there's no way. You're
You're cruel, Dag. ;;
*pulls hair out*
10 more?
I'm sorry, I cannot participate, my computer is way too slow!
oshi-- DAG! OnO
I tried to take part earlier
r was here for the final.
This has been an absolutely
I believe my Phobos is in
Apparanza participated in the
By Leuvr ♥
Herla participated in slots
(No subject)
Event over! And guess what,
I was very impressed by how coordinated everyone was in what they had to do. This has been one of my most fun events I think, so thank you all for making is a successful one with - I think - no drama as a result!
Now go to bed <3
Thank you for an amazing
And everyone who took part, too! It was brilliant! =)
Gehirn is back in the fourth
So really, first, second and last.
THIS WAS FUN. <33 XD It was really interesting to see what roles everyone took on themselves.
was back in time for the last
This was lots of fun- can't wait to see what you come up with drawing and writing wise
Thank you so much for
Wonderful job everyone! I am
Wheee. That was a blast, Dag.
Bade was in all four time slots~.
My God I should have tracked
stalkingfollowing it for a few days <3 This event was exciting ♥Woo we did it! CHEESE FOR
made by foxofthestars!
This was such fun! Thank you
Ciel was there in the second
Forgot to mention that my
That was amazing! ; A ; You
You guys are epic.
Aww yesss! Eph was in first,
Lem took part in the last