I never find myself...
July 13, 2010 - 3:31am — Bastilion
...in anything less than high spirits when in the presence of Amary. It is as though there is no need to worry about being proper.
I even "greeted" her in the form of a pelt spell.
Soon, the two of us were spelling each other like young ones, and generally being silly with the three she had previously been spending time with.
One of which I learned was a stag with soul of a bird. This was certainly interesting to hear of. Never before had there been a deer as such, or not to my knowledge at least. I have not been here as long as some others after all.
Our fun continued, consisting of more spell-casting on each other. One point of which I appeared...quite silly. I would not have tolerated this as much had it been anyone else to do so. ...though maybe I would let Triston get away with it, if I were in a good mood.
Many of the spells were given to the resident "bird-deer", who merely continued sitting for the moment. I wonder if he enjoyed our company...
During our little excursion with the spells, Amary gained her own silly look. Soon, we decided to regain our normal looks, sneezing off the cast spells.
The end result was Amary losing her mask.
I...did not find myself minding this.
And I certainly will not say that aloud.
I can only call the continued events "antics", for we were all acting quite silly. Oddly face-making, spinning in circles... Even sitting on the back of the sitting "bird-deer"!
Soon enough, Amary began acting...distracted, listening for something before running off. She returned shortly after, asking me to follow, and soon I found myself greeting Kaoori and another doe, she of white fur, by the name of Noelle.
The two of us sat with them for awhile, before, again, Amary was listening for something and taking off in its direction.
Curious, I started in the direction she had gone, only to nearly run into her as she had been heading back. We acted quite silly for awhile, pretending the other was a tree and rubbing against them as such, to "hugging" the trees themselves.
We were off again in a moment, presumably to where Amary had run off to before, only to find two little white deer copying each other.
They were in fact exact doubles of a single deer!
I did not know what to make of this, but Amary was quite amused.
I do not know what else to write of at the moment, so I shall end this here.
I remain,

It would seem Amary has left as I was writing this. I also don the same pelt as earlier. ...Would this be considered some sort of sign?
If so, it is an odd one.
And it only took an ancient
My deer are dense sometimes. |D
I love his diaries... And his
^ this.
Took me a few moments to
She couldn't resist casting a
I wonder what it would be a sign of. That Bast should wear the fan pelt? X3
Oh man, this made me laugh. XD Yeah, the reason she ran off the second time was to greet Nine, only to find there were two of him! Although at that time, they were doing a "two-headed deer" dance. So after watching for a bit, she started heading back to Bastilion, only to find him already nearby. X3
It took me a second to realize the "bird-deer" was Ripley, too. X3
Amary doesn't understand why Bast feels the need to be "proper," although that is one of the things she finds endearing about him.
@Seed & Kaoori: |D He's just
@Quad: That just seemed like a fitting nickname for Ripley's deer since Bast doesn't know his name.
@Paz: Who knows? XD I like his pelt too much to change it though. The face looks better on the brown pelt than it does the fan.
After having proper manner so forcefully pushed upon him, it's become a forsive habit that he can't get out of. I don't know if he ever will either.
Oh, I know. Amary doesn't.
She probably wouldn't
I wouldn't say she doesn't
Awe, Bast.
Just admit it already. |D
(No subject)
He'll probably never explain
Pfft curious random question,
Wait, let me guess. He'd tilt his head XD
Actually! He'd start to