IC: 1

Lannora's picture
Today is officially my second day in the forest. Everything still feels all new—I just love my velvety-soft fawn pelt. I can't wait until I grow up and those flashy pelts I see the stags running around in finally stick. Flowers for antlers will have to do for now.

It's raining today, which is a nice change from the snow of two days ago. I love snow, but the tall purple flowers that have sprouted around the forest are just to magical. They're so unique I can't help but ponder their greater importance than to entertain the birds. Not to mention all the fairy rings! I just love mushrooms, don't you?

*yawn* I'm tired. Running around in the forest all day can be tiring for a fawn. I think I'm going to go take shelter under that big tree in the middle of the woods and take a nap.

Welcome to the forest!

Welcome to the forest! Smiling
Pegasicorn's picture

Welcome, young fawn.

Welcome, young fawn. =D

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
lemon's picture

Welcome to the forest! I

Welcome to the forest! I was running around with you, just a few minutes ago! I was the other fawn with pink flowers on her head.

Lemon had fun being your "twin"! xD

Avatar by Kohva!

Shiori's picture

Welcome ^^

Welcome ^^

Emiva's picture

Welcome, and enjoy your stay

Welcome, and enjoy your stay at the foreest cB
-hands Tshirt and visor-

Lannora's picture

Yes, I remember you! I think

Yes, I remember you! I think I even got a picture of us together *giggle* I was fun; I hope to see you around again ^_^

Seed's picture

welcome aboard! --- Nelle

welcome aboard!

Nelle Rovine
Kinsmate's picture

-reply from other comment-

-reply from other comment-

hey u too. and thx ill up date it when i can but right now im just learning about the game. and maybe well see each other again.