i would paint your lines and sketchings

if you did lines of your deer, i would love to color it for practice.
even sketching lines and missing the details is acceptable - i rarely use clean lines for myself Smiling
Evern's picture

It's not exactly a deer but,

It's not exactly a deer but, I have this (slightly dark sketch) lying around. (:

hadoukin's picture


http://sta.sh/01q31yvefci6 feel free to use this!
0baf0's picture

There is some free "generic

There is some free "generic (meaning it's not depicting a specific character)" lineart you can use for your practice as well if you wish.
By TreeDancer and SoliloquyChryseis for example but I'm sure you'll find more... Smiling
Icon - ahimsa.Signature - Qanat. ♥

Evern Im sure its not your

Im sure its not your intended vision , but actually I enjoyed it so much Smiling
Your style is wonderful - i cant draw like that at all. so i appreciate you accomodating me even more.
Please use or work it as you want, naturally you have full license.


http://orig09.deviantart.net/2bda/f/2015/246/1/d/25_by_krovtymah-d987i51.png maybe? ouo I mean it's not a deer ahaha. You can do whatever you feel with it, though

beautiful lines and

beautiful lines and proportion! calming to paint on
Evern's picture

Your rendition is beautiful,

Your rendition is beautiful, I couldn't have done anything with that sketch. Thank you very much for complimenting my work, but it's yours that completes it!

Got one for you. Grey eyes,

Got one for you. Grey eyes, the rest is game.


Smiling fun

As had I. Neat. Not everyone

As had I.
Neat. Not everyone can maintain the expression in painting while keeping light in check. Much less enhance it like you have.