I'm a zombie! (Sketch requests?) CLOSED & FINISHED

Halafax's picture
Oh hai, just returning from the dead for a little bit. Just wanted to see if anyone wanted a sketch of their character? I can't guarantee anything fancy I just wanted to doodle someone else's characters. c:

Since it is finals week, I'm only going to take two requests because I don't like making people wait.

Okay so.... go!

1. OM http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee126/doublespeakchat/TEF/OM-1.png
2. Nekumbra http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee126/doublespeakchat/TEF/Nekumbra2.png

All done!

OM for a friend? Extra ref

OM for a friend?
Extra ref
quadraptor's picture

Nekumbra please? Anything

Nekumbra please? Anything you'd like to do is great, feel free to experiment with her.

lol ninja'd i'm interested

lol ninja'd i'm interested how these will come out though ^-^
ickydog's picture

I would love Fae

eyestrain's picture

Nice to see you.

Nice to see you.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
Kaoori's picture

OHAI nice to see you again.

OHAI nice to see you again. Where did your partner in crime asbjorn go again? ;_;
Halafax's picture

OM and Nekumbra it is!

OM and Nekumbra it is! *scurries to start drawing*

equinox - I'll open up requests or trades again at some point this summer c:

eyestrain - Nice to see you as well! ♥

Kaoori - Asbjorn's computer that had the forest crashed. And the new computer is giving her problems when she tries to download it. :c
Halafax's picture

BUMPBUMPBUMP All finished.


All finished.
quadraptor's picture

Oh my GOD these are amazing!

Oh my GOD these are amazing! You captured Nek perfectly! I had nearly forgotten about this so it was a surprise!

Thank you!! *nuzzlespams*
Halafax's picture

Yay! Glad you like it Quad!

Yay! Glad you like it Quad! ♥

eeEEEE~ (I requested OM,


(I requested OM, just on a side account rofl)

she's going to love iitt, thank you so much Halafax<3333333
Serenai's picture

-Breaks any illusion of

-Breaks any illusion of secrecy she had going for her.-

Oh my gosh, I (OM) look awesome.

I am a whore for neck-fluff and consequently am quite pleased by it. Also, those hooves, auhgrhthj those hooves. I adore my face and particularly the angles of my ears, and your use of simple line to express anatomy is wonderful.

In fact, your anatomy in and of itself is wonderful. Those angles, those curves, the directionality of the fur...

And, what I am absolutely most impressed with:
Of all the kindly fanart that has been done of me, only you have drawn my antlers the way I see them. Not only that, but you also seem to have noted that my neck and legs are disproportionately long by nature (although I must admit in my artwork it is much more exaggerated; you made it flow absolutely wonderfully).

Ah, I love wonderful. Thank you so very much. ♥
Icon Art © Beloved
Kaoori's picture

these are gorgeous! But OMG

these are gorgeous!
But OMG the spider legs... freak me out ;___;
Halafax's picture

Tassle/Matthieu/Van - You

Tassle/Matthieu/Van - You are quite welcome! ♥

Serenai - Your secret is safe with me. Your words are too kind! I really enjoyed drawing you/OM and without sounding too conceited, I like how the hooves came out as well. c:

Kaoori - Thanks! The legs were quite the challenge because I had to look at close-ups of spiders for references. You never really know quite how much you don't like spiders until you do that. XD
Kaoori's picture

I can imagine. I'm terrified

I can imagine. I'm terrified of spiders. >_<
quadraptor's picture

Is it ironic that I'm

Is it ironic that I'm semi-afraid of spiders despite Nekumbra being my character?

I'm okay with them if they're on the ground, but not when they're above my head. I won't even go near a spider web in the air.
Kaoori's picture

Maybe having a spider

Maybe having a spider character is a way of dealing with your phobia? XDD
Serenai's picture

Oh, you certainly don't sound

Oh, you certainly don't sound conceited whatsoever. I'm glad that my self-representation was enjoyable in any sense. -u- Again, thank you so very much. ♥
Icon Art © Beloved